



R: Alright, tell me what you think.

J: Don't you think it's a bit bright?

R: Yeah, maybe you're right. How about this outfit?

J: The dress looks lovely on you, but it's not very practical, is it?

R: No, I don't have any plans to go to a formal dance any time soon, but I love the way it looks. I just had to try it on! What do yo think about this? It's casual, yet sophisticated.

J: I like the jeans, but you need something to go with the top, It's too plain on its own.

R: How about this scarf, these earrings, and an anklet?

J: That might be going overboard a bit. How about just that scarf with a bracelet?

R: That's a good idea. You have a lot of good fashion sense.

J: Thanks. You'd be ok on you own. There are loads of fashion victims out there, and you are not one of them. Have you tried it on yet?

R: Yep. Here it is. What do you think?

J: That looks great. Just one more thing- you need some high heels with those jeans. Do you want a pair with a plain pattern or ones with a leopard print on them?

R: The leopard print sounds fabulous. Are they a name brand?

J: No, they're a Prada knock-off for 1/10 of the price of the real thing.

R: That's even better than the real thing.

J: If I were you, I'd buy that now while it's on sale. If you spend more than $100, you get a $50 voucher for more clothes.

R: It's too bad I did all that shopping yesterday!


J: Can you help me pick out some fabric for a suit? I'm going to get one made for a friend's wedding.

R: Sure. What kind of material do you want the suit to be made from?

J: It depends on the price, but I was thinking of getting a wool/cashmere blend.

R: That will probably be quite expensive, but the more you pay for the fabric, the longer it'll last and the better it'll look, What colour do you want the suit to be?

J: I was thinking of a brown pin-striped suit.

R: Brown, huh? Isn't that a bit dull?

J: Haven't you heard? Brown is the new black.

R: Why don't you just get black? Black suits are always fashionable and can be worn for anything- a funeral, a wedding, a job interview- anything!

J: That may be true, but black is so boring. Anyway, I already have three black suits. I might as well get a suit that stands out from the rest.

R: Here are two different shades of brown. Which one do you prefer?

J: I like the one on the left, but I don't like the pattern on it. It's too much. I want a pattern that's a bit subtler.

R: How about this one?

J: I think that will do. Let's go talk to the tailor about getting it made.

R: OK, let's go.


A: It's such a nice day outside. Let's take a walk into town and do some window-shopping.

C: You know I hate shopping more than aything else in this world.

A: I know. But we could get some exercise in, and we could get some errands run, too. Windous-shopping won't cost you anything?

C: What kind of errands do we need to run?

A: Well, we could go to the newsagent's to pick up the Sunday paper, go to the butcher's to pick up a Chicken for a roast dinner, and to the chemist's to pick up your prescription from the doctor.

C: I'll only go if we can stop at the off-license to pick up something to drink for tonight.

A: Fine, we'll do that on the way home, so we don't have to carry it the whole time.

C: Sounds good. You have to promise not to go into any of the stores in the mall though. I know how you like to try things on in the fitting rooms, especially if the stores have special offers.

A: I promise. We're only going for a walk to get some exercise and to get some things done that we haven't had time for.

C: OK, let's go then.

A: Do you have any money?

C: For what?

A: For our errands, and maybe a little extra for something from a vendor on the street.

C: You said you were only going to windos shop!

A: I agreed to not go into the mall, but I still look at things in the market!

C: I should have known...


C: What do you think about this store? I heard it's a posh store that's only got branches in big cities.

A: I love this store! The only problem is that it's extremely expensive.

C: Don't worry. I've decided that for your birthday I'm going to take you shopping for a new dress.

A: Really? I thought you hated shopping?

C: I do, that's why you should appreciate this gift!

A: Sure. That's really nice of you. Let's go in and try some things on.

C: How about this red dress? I think it would really suit you.

A: That's gorgeous! Do they have it in a size 8?

C: Here you go. On my other day, it would cost me a fortune, but it's on special offer today.

A: I think this colour isn't quite right for me. Do they have the same dress in white?

C: Let me look. Let's see... they've got one in blue, green, pink, black... and white. Here you are.

A: This is perfect! What do you think?

C: I think you look fantastic. Happy Birthday!

A: I'm so lucky. You only get a chance like this once in a blue moon! Thanks honey!












