




网 络The Best;The very best;beyond compare


1. "I've found the most wonderful house to buy!" she enthused. “我已经找到想买的最棒的房子啦!”她兴奋地说。

2. It was going to be a party to end all parties. 这将成为最棒的聚会。

3. That's the best movie I've ever seen! 那是我看过的最棒的电影!


4. The eighth at Banff is one of the world's great golf holes. 班夫的第8高尔夫球洞是世界上最棒的高尔夫球洞之一.

5. "I'm not sure I've ever driven a better lap," crowed a delighted Irvine. “我想这也许是我开得最棒的一圈,”欧文高兴地欢呼道。

6. The best sequence in the film occurs when Roth stops at a house he used to live in. 电影中最棒的一组镜头出现于罗思在他曾住过的一幢屋子前驻足时。

7. When you watch him in training, you realise that this lad is the business. 当你观看他训练时,你就会意识到这个小伙子是最棒的。

8. This is the best thing you'veever done – I am so happy for you! 这是你做得最棒的一件事——我为你感到高兴!

9. Our toy company makes the most wonderful toys for kids. 我们玩具公司为小孩子们制造最棒的玩具.

10. Losing our best player was a handicap to the team. 失去最棒的运动员对我队不利.

11. That club has the best go - go dancers in the city. 那个俱乐部有全市最棒的舞者.

12. The greatest feeling is when the spray hits your face as you roll down theriver. 当你在水里翻动,水花飞溅在你的脸上的感觉是最棒的.

13. I've had a lot of pictures taken of me, but these were the best, by far. 我过去照过好些相.可这几张是最棒的, 比以前所有的都好得多.

14. " He says that's the best part. Do you think you can do it? " “ 他说这个角色是最棒的,你看你能演 吗 ? ”

15. The weather in Budapest is among the best in Europe, with marvelousspring and fall seasons. 布达佩斯拥有全欧洲最棒的气候, 春天和秋天尤佳.

16. Oh , the best basketball player? 哦! 是那位最棒的篮球高手 吧 ?

17. Hearing from sobbers is the best part of the job. 接受那些哭诉者的批评是这份工作最棒的地方.

18. Mom, Dad, this is the coolest present ever! 爸爸, 妈妈, 这是我收到的最棒的礼物!

19. You'll hire the very best outside counsel and the very best P. R. firm? 你会请最好的法律顾问还有最棒的公共关系公司 吧 ?

20. And that weirdo assistant of yours just made me the coolest dad in the world. 你古怪的助手使我成为了世界上最棒的爸爸!

21. I know it's a little belated, but we got you the perfect wedding present! 我知道这有点迟, 但是我们给你准备了最棒的结婚礼物!

22. See the best in others and you will be your best. 你在别人身上看到最棒的部份,也将成为你最棒的样子.

23. The MBA is a money - making scam and all thesepeople fall for it. MBA教育本身就是骗钱的轨迹,最棒的生意人,根本不学那玩艺.

24. He boast of being the best football - player in the school. 他夸耀自己是学校里最棒的足球运动员.

25. That is no doubt that I am the best one. 毫无疑问我是最棒的一个.

