


字符[zì fú]


[计] character

网 络character;Doskey;characters;



An ASCII control character, end of medium.


It can be used as the first or last character in the character string.



Convert character and string literals to the execution character set.


String with all lowercase characters converted to uppercase.


String with all uppercase characters converted to lowercase.


String character used to identify substring limits.


The effect of any ordinary character being preceded by an escape is undefined.


Changing the character set may aletr some of the characters in your document.


This optional command lets you view the characters as you type them.


You want to reverse the characters or words in a string.

1. Is your name hyphenated? 你的名字有用连字符吗?

2. The dash is longer than the hyphen. 破折号比连字符稍长点.

3. Its design makes it suitable for the computerphobe who just wants to type and see something come out looking right. 它的设计适合只想打出和看到中规中矩的图形字符的患有电脑恐惧症的人使用。

4. Memory-storing approach for storing one character in each addressable locatio|n. 在每个可编址单元存储一个字符的存储器存储方法。

5. Memory - storing approach for storing one character in each addressablelocation. 在每个可编址单元存储一个字符的存储器存储方法.

6. A typewriter in which the characters are situated on a type cylinder. 字符位于打印筒上的一种打字机.

7. Label is a fixed length of 24 characters and contains standard information. 头标的固定长度是24个字符,包括一些标准信息.

8. Note that we back up over ignored characters too. 注意:我们还要回溯所忽略的字符.

9. A typewriter in which the character are situated on a type wheel. 一种打字机,字符装在字模轮上.

10. The H conversion code provides a facility for printing out characters. H换算码为打印出字符提供方便.

11. A coded character set consisting of 8 bit coded characters. 一种由8位编码字符组成的编码字符集.

12. A typewriter in which the characters are situated on type rods. 一种打字机,其字符安装在字模棒上.

13. The action of bringing together type matter by taking out spaces. 消去同一行上字符间空格使字符互相靠拢的动作.

14. The width in characters of a field, page or panel. 一个字段 、 页面或画面的字符宽度.

15. A technique for machine recognition of characters by their images. 一种对字符的图象进行机器识别的技术.

16. We need only keep track of the last marked character. 我们只要记住最后两次标记的字符.

17. Usually the characters represented are printed at the top of the card. 所表示的字符通常都印在卡片的顶端.

18. We have only to specify what meaning blanks and similar characters have. 我们只须指出空字符及类似的一些字符具有什么含义.

19. A letter or symbol excluding digits, used in a language. 语言中使用的字母或其它符号,但不包括数字字符.

20. The representation of a character. 一种字符表示法.

