



A: Good morning. Is this where I can get a library card issued to me?

B: No problem, we have a short form right here; just hand it to me when you are done.

A: I'm done.

B: That looks great, but I will also need your driver's license or other form of I.D.

A: Sure, here it all is.

B: Well, this looks nice. Do you know how to use it?

A: I am pretty sure how to use it, but can you remind me?

B: Of course, just remember that all of the needed information is on the card.

A: I see.

B: Well, I hope you have a wonderful time on your library visits!


A: I want to know how to buy something from this machine.

B: Yeah, the new ones can be tricky. What are you trying to buy?

A: I want to buy one of those snack things.

B: Are you ready to go?

A: I'm clear so far.

B: The money goes in the slot over there. It has to be smooth to go in.

A: It won't go in!

B: Just remember that you might have to feed the money in a couple of times to get it to work.

A: Yes, next step.

B: Make your selection and hope for the best. Vending machines aren't all that reliable.

A: They're totally unreliable.

B: You seem to have it down. Have a good day!


A: Let's have some lunch; do you know of a great restaurant somewhere?

B: I'm hungry, too. What types of food sound good?

A: Maybe just a quick sandwich, salad, or something.

B: I have a great idea of where you might like to go.

A: Can we walk there?

B: It's on the second floor. May I join you?

A: Of course! Let's go.

B: Let's hurry. I'm starving!

