



1.Eat Your Antioxidants多吃抗氧化食物

Blueberries are packed with antioxidants, which protects brain cells from damage. Colorful fruits and vegetables, such as leafy greens, apricots, and strawberries are also good sources of antioxidants.


2.Be Creative培养创造力

Your brain has two halves: the right and the left. While they both work together harmoniously, each hemisphere has special areas of expertise. Creativity and intuition come from the right side, while logical and critical thinking dominate the left. The majority of people rely heavily on the left side of the brain, leaving the creative right in need of a kick start when wanting to boost memory skills. Challenge yourself to keep a sketchbook for a month without being critical of your skills.



Staying fit physically keeps the brain in shape too. From maintaining balance to improving coordination, your brain fires while you're moving your body, keeping it in tip-top form.


4.Solve Puzzles解猜谜游戏

Put your brain to the test by solving puzzles. Even if you're not the game-playing type, trying your hand at Soduko, solving a crossword, or enjoying a challenging board game with friends encourages your brain's memory skills.



Giving your brain a break allows it to recharge and be ready to tackle new challenges. Even two minutes of quiet meditation refreshes your most important muscle.


6.###Eat More Omega-3多吃含有欧米茄-3的食物

Fresh salmon is packed with brain-boosting omega-3 fatty acids, which are extremely beneficial to building memory. If you don't feel like splurging on salmon, then other fatty fish, including tuna, halibut, trout, mackerel, and sardines, are also good choices.


7.###Learn How to Knit学编织

Knitting takes focus and fine motor control, which seriously keeps your brain active. And mastering any new skill encourages memory and learning skills in your brain.


8.Learn a New Language 学习一门新语言

Our brains get lazy when dealing with the same daily challenges over and over. Switch things up by learning a new language, which builds memory skills in your brain. Along with challenging your brain, you'll be able to sweet-talk someone special with your new skills.


9.Sleep Tight .保持良好睡眠

The brain gets tuckered out with all the information it's constantly bombarded with. Hard work and serious problem solving requires downtime, so hit the sheets early to ensure your brain will be ready to recall and memorize.


