


小学水平的英语故事:The Goat and The Vine

A goat was straying in a vineyard, and began to browse on the tender shoots of a vine which bore several fine bunches of grapes.

"What have I done to you," said the vine, "that you should harm me thus? Isn't there grass enough for you to feed on? All the same, even if you eat up every leaf I have, and leave me quite bare, I shall produce wine enough to pour over you when you are led to the altar(祭坛,圣坛)to be sacrificed."

小学水平的英语故事:The Hound and the Hare

A young hound started a hare, and, when he caught her up, would at one moment snap at her with his teeth as though he were about to kill her, while at another he would let go his hold and frisk(蹦跳) about her, as if he were playing with another dog. At last the Hare said, "I wish you would show yourself in your true colours! If you are my friend, why do you bite me? If you are my enemy, why do you play with me?" He is no friend who plays double.

小学水平的英语故事:The Lark and the Farmer

A lark nested in a field of corn, and was rearing her brood(一窝) under cover of theripening grain.

One day, before the young were fully fledged(羽翼丰满), the farmer came to look at the crop, and, finding it yellowing fast, he said, "I must send round word to my neighbours to come and help me reap this field." One of the young Larks overheard him, and was very much frightened, and asked her mother whether they hadn't better move house at once. "There's no hurry," replied she; "a man who looks to his friends for help will take his time about a thing."

In a few days the out of the ears upon the ground. "I must put it off no longer,' he said; "This very day I'll hire the men and set them to work at once." The lark heard him and said to her young, "Come, my children, we must be off: he talks no more of his friends now, but is going to take things in hand himself."

Self-help is the best help.

小学水平的英语故事:The soldier and his horse

A soldier gave his horse a plentiful supply of oats(燕麦) in time of war, and tended him with the utmost care, for he wished him to be strong to endure the hardships of the field, and swift to bear his master, when need arose, out of the reach of danger. But when the war was over he employed him on all sorts of drudgery(苦工), bestowing(使用,授予) but little attention upon him, and giving him, moreover, nothing but chaff to eat.

The time came when war broke out again, and the soldier saddled and bridled his horse, and, having put on his heavy coat of mail, mounted him to ride off and take the field. But the poor half-starved beast sank down under his weight, and said to his rider, "You will have to go into battle on foot this time. Thanks to hard work and bad food, you have turned me from a horse into an ass, and you cannot in a moment turn me back again into a horse."

小学水平的英语故事:The Tunny-Fish and the Dolphin

A tunny-fish was chased by a dolphin and splashed through the water at a great rate, but the dolphin gradually gained upon him, and was just about to seize him when the force of his flight carried the tunny on to sandbank. In the heat of the chase the dolphin followed him, and there they both lay out of the water, gasping for dear life. When the tunny saw that his enemy wasdoomed like himself, he said, "I don't mind having to die now: for I see that he who is the cause of my death is about to share the same fate."

小学水平的英语故事:The Wolf,the Fox and the Ape

A wolf charged a Fox with theft, which he denied, and the case was brought before an ape to be tried. When he had heard the evidence on both sides, the ape gave judgment as follows::I do not think," he said, "that you, O wolf, over lost what you claim; but all the same I believe that you, fox are guilty of the theft, in spite of all your denials."

The dishonest get no credit, even if they act honestly.

