



Far out in the sea there was an island,on the rocky edge of which lived three Sirens,the three sisters of magic song. Half human and half bird,the Siren sisters sat in a field of flowers,singing in voices that excited the hearts of men.The attractive songs were so sweet that ships were attracted to the island and struck to pieces on the rocks.No sailor nor ship had ever been known to pass the Island of the Sirens without being attracted to disaster .


Acting on the advice of Circe,Odysseus took careful preparation against the Sirens.Before their ships came to where they could hear the song,Odysseus had himself tied to the mast ,stopped the ears of his men with wax and ordered them to ignore his orders and gestures xiaogushi8.com when they were passing the fatal island .


Soon they came in sight of the rocky island,and the attractive song reached the ears of Odysseus.It moved him so much that he struggled in despair to free himself and shouted for his men to turn towards the rich and flowery grass land of the singing sisters.But no one paid xiaogushi8.com any attention to him.The sailors kept straight on until they were completely out of hearing.Then his friends freed him and took the wax out of their ears.For once the Sirens had sung with no effects.The eldest of the sisters,Partherope,loved Odysseus so much that she threw herself into the sea after his ships had passed.



hile the Han court was in chaos Dong Zhuo marched his 200,000 battlewise Xiliang troops into the capital of Lüoyang. He forces Liu Bian to quit the throne and made Liu Xie the Emperor Xian and himself the prime minister. As he rode roughshod over the emperor, manipulated power for personal ends, and had xiaogushi8.com acted extremely cruelly, all ministers and generals wanted to get rid of him.


Cao Cao, a wise and resourceful army officer, had long wanted to kill Dong Zhuo. One day, he came to see Dong Zhuo with a borrowed blade. the latter was sitting in his bedroom, his brave step-son Lü Bu standing by his side. Inquiring why he had been late, Cao Cao said, “My horse was slow.” Dong Zhuo, now it's your time to die.“ But fearful of resistance from the old but still strong Dong Zhuo, Cao Cao waited for the right moment. As Dong Zhuo was a very large man, a while of sitting tired him and he lay down facing inward. Taking the chance Cao Cao unsheathed the knife. It so happened that Dong saw his move in a mirror. He looked xiaogushi8.com back and asked Cao Cao what he was doing. Just then Lü Bu returned with a horse. The quick-witted Cao Cao made up a story, ”I chanced to secure a very unusual blade the knife to Dong Zhuo. Sure enough, the blade was extremely sharp, and about twenty some centimeters long. Delighted, Dong Zhuo told Cao Cao to have a look at the chosen horse. Outside, Cao Cao pleaded for a test ride. He then leaped onto the horse and sped away. “He must have come to murder me,” said Dong Zhuo to Lü Bu. “I aGREe,” the latter chorused. They sent soldiers to give chase, but by then, Cao Cao had fled out of the eastern gate.

校尉曹操,足智多谋并早有杀董卓之心。一日,曹操借王司徒宝刀一口,藏刀来到相府。他走到小阁,见董卓坐在床上,义子吕布侍立于侧。董卓问曹操为何来迟,曹操说:“ 马走不快,所以迟了。”董卓听后,命吕布选一匹西凉好马送给曹操,吕布答应着出去了。曹操心想,老贼该死,欲刺他,又怕董卓力大,没敢妄动,只好站在一旁等待机会。董卓身体肥胖,不能久坐,不一会,即侧身而卧。曹操见他躺下,急抽刀欲刺,董卓在穿衣镜内看见了曹操的动作,转身急问:“你要干什么?”这时吕布也牵马回来。曹操急中生智说:“我得一口宝刀,欲献恩相。”董卓接刀一看,长有盈尺,锋利无比,果然是一口宝刀。董卓引曹操出阁看马,曹操谢道:“愿借马一试。”然后快马加鞭往东南疾去。吕布对董卓说:“曹操有行刺之举。 ”董卓说:“我也怀疑。”于是派人去追。此时曹操已飞马奔出东门,逃得无影无踪了董卓。


Mi Heng was recommended to Cao Cao when the latter, to expand his infLüence, needed someone to lobby Liu Biao. But Mi was slighted. Mi took his anger out on almost all of Cao Cao's subordinates. One day, at a banquet in honor of distinguished guests, Cao bid Mi to work as a drummer, just to insult him for fun. Mi came dressed in rag, and when asked why he simply stripped off what was on him to proudly stand nude before the public. Guests shut their eyes in embarrassment. To rebut the angry blame by Cao Cao. Mi said. “You said I'm shameless? Not me but someone who has misled his majesty. Let people vies my xiaogushi8.com clean conscience.” “If you're clean,” Cao roared, “Who's dirty?” “You!” Mi sneered. “Your eyes are dirty for being unable to tell good men from bad, your mouth is dirty because you do not read, your ears are dirty because you refuse to listen to advice, you know nothing about history because of your dirty body, and you tolerate nobody because of the dirt in your belly.” Cao, infuriated, ordered him to the battle front, hoping the enemy's sword would kill him.

曹操为了扩大自己的努力,想请人去刘表那里游说,孔融就推荐了他的好朋友祢衡。祢衡被请来后,曹操对他不以礼相待惹得祢衡当面骂遍了曹操手下的谋士和大将。第二天,曹操大宴宾客,让祢衡击鼓取乐。祢衡身穿破衣上堂,有人责问祢衡为何不更衣,祢衡当场脱衣,光着身子站立,吓的宾客以手捂眼,气得曹操大骂祢衡无耻。祢衡反唇相讥说:“什么叫无耻,欺君才叫无耻。我光着身子,是让大家看看我的清白。”曹操怒指祢衡说:“ 你清白,谁肮脏?”祢衡冷笑道:“你就是一个肮脏的人。你不分好人坏人,是你的眼太脏;你书也不读,是因为你嘴太脏;你不听人劝,是因为你的耳朵太脏;你不董历史,是因为你的身体太脏;你容不得别人,是因为你的肚子太脏。”曹操一气之下,命他立即出征,借敌人的刀杀了祢衡。

