



Todd: Trevor, do you have a dog?

Trevor, 你养狗吗?

Trevor: Yeah, I do have a dog.


Todd: What kind of dog?


Trevor: My dogs a boxer.


Todd: A boxer. What does a boxer look like?


Trevor: A boxer is medium size. She's got short hair and a very short stubby nose. And no tail.


Todd: No, tail. Nice. Which do you prefer dogs or cats?


Trevor: I'm a dog person. I like dogs.


Todd: OK. Why?


Trevor: Dogs are a man's best friend and they are always loyal.


Todd: OK. What do you mean loyal? What does loyalty mean?


Trevor: Oh, they'll stay with you, even through the hard times.


Todd: OK. Which breed or kind of dog do you like besides boxers?


Trevor: I like labrodors and I like, uh, small terriers.


Todd: Small terriers


Trevor: Small terriers. A Jack Russell small terrier.


Todd: What color is a terrier?


Trevor: Black and white.


Todd: Black and white. All right! --- What are some costs associated with keeping a dog?


Trevor: Pretty cheap really. You got some vet costs if they get sick and they got to have needles, but food. That's about it really.


Todd: OK. Great. All right. Thanks a lot Trevor


Trevor: See you later!



Todd: Hello, Matt!

Matt: Hello, Todd!

Todd: Matt, I'm going to ask you some questions about pet. (OK!) First question, do you have a pet?

Matt: Yes, in fact, my mom's house we have three, three pets; two dogs and a cat. My family actually raises dogs for helping blind people.

Todd: Oh, really!

Matt: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Todd: Wow, like how do they train the dogs?

Matt: How do they train the dogs? Well, I mean, it's a long process, right...we get them when they're puppies.....and so we train them basic...you know, sit, come... really basic things...then, after they're about two year old, they go a different training school.

Todd: Oh, wow , that's great!

Matt: Yeah, yeah!

Todd: Well, how many dogs do they train at a time?

Matt: Oh, just one! We have our own dog, and then we have a dog that we have that we are training.

Todd: Oh, OK.

Matt: Yeah, just one dog at a time.

Todd: Do you ever see the dogs you trained, like out on the street, or anything?

Matt: Sometimes we'll see them, they'll have like sort of conventions of reunions of the pets so, yeah, you get to see them once in awhile.

Todd: Oh, wow, that's cool. Um, why do people keep pets?

Matt: I guess the most important thing is companionship, right! So there is always somebody there for you that will like you no matter what.

Todd: Yeah, that's true. OK, besides cats, dogs, and fish, what are some other pets people keep?

Matt: Well, I guess if you are Sigfreid and Roy you can keep a tiger or lion. I guess all types of things don't they.

Todd: Yeah.

Matt: I mean, my friend has a snake....I don't know if you mention that: snake and ferrets and insects, spiders...

Todd: OK.

Matt: All kinds of things.

Todd: All right, yeah, like there is so many. What are some costs associated with keeping a pet?

Matt: Food is probably the biggest cost, but also if you keep the dog, particularly a dog in your house, when they are puppies, and we have a lot of puppies they'll chew up everything they can so we're constantly replacing shoes and, you know, cleaning up pee from the carpet and things like that..so.. it can be a hassle.

Todd: Yeah, OK. Thanks a lot, and by the way, where are you from?

Matt: I'm from the U.S.A., from Minnesota.


A: your dog is so much fun. He’s so playful. I wish our cat enjoyed being around people as much as your dog does.

B: cats are well know for being more independent than dogs. How old is your cat now? you’ve had her longer than we’ve had our dog.

A: she’s eight years old. She’s getting quite old. Your dog’s six, isn’t he?

B: yes. He’s so energetic. We take him out to the park every morning and evening. I think he’d be happy to stay there all day!

A: I’m sure he would. We usually have to drag him home.

B: your cat spends most of the day outdoors’, right? Do you kwno where she goes?

A: she spends less time outdoors and she used to . we have no idea where she goes. She’s very secretive. Occasionally, she brings back a dead mouse.

B: have you ever thought about having another pet?

A: the kids want a rabbit. I don’t think it would be a good idea to get a mouse or a fish! That might be too tempting for our cat!

