

Hub Router

2503#show running-config

Building configuration

Current configuration : 1466 bytes

version 122

service timestamps debug datetime msec

service timestamps log uptime

no service password-encryption

hostname 2503

ip subnet-zero

--- Configuration for IKE policies

crypto isakmp policy 10

--- Enables the IKE policy configuration (config-isakmp)

--- command mode, where you can specify the parameters that

--- are used during an IKE negotiation

hash md5

authentication pre-share

crypto isakmp key cisco123 address 200121

crypto isakmp key cisco123 address 200131

--- Specifies the preshared key "cisco123" which should

--- be identical at both peers This is a global

--- configuration mode command

--- Configuration for IPSec policies

crypto ipsec transform-set myset esp-des esp-md5-hmac

--- Enables the crypto transform configuration mode,

--- where you can specify the transform sets that are used

--- during an IPSec negotiation

crypto map mymap 10 ipsec-isakmp

--- Indicates that IKE is used to establish

--- the IPSec security association for protecting the

--- traffic specified by this crypto map entry

set peer 200121

--- Sets the IP address of the remote end

set transform-set myset

--- Configures IPSec to use the transform-set

--- "myset" defined earlier in this configuration

match address 110

--- Specifyies the traffic to be encrypted

crypto map mymap 20 ipsec-isakmp

set peer 200131

set transform-set myset

match address 120

interface Loopback0

ip address 10111 2552552550

interface Ethernet0

ip address 200111 2552552550

no ip route-cache

--- You must enable process switching for IPSec

--- to encrypt outgoing packets This command disables fast switching

no ip mroute-cache

crypto map mymap

--- Configures the interface to use the

--- crypto map "mymap" for IPSec

--- Output suppressed

ip classless

ip route 1721610 2552552550 Ethernet0

ip route 19216810 2552552550 Ethernet0

ip route 200100 25525500 Ethernet0

ip http server

access-list 110 permit ip 10110 000255 1721610 000255

access-list 110 permit ip 19216810 000255 1721610 000255

access-list 120 permit ip 10110 000255 19216810 000255

access-list 120 permit ip 1721610 000255 19216810 000255

--- This crypto ACL-permit identifies the

--- matching traffic flows to be protected via encryption

Spoke 1 Router

2509a#show running-config

Building configuration

Current configuration : 1203 bytes

version 122

service timestamps debug datetime msec

service timestamps log uptime

no service password-encryption

hostname 2509a

enable secret 5 $1$DOX3$rIrxEnTVTw/7LNbxiakz0

ip subnet-zero

no ip domain-lookup

crypto isakmp policy 10

hash md5

authentication pre-share

crypto isakmp key cisco123 address 200111

crypto ipsec transform-set myset esp-des esp-md5-hmac

crypto map mymap 10 ipsec-isakmp

set peer 200111

set transform-set myset

match address 110

interface Loopback0

ip address 1721611 2552552550

interface Ethernet0

ip address 200121 2552552550

no ip route-cache

no ip mroute-cache

crypto map mymap

--- Output suppressed

ip classless

ip route 10110 2552552550 Ethernet0

ip route 19216810 2552552550 Ethernet0

ip route 200100 25525500 Ethernet0

no ip http server

access-list 110 permit ip 1721610 000255 10110 000255

access-list 110 permit ip 1721610 000255 19216810 000255



Spoke 2 Router

VPN2509#show running-config

Building configuration

Current configuration : 1117 bytes

version 122

service timestamps debug datetime msec

service timestamps log uptime

service password-encryption

hostname VPN2509

ip subnet-zero

no ip domain-lookup

crypto isakmp policy 10

hash md5

authentication pre-share

crypto isakmp key cisco123 address 200111

crypto ipsec transform-set myset esp-des esp-md5-hmac

crypto map mymap 10 ipsec-isakmp

set peer 200111

set transform-set myset

match address 120

interface Loopback0

ip address 19216811 2552552550

interface Ethernet0

ip address 200131 2552552550

--- No ip route-cache

no ip mroute-cache

crypto map mymap

--- Output suppressed

ip classless

ip route 10110 2552552550 Ethernet0

ip route 1721600 25525500 Ethernet0

ip route 200100 25525500 Ethernet0

no ip http server

access-list 120 permit ip 19216810 000255 1721610 000255

access-list 120 permit ip 19216810 000255 10110 000255



