双语阅读:世界最薄电脑 MacBook仅厚13毫米


Apple has revealed the world's thinnest laptop that experts say could pave the way for an 'iPad Mega' later this year.


The new machine, called simply the MacBook, boasts a 12 inch screen and a full size keyboard - but is just 13.1 mm thin and weighs two pounds.


It also boasts a radical new port, called USB-C, that allows it to use a single connector for power, and to hook up to other devices and even a TV.


Experts say the machine blurs the line between the iPad, iPhone and Macbook range.


'It seems more iPad than Mac, and joins the two ranges together,' said Stuart Miles of Pocket-Lint.com.


'It is also easy to see where the rumours of the iPad Pro came in. It's very easy to see how this could be turned into a large iPad, with a removable keyboard.'

“从MacBook可以很容易看到iPad Pro面市的端倪,它轻而易举就能变成一个带外接键盘的iPad。”

Apple's Phil Schiller boasted the firm had 'reinvented every technology in it.'


For instance, Apple has redesigned the keyboard, claiming it is four times more accurate.


There is an LED under every key, so the entire keyboard has a uniform glow and can be used in the dark.


Measuring just 13.1 mm at its thickest point, the new MacBook design is an amazing 24 percent thinner than the 11-inch MacBook Air.

新MacBook最厚的地方也只有13.1毫米,比11英寸的MacBook Air还薄24%。

Batteries were created in sheets to fit the inside of the machine perfectly.


The notebook comes in silver, space grey and gold, starts at $1,299 for 8GB memory and will ship from 10 April. The price starts at £1,049 in the UK.

该笔记本有银、太空灰和土豪金3种配色。英国最低价1049英镑,而8 GB内存版价格1299英镑,最早4月10期可以发货。

