March 2nd
1. On March 2 , 1918, a separate peace between Russia and Germany was signed at Brest - Litovsk.
1918年3月2日, 俄国与德国在布列斯特一立托夫斯克单独签订了和约.
2. March 2, 1933, Japan Sanriku tsunami waters and the waves 29 meters.
1933年3月2日, 日本三陆海域发生海啸,浪高29米.
3. Can you prove where you were on March 2 nd?
你能证明你3月2日在什么地方 吗 ?
4. Elizabeth was crowned in Westminster Abbey on 2 June 1953.
5. On 2 April 1916 air - raid warnings sounded throughout Edinburgh.
6. As if to prove the legitimacy of these fears, the Cabinet of Franz von Papen collapsed on December 2.
7. I began onsite studies on April 2.
8. Hankow Native City after Burning on Nov. 2 nd, 1911.
1911年11月2日, 汉口老城区战火中的废墟.
9. The first autochthonous case was identified on Jan 2 nd.
10. Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev died on February 2 at the age of 73.
11. Date: March 29,2009 ( 3 rd of of the third month by lunar calendar ).
时间: 2009年3月29日 ( 农历三月初三 ).
12. On December 2, he smashed the Austrain and Russian armies at Austerlitz.
12月2日, 他在奥斯特利茨击溃了奥国和俄国的军队.
13. New Controls: ( joystick or keys 4 6 8 2 5 )
新的管制措施: ( 操纵杆或按键4685月2日 )
14. On September 2 nd Mr Miliband confirmed that this had been the message.
15. Neptune will turn forward on November 2. That all very good news.
现在它将从11月2日开始前进, 这是个好消息.