



Christmas-Home-In the United States


Christmas is considered a major holiday in the United States.Shopping malls have big sales,every-body gets happier,and everywhere shows red and green.As early as one month before December 25th,houses in the residential areas would be dressed up with flashing lights,ornaments,and sculptures.Normally lifeless downtown streets would be illuminated by trees featuring dazzling lights,and skyscrapers would join in with decorations hanging down from top to bottom.


Stores aim at this"shopping season"for large sales as everyone is pruchasing gifts for everyone else.Santa Claus and reindeers come out to attract customers and perform at special events as entertainers.


The Christmas spirit permeates throughout the country.Starting three or four days before Christmas,employees go home on their vacation,and students begin their winter break.All the major transportation systems like trains,buses,and airplanes are all full of people returing to their families.After two weeks,people return to work feeling refreshed to go about their regular activities.




With just a few days to go until Christmas many of us are beginning to wind down at work, using a quieter period to catch up on admin, perhaps. But of course, next week doesn't mean a holiday for everyone.


From ambulance drivers, care home workers and nurses to police, firefighters, people working in petrol stations, pub, bar and restaurant staff, coastguards, and, yes, journalists, many people will forego time with family to work over Christmas – whether they like it or not.


According to the TUC, the number of people who worked on 25 December rose by 78% between 2004 and 2010 (the most recent years for which figures are available). In 2010 almost 172,000 employees were in work on Christmas Day, compared to just over 96,000 in 2004 – both fell on a Saturday.

根据英国职工大会,在12月25日工作的人数在2004年和2010年之间上涨了78% (从最近几年的可用数据来看)。2010年近172000名员工在圣诞节那天要工作,相比2004年刚刚超过96000人——周六双双下跌。

NHS and social care workers are likely to make up the largest group of people working this Christmas, but two years ago more than 14,000 people also worked in hotels, pubs and restaurants on Christmas Day, and a similar number worked in local shops and garages.


With the rise of remote working, the TUC said there could be an increase in the number of people at home but "on call" during the Christmas period.


Andy (not his real name) is a civil servant working in central London. He is expected to be on call, "the whole time". He says: "It's highly unlikely that I'll be called into action and it's more a case of just ticking the boxes to ensure that we're not seen to have left no one around in the event of a crisis, but you never know, something could happen. I will receive extra pay and I would much rather be at home with my family than in the office, so I'm happy with it. I had last Christmas off so it's only fair that I am on call this year."


There's also the rise of covert Christmas workers, those people who can't resist checking emails and doing the odd bit of work even when they are supposed to be off. A survey of 1,000 workers by DocuSign found that nearly a third of people will do some work at home during any additional time off they have in December, with 25-39-year-olds the most likely to log on to emails and work during the holidays.


Will you be working over Christmas? Were you effectively forced to work whether you liked it or not? And will you be receiving a bonus or increased pay for working during the festive season?




In the first half of the 19th century, Christmas was a very different kind of holiday than it istoday. People did not have a set way of celebrating. Christmas was not even an official holidayyet.

So, communities around the country honored the day in different ways. Some observedChristmas as an important Christian religious day, honoring the birth of Jesus. Otherscelebrated the day with parties, music, drinking and eating. And, some communities did notcelebrate the day at all.

But, it was during the early 1800s that Americans began to reinvent the holiday. They startedcombining ancient Christmas traditions with modern American influences. Shirley Griffith andSteve Ember tell the story.

In 1819, the popular American writer Washington Irving wrote a series of five essays publishedin a book called "The Sketchbook of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent."

The essays describe a wealthy British landowner who invites his farm workers into his home tocelebrate Christmas. The landowner recreates a traditional Christmas as it would have beencelebrated in the distant past.

Irving praised this looking back to ancient traditions. He liked the idea of different levels ofsociety coming together to enjoy a festive and peaceful holiday. Washington Irving seemed toexpress concern about the lack of such unifying Christmas traditions in modern America.

Penne Restad wrote a book "Christmas in America: A History." It shows how Americans beganto slowly shape Christmas into a unifying national holiday during the first half of the 19thcentury. She describes how Christmas had different meanings for Americans who came fromdifferent cultural and religious backgrounds. Many immigrants brought Christmas traditionsfrom their own countries.

Religion played a big role in how an American might celebrate the holiday. Calvinist Christiansbanned the celebration of Christmas. But groups such as Episcopalians and Moravians honoredthe day with religious services and seasonal decorations.

By mid-century, Christian groups began to ignore their religious differences over the meaningof Christmas and honored the day in special ways.

Christmas became an important time for families to celebrate at home. More and moreChristian Americans also began to follow the European traditions of Christmas trees and givinggifts. Christians believed that the tree represented Jesus and was also a sign of newbeginnings. German immigrants brought their tradition of putting lights, sweets and toys onthe branches of evergreen trees placed in their homes.

This tradition of setting up a Christmas tree soon spread to many American homes. So did thepractice of giving people presents. As these traditions increased in popularity, the moderntrade and business linked to Christmas also grew.

As Christmas became more popular, some states declared the day a state holiday. Louisianawas the first state to make the move in 1837. By 1860, 14 other states had followed. It wasnot until 1870 that President Ulysses Grant made Christmas a federal holiday.

Americans already knew old Christmas songs that came from England and other areas ofEurope. But many new American Christmas songs started to become popular. For example, in1849, a religious leader from Massachusetts wrote the words to "It Came Upon a MidnightClear." The song "Jingle Bells" appeared seven years later. And, a year later, a religious leader inWilliamsport, Pennsylvania wrote the song "We Three Kings of Orient Are."

And of course, no discussion of Christmas would be complete without talking about of one ofthe holiday's most famous representations: Santa Claus.

This character is based on the story of Saint Nicholas, a Christian holy person believed to havelived in the third century. Saint Nicholas became known as a protector of children. In his role asa Christmas hero, different cultures have given him different names. These include Sinterklaas,Kris Kringle and Father Christmas. But for most Americans his most popular name wouldbecome Santa Claus.

In the 19th century, many Dutch immigrants living in the United States celebrated the feast ofSaint Nicholas on December 6. Saint Nicholas was especially important to New Yorkers becauseof their history as a Dutch colony.

In 1809, Washington Irving published his "History of New York." It lists Saint Nicholas as thepatron saint of New Yorkers. He describes the saint wearing a low hat, large pants, andsmoking a pipe. Does this description sound familiar?

