




One of the features in common between the phone hacking scandal, the various banking scams and the latest row, over the failure of G4S, is that the men at the top claim not to have known what was going on. OK, you can't expect the top person to know all the details of what their subordinates are up to. So what can we expect? I'd suggest two things.


The first responsibility of a leader, whether it's in business, the church or in politics is to appoint people they can trust to be honest and competent. Secondly, given the fact that there are bound to be some human failures, to ensure that the fail safe mechanisms for detecting honesty and competence are firmly in place and ready to detect something going wrong at an early stage. It's quite possible for a person at the top not to know personally about a particular failure, but still to regard themselves as rightly responsible. So we can have such a thing as an honourable resignation and I think of the resignation of Lord Carrington in 1982 over the invasion of the Falklands.


Accountability is a key concept not just for people in business or politics but for everyone. There is a powerful statement of Jesus which goes"To whom much is given, much will be expected". And he made it quite clear that every human being is ultimately accountable on this basis. Which is a rather scary idea. Certainly the church in the past rammed this home in an unpleasantly threatening manner.So I find it more helpful to think of this accountability in terms of a story about our life which we each have to tell or can tell to someone whose judgement we deeply respect. Each one of us has a unique story, which only we can recount. Some are conscious that life has dealt them a very good hand indeed. For example, in his recent memoirs, the former editor of The Times, William Rees Mogg says that his earliest memory is of his third birthday standing on a hill overlooking his parents' house and feeling"I'm very much myself, am William Rees Mogg and this is a good thing to be". For others the experience's been very different.

“问责”也是一个重要的观念,这不仅是对商界或政界而言的,对每个人来说都是如此。耶稣有一句非常有力的警句:“凡得多者须多付出,别人多他的期望也高”。在这一点上,他非常清楚明了的表明,每一个人都必须负起责任。这是一个相当可怕的想法。当然,过去的教会总是充斥着这种威胁性的方式,令人不悦。 我们会因公正的判断而十分尊重一些人,而我发现,如果把“问责”作为我们人生中的一个故事来向这些人讲述,就会更有帮助。我们每个人都会有一个独一无二的故事,只能由我们自己来讲述。有些人会觉得,人生对他们不错。例如,《时代》周刊前主编威廉•李斯-莫格在他最新的回忆录中说道,他最早的记忆是在三岁时,当时他站在山上俯瞰自家的房子,感慨着“我就是我自己,就是威廉•李斯-莫格,这是再好不过的事情了”。而对于另外一些人而言,他们的人生经历大为不同。

A man suddenly started to turn up to services at the church where I was serving and when I got to know him he told me his history. He'd been abandoned by his parents and brought up by his grandparents who were addicts. His earliest memory is of them crawling around the floor. For years he did this and that including being a male prostitute. Then, when he told me all this he exclaimed"Out of this mess has come me." Wherever we've come from, what we end up with is a me with a story, what's made us happy and what's sad, where we feel we've made a contribution and where we might have failed. It's our tale, our account of ourselves, which we can tell, if not to a friend, at least to ourselves.




It is said that faith is both a gift and a task. By Saturday this week most Muslims around the world will have begun observing the month of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Muslim lunar calendar known as the month of fasting. Between sunrise and sunset, the adult and able Muslim, neither eats nor drinks and while many continue their day as normal, others take time out from their daily schedule for increased prayer and worship. But this year Ramadan will prove a particular challenge to the estimated 3,000 Muslim athletes coming to the UK for the Olympics.


This is probably the first time in recent history when the Olympic Games and Ramadan coincide. Some have chosen to defer their fasts till the games are over while other will probably train and compete around their 16 to 17 hours of fasting. It's true that some people find fasting easier than others, but personally speaking I'm amazed at any athlete who feels able to compete having gone without food or drink for so long. In London mosques are organising themselves to lay on evening meals or iftars to welcome all athletes of all backgrounds, Muslim and non-Muslim as a gesture of solidarity and hospitality. Sacred time will hopefully bring people together in new ways and create new friendships. While Ramadan is understood as a fundamental pillar of Islam, it can often become one of the most debated issues of faith.


There are exemptions from fasting for the elderly, the pregnant, the sick and infirm, those travelling, those on medication but these categories are traditional categories not always catering for the demands of modern times. Summer months here in the UK are the most challenging with long periods of daylight when life in theory should go on as normal but is simply not possible for so many. Every year there are debates and rulings about who can be exempt, how to make up for missed fasts, but in my view, people's approach to Ramadan remains quite conservative and in fact its difficulty becomes its very appeal. It's sacred time, a holy month and in the eyes of many fasting remains the ultimate act of endurance and patience in obedience to God. The Qur'an itself refers to fasting in various verses but one reads, "God intends for you ease, and He does not want to make things difficult for you." This kind of verse can be open to a variety of interpretations about how to live your faith more respectfully, not just in this month but throughout life. Physical abstinence is undoubtedly difficult but like all rituals, the period of self-reflection is essentially about transforming oneself both in body and soul.




As a boy I'd have been in dead trouble if I'd ever used the name of Jesus as a swear word at home. Blasphemy just wasn't tolerated, even though my parents were non-believers. The boundaries between acceptable and unacceptable language are shifting all the time. John Terry, for instance, has just been acquitted in court of racial abuse. But when I started out as a court reporter many years ago, the mere uttering of a very rude word would have been enough to get you arrested, without racial connotations.

作为一个男孩,如果我要是用耶稣的名字来骂脏话的话,我会陷入很大的麻烦中。尽管我的父母不是信徒,亵渎神明是完全不被容许的。可接受的语言和不可接受的语言之间的界限一直在变。 例如,约翰?特里刚刚在种族歧视法庭被无罪释放。但我很多年前开始做法院书记官时,仅仅说一个粗鲁的词,即使没有种族上的隐含意义,也足以让你被逮捕。

I remember how the alleged word could never be said out loud, and had to be ceremoniously written down by the witness, usually a police officer. The paper was then folded and handed to the magistrate, who carefully unfolded it and duly looked shocked, all in disapproving silence. The most offensive swear words used to be religious rather than sexual. They contravene the Commandment "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain," which was seen as blasphemy. That was so serious, in fact, that a whole coded language was developed so that people could go on swearing and yet stay away from the stocks, or the gallows, where open blasphemy might've put them.

我记得,当时证词都不能大声说出来,必须由证人(通常是一名警察)正式地写下来。然后文件会被折叠起来,交给地方法官。法官会小心的打开文件,然后随即会被他所看到的震惊。这一切都是在一种不赞成的寂静中进行的。 最无礼的脏话通常与宗教有关,而不是与性有关。它们违反了 “你不可徒然地采用耶和华的名字”的戒律,因为这会被看作是亵渎神灵。实际上,这后果太严重了,以至于人们发展处了一套暗语。它可以使人们能够继续骂脏话,而同时又可以远离手脚枷或是绞刑架,而如果公开亵渎神灵的话,就会是这样的下场。

This is technically known as the process of "mincing", as in the phrase "mincing your words". It disguises the word's origins just enough to keep the swearer clear of the law. Swearing offers us a brief glimpse of the religious history of our country. Before the 16th century Protestant Reformation, ordinary people would commonly have referred to the Blessed Virgin Mary as "Our Lady", as Roman Catholics still do. Hence the oath "By Our Lady", which was minced into the swearword "bloody", has to be at least 500 years old. Another familiar swearword refers to the Albigensian heresy in the 13th century. Other examples of minced oaths include the now harmless "cripes" or "crikey", which were disguised forms of the word "Christ". "Blimey" originally meant "God Blind Me!" which was a way of invoking divine punishment if I'm not telling the truth, so you'd better believe me. A few religious swearwords are still on the banned list, so I'm not going to tell you what they are. Others have dropped out altogether. Outsidecomic books, nobody says "Zounds!" any more, which was a minced version of "By God's Wounds", a reference to the Crucifixion and clearly of Mediaeval origin.

这在技术上被称作“mincing(矫饰)”,如在短语“mincing your words(说话不要拐弯抹角)”中的意思一样。它伪饰单词的起源,使得脏话能够不受法律的限制。 脏话可以让我们简要地了解我们国家的宗教历史。在16世纪宗教改革之前,普通人通常会称圣母玛利亚为“Our Lady(圣母玛利亚)”,而罗马的天主教徒如今仍这么做。因此,誓言“By Our Lady(圣母作证)”,后来被委婉地改成了脏话“bloody(该死的)”。所以这个脏话至少有500年的历史了。另一个熟悉的脏话是指13世纪的阿尔比派异教的。还有一些被矫饰过的脏话的例子,如现在已经无害的“cripes(天啊)”或“crikey(哎呀)”,这两个词都由“Christ(基督)”伪装而来。“Blimey(啊呀)”原来是指“God Blind Me!(上帝使我盲目)”,是用来表达“如果我没说实话的话,就让上帝惩罚我,所以你最好相信我!”的一种方式。 有些与宗教有关的脏话如今仍然是禁止说的,所以我不会告诉你们它们是什么。其它一些脏话已经过时。除了漫画书,没人再说“Zounds!(咄)”。这是“By God's Wounds(上帝的伤口)”的委婉版,意指上帝在十字架受难,很明显是起源于中世纪。

Just as churches are such a familiar part of our visible local landscape you hardly notice they are there, so profane oaths and swearwords are part of our everyday verbal landscape, and again we hardly notice them. But the fact that we still know they're not polite, to say the least, means we haven't completely lost track of where they came from.


