Enriching ice cream with tiny amounts of pomegranate offers a way of making the dessert healthier, since pomegranate peel is rich in antioxidants, while its seeds contain a special fatty acid, according to a recent study.
In a study at Erciyes University in Turkey, pomegranate peel and oil from the seeds were added to regular ice cream at very low levels – less than 1 per cent of the total weight.
This was enough to significantly improve the antioxidant content of the ice cream without affecting taste or texture, the researchers concluded.

文中的pomegranate就是“石榴”的意思,是一种多汁的(juicy)浆果。中国传统文化视石榴为吉祥物(mascot),视它为多子多福的象征,如:The pomegranate is associated with fertility and prosperity.(石榴使人联想起富饶和繁荣。)