



Mark: Hey, Mike, what age do you have to be in Canada to drive?


Mike: Well, it used to be 16, but it recently got pushed up to 18, now again each province controls its driving and the age limits, but in my province in Ontario the age limit went from 16 to 18.


Mark: And how did you feel about that? Do you think that's a good thing that you have to be 18 instead of 16?


Mike: Yeah, I tend, I think, I think it should be 18 or even 20 before you're allowed to drive.


Mark: Really! What do you think about someone who is 17, and so they've been driving for one year and then the law changes and becomes 18 as the minimum age, do you think that person who has been driving should lose their license for one more year?


Mike: Well, no, and I think generally, well, that happened in Ontario, of course that situation would have arisen. What happens then is generally laws are made so that the people who have been driving are then put into a system where they can still drive but they're under a probation system until 18, which is still the case, but


Mark: I see. So why do you think you should wait until you are 18 or 20 to be able to drive?


Mike: Maturity.


Mark: You don't think at 16 you're mature enough?


Mike: No. No. Because I think at 18 you're more adult, you're more responsible, just like you're not tried in the legal system as an adult until you are 18 years old. I think that it should be the same for driving because I don't think you're fully mature.


Mark: Yeah, I don't know if I agree because I feel like, I drove when I was 16.


Mike: So did I.


Mark: Yeah, and I felt mature enough. In fact, I know my father, when he was young, he actually began driving at about 12. When he was about 12 years old, he lived in the countryside and it was OK for him to drive at 12.


Mike: Well, and I can understand that because way back when there was a lot less traffic and there was a lot less, there was a lot less people on the road. I think that today, because of that, because traffic was a lot a worse, its a better idea to have, you know, to make sure the drivers is prepared and mature and understands that, what to do in case something goes wrong.


Mark: OK, fair enough, but how do you know that, that someone at 18, who has never driven is any more prepared than someone who's 16?


Mike: Well, you don't, but generally if somebody's older and more mature then they're gonna be a little bit wiser. I mean, I think, you know. They're just gonna make better decisions. I think so. That's just my opinion, but.


Mark: OK. Sounds good.



Mark: Hey, Mike. Here's a question. Do you think teenagers these days, have a better life than say we did when we were teenagers?


Mike: Well, it's, that's a debate that's been going on since the days of Socrates and Plato, I think, but again, and probably like Socrates had said himself, "You know kids today are a lot different than they were when we were younger", that's for sure. Whether it's better or not, I personally think we had it better because we weren't stuck behind a computer or behind a TV set all day. I think we tended to do things more outside, but I think whether you're a teenager now or then, probably the same kind of issues went on in your head.


Mark: Yeah, that's the way I feel about it, actually.


Mike: Think so.


Mark: Well, these kind of, these kind of debates or these kid of issues, I feel like there is no better or worse, it's just different, you know.


Mike: How do you think it's different?


Mark: Well, in obvious ways, like the technology now. Like I can remember the first, my first microwave and my family's first VCR, and those were, you know, pretty exciting moments, yeah,absolutely.


Mike: How's about going to the library to have to get research.


Mark: Yeah! That's interesting, but people don't do that much anymore and I don't even realize that, but yeah the technology is definitely better now, but it's more addictive. I mean kids don't play outside. They just play video games all day and you know, I wasn't allowed to stay inside so much when I was a kid.


Mike: Same here. Same here. I was sort of forced to go outside, but also, although, I guess you could make an argument and say the kids do kind of play with each other when they get on those, the internet gaming sites, and there's a whole group of them from Morocco to Mexico to Canada to the States, all playing online, of course, they never see each other but they're all trying to kill each other.





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