

寓言故事脍炙人口,它集知识性与趣味性于一体 ,下面这些是小编为大家推荐的几篇英文寓言故事主要内容。

英文寓言故事主要内容1:The Wolf,the Fox and the Ape

A wolf charged a Fox with theft, which he denied, and the case was brought before an ape to be tried. When he had heard the evidence on both sides, the ape gave judgment as follows::I do not think," he said, "that you, O wolf, over lost what you claim; but all the same I believe that you, fox are guilty of the theft, in spite of all your denials."

The dishonest get no credit, even if they act honestly.

英文寓言故事主要内容2:The travellers and the plane-tree

Two Travellers were walking along a bare and dusty road in the heat of a summer's day. Coming presently to a Plane-tree, they joyfully turned aside to shelter from the burning rays of the sun in the keep shade of its spreading branches.

As they rested, looking up into the tree, one of them remarked to his companion, "What a useless tree the Plane is! It bears no fruit and is of no service to man at all."

The Plane-tree interrupted him with indignation. "You ungrateful creature!" it cried: "you come and take shelter under me from the scorching sun, and then, in the very act of enjoying the cool shade of my foliage, you abuse me and call me good for nothing!"

Many a service is met with ingratitude.

英文寓言故事主要内容3:The Eagle,The Jackdaw and The Shepherd

If you attempt what is beyond your power, your trouble will be wasted and you court not only misfortune but ridicule.

One day a Jackdaw(寒鸦,穴鸟) saw an Eagle swoop down on a lamb and carry it off in itstalons(爪). "My word, "said the Jackdaw, "I'll do that myself."

So it flew high up into the air, and then came shooting down with a great whirring of wings on to the back of a big ram.

It had no sooner alighted than its claws got caught fast in the wool, and nothing it could do was of any use: there it stuck, flapping away, and only making things worse instead of better.

By and by up came the Shepherd. "Oho, " he said, "so that's what you'd be doing, is it?" And he took the Jackdaw, and clipped its wings and carried it home to his children. It looked so odd that they didn't know what to make of it. "

What sort of bird is it, father?" they asked. "It's a Jackdaw, " he replied, "and nothing but a Jackdaw: but it wants to be taken for an Eagle."

