


关于二年级英语故事短文:The first Day of School

It’s the first day of school.Lily wants to go back to school.She wants to see her friends,She wants to meet her new teachers.

Lily gets up early in the morning.She washes the face and eats the breakfast.Then she rides her bike to school.She seesher friends on the playground.She plays hide-and-seek(捉迷藏) with them.In the classroom,Lily meets her new maths teacher.Her name is Mrs Green.Lily likes Mrs Green.She can speak English very well.Lily thinks she is a nice teacher.


Sam is a teacher of maths .He is not young, but he is not old.He is 40 years old.He has a round(圆的) face and black hair.He is short.There are forty students in his class.They all like him.

Now it’s in the afternoon.Look,some students are studying in the classroom.Sam is there,too.He is helping them to study maths.He is a good teacher,and he is a good friend of his students.

关于二年级英语故事短文:See a Doctor

Mother: Good morning,Doctor!

Doctor: Good morning, Mrs Brown. What’s wrong with your son,John?

Mother: He looks ill.

Doctor: Hello,John.How do you feel now?

John: I don’t feel well, Doctor.

Doctor: Open your mouth,John.Show me your tongue.Say“Ah”.

John: Ah…

Doctor: John has a bad cold, Mrs Brown.

Mother: Can he go to school?

Doctor: No. He must be in bed and take some medicine.

Mother: Thank you ,Doctor.

关于二年级英语故事短文:Jim’s Family

It’s nine o’clock in the evening. The family are all at home. Jim’s father is sitting in a chair. He’s watching TV. Jim’s mother is standing near the window. She’s giving some food to a bird. Polly says,“Thanks! Thanks!” Where’s Jim? Oh, he’s behind the door. Kate,Jim’s sister, is looking for him. They are playing games. They have no homework on Sunday evening.

关于二年级英语故事短文:Lucy and Lily’s Bedroom

This is Lucy and this is Lily. They are twins(双胞胎).They are twelve. This is their bedroom. It’s a nice room. The two beds look the same. This bed is Lily’s and that one is Lucy’s .The twins have two desks and two chairs. Lucy’s chair is green and Lily’s blue. Lucy’s skirt(裙子) is on her bed. Lily’s coat is on the clothes line(晒衣绳). Their clock,books and pencil-boxes are on the desk. Their schoolbags are behind the chair. Their bedroom is very nice and tidy(整洁的).

关于二年级英语故事短文:A Crow and a Fox

One day a crow (乌鸦) finds a piece of meat. She picks it up in her mouth and flies to a tall tree. She is just going to eat the meat when a fox sees her. He comes and stands under the tree and says, “How pretty you are! You must be the prettiest bird in the world.”

The crow is very pleased (高兴的)by these words. Then the fox speaks again, “I can see your pretty face, but I have not heard your voice (声音). Why don’t you sing a song?”

This makes the crow very happy. She opens her mouth and begins to sing. As she opens her mouth, she drops(丢掉) the meat. The fox picks up (捡起) the meat at once and goes away with it.

关于二年级英语故事短文:Four Good Friends

Mary, Nancy, Ron and Kate are good friends. Mary’s favourite number is 3 and her favourite country is France. 16 is Nancy’s number, and America is her favorite country. Ron likes Japan very much. 30 is his favourite number. Whose favourite number is 60? Oh, it is Kate. Kate’s father works in a restaurant. He likes Chinese food very much and they also like Chinese people. Kate’s lucky number is 6. All of them hope that one day they can travel the world together.


John usually goes to school by bus. He leaves his house at seven and arrives at his school at about seven twenty. His school is on a hill(小山)

From Monday to Friday John usually has four classes every day. He is good at English. He wants to be an English teacher. He hopes that he will go to England to study English.

关于二年级英语故事短文:Betty and Kitty

Betty and Kitty are twins. They’re 12 years old. They look the same. But they have different (不同的)hobbies. Betty likes collecting stamps(集邮). She has many beautiful stamps. They’re from different cities(城市)and countries(国家). But Kitty likes growing flowers. The flowers are all very beautiful.Betty and Kitty both like reading books. Betty likes reading storybooks. But Kitty likes reading science books.On Sunday,they usually ride bikes to the park. They can play with their friends there. Sometimes their parents go there, too.

