


简单的英语故事短文:A Little Respect, Please

It sounds incredible, but the small country of Greece seems to be burning down. Police believearsonists are responsible for at least half of the fires. Thirty people have died so far, many of them trapped in their homes or their cars. Residents all over Greece have called fire departments, police, and media about fires surrounding their homes, but there have simply not been enough firemen to respond to all these fires.

The government has asked for aid from France, Italy, and Germany. Greek ruins that are almost 3,000 years old are in danger of being burnt down. Fires surround Athens, the capital city. The hillsides are ablaze, and there seems to be no end in sight. Entire villages have been destroyed. There has been no rain for two months, and the trees are so dry that just the heat from an approaching fire causes them to explode into flames.

Police have arrested three suspected arsonists. One suspect, oddly enough, was still complaining about the 2004 Olympics. He had applied to carry the torch into the stadium and light the fire to officially start the Games. His application was ignored. “You have to be somebody,” was the reply he got when he called the Olympic Committee in Athens. “And you’re not—you’re nobody,” an official told him. The man was in jail for three years for trying to blow up the committee’s headquarters. Yesterday, police caught him walking away from a new fire with an empty gas can in his hands.

“I’m nobody, huh?” he told the police. “Well, I’m somebody now!”

简单的英语故事短文:A Walk in the Wild

Bill parked his car on the residential street. The street used to be safe, but now there were frequent reports in the weekly paper about break-ins. He put The Club on his steering wheel and made sure that nothing of value—not even a pair of cheap sunglasses—was visible through the car windows.

He got out of the car and started the uphill walk. The mountain trail was mostly narrow for the first two miles. Only two people could walk side by side. When the trail got close to the edge of the mountainside, it was best if people walked single file. Several years ago, an experienced hiker, walking alone, slipped and fell to his death. The trail went past a small lake created by a dam, and then broadened as it went up into the heart of the mountain, away from cliffs. When Bill got to First Camp, he stopped by the small stream to look for fish or frogs. Suddenly, he heard asinister rattling sound. Then, he felt a sharp bite on his calf. He turned around in time to see a rattler slithering off.

There was nothing to do now but walk back down to his car. He had no cell phone with him. He would remember to bring it next time, if there was a next time. Should he walk slowly, so the poison would spread slowly? Or should he walk fast, so he could get to his car and get medical help faster? Perhaps he’d meet someone on the way down.

A simple walk, he thought. It was just going to be a simple walk up a mountain trail.

简单的英语故事短文:Bad Weed, Bad Call

Boy, this is the worst weed I’ve ever had, Wesley thought, even though it smelled great. He’d rolled two joints, smoked them both, and still didn’t feel high. He’d heard about some super weed that gets people so high that they think they’re straight. Maybe this was super weed. Naw, he thought. This is just crap. His best buddy had ripped him off! There was only one thing to do: call the police.

Wesley told the police his problem. They said they would be right over. He went to the front door and unlocked it. Slowly, he printed Buster’s phone number and address on a cigarette paper. He put it into the big baggie of grass. He wondered if his call was going to make TV news. Or maybe the front page of the newspaper: “Good Citizen Turns in Drug Dealer.” Wow! The city might make him an honorary deputy sheriff. He lit another joint—maybe the third one would be the charm ...

He heard the car doors closing and the footsteps approaching. All right, he thought. He wondered if they had brought a television crew with them. Maybe he’d make the 11 o’clock news. The police were very polite. They thanked him for Buster’s phone number and address. Then they arrested Wesley. “What for?” he protested.

“For possessing more than 28 grams of pot,” an officer replied.

“But this isn’t pot—it’s more ‘not’ than ‘pot.’ Why do you think I called you—I got ripped off!”

“Well, we’ll see about that after the lab analyzes it. If you’re both lucky, you did get ripped off.”

简单的英语故事短文:Love in the hospital

Jenny was hot for Roger. They were both nurses, and they were both married—to someone else. Jenny knew that the feeling was mutual; Roger had that sparkle in his eye whenever he saw her. He often grabbed Jenny’s hand and pulled her aside to talk to her privately about something that was quite unimportant. They frequently gave each other shoulder massages. It was only a matter of time, Jenny figured.

“You’d better be careful,” Carol said. “You don’t think anyone has noticed the two of you? It’s not like you’re being very secretive.” Carol was Jenny’s coworker and best friend.

“Well, we don’t have anything to be secretive about,” Jenny replied. “We’re not doing anything, so we don’t have to be careful about anything.”

“Who are you kidding? You’ve told me plenty of times how hot you think Roger is. What are you going to do when he gets tired of just flirting? You won’t be able to resist. And then, the fun will be over sooner than you think. You could both end up getting divorced. And then, even if you married each other, how could you trust each other, since both of you would be cheaters?”

Jenny told Carol that her imagination was out of control. Nothing was going to happen. Just then, Carol saw Roger walking toward them. He quietly came up behind Jenny and gave her a big, tight hug. Jenny grinned broadly. Carol rolled her eyes and walked away.

