英文作文赏析“My Dream"



英文作文赏析“My Dream"

My dream is to be a pilot.That’s why I am fascinated by aircrafts.(be fascinated by对…着迷)

About two years ago, I began to watch “Air Crash Investigation”(《空难调查》), a TV program. It is a great program talking about air crashes and finding out what causes the accident(宾语从句,什么引起了这场灾难).

The program only talks about air crash, so I became interested in aircrafts(become interested in开始对…感兴趣). About one and a half years(1年半记得要加S) ago, I started to look for information about how to become a pilot. Sometimes I use some flight simulator software(飞行模拟软件) to improve my “flying skills”.I also do some exercises to lose my weight. Now I’m almost qualified by the pilot’s standard.(小潘认为他现在几乎符合飞行员标准了) I can even plan the future for myself.

Another reason of dreaming tobe a pilot is that I really enjoy flying(这是一个表语从句,放在be动词之后). It does not mean(此处的mean是动词“意味”之意,后接动名词)just sitting on the plane and doing nothing. It means having the control of the plane. I always dream about taking a jumbo jet off(dream about doing sth.这里的意思不是我们之前学到的“梦想做某事”,而是指他做梦发生的事情。jumbo jet指珍宝喷气客机). When the ground speedreaches V1, and the plane begins to rotate, I’ll wake up because I’m too excited(梦到这些飞行情境,他会兴奋地醒来).

Recently, people have paid more attention to transportation safety(此处指航空运行安全), which more confirmed my ambition(反而坚定了他的理想). To make my dream come true(make dream come true梦想成真), I must work harder for it.

在姜子信同学刚刚宣告了自己飞行员梦想之后,6班另一位英语课代表潘麒亥同学也宣告了他相同的远大志向。《My Dream》一文告诉我们空难并没有使潘麒亥畏惧遨游蓝天,相反,这更坚定了他航空理想和职业精神。飞行游戏的模拟驾驶,不断增强体格的健身训练,睡梦中都会兴奋地惊醒……同样的作文题目和主题,不同的行文思路和细节,相似的精神和追求,这篇文章同样优秀!恭喜Greg获得了个人第三枚 “唯e时光”星点。Congratulations!

