



compete with


1. They are deliberately flouting the law in order to obtain an advantage over their competitors.


2. That, in turn would increase pressure for higher wages and that, in turn, would impact on inflation and competition.


3. Others couldn't stand the pressure and the competition.


4. Socialist Algeria was always looking for an opportunity to weaken its neighbor and rival.


5. The midfield, especially in English football, a physical and competitive place.

中场地带, 尤其是在英超比赛中, 是身体对抗和竞争非常激烈的地方.

6. Includes subscription information, history, back issues, discussion forum, classifieds and competition calendar.

包括订阅信息, 历史, 背部的问题, 讨论的论坛, 分类广告和竞争的日历.

7. What are the operational and competitive results of these long lead times?

这麽长的前置时间造成营运和竞争上的结果有 哪些 ?

8. Borrowers would have to improve their finances and competitiveness.


9. The claimed essence was used in conflict and rivalry with others.


10. The proof of the competitive strategy and the competitive ratio is undertaken.


11. Our advanced quality and competitive prices earned our customers'trust.


12. Dating colleagues: Rivalry and competition may harm the relationship.

跟同事约会: 比拼和竞争可能会对感情造成伤害.

13. Strong social bonds may shield baboons from social conflict and competition.


14. Monopoly and competition are very generally regarded, not simply as antithetical.


15. Libra rules over marriage, best friends, business partnerships, and competitors ( think yin - yang ).

天秤座对婚姻的规则, 最好的朋友, 商业伙伴和竞争对手 ( 认为 阴阳 ).


1. 概述

encourage competitiveness among students through scholarships


have both beneficial and detrimentaleffects


there is no set reward for the winning team


bring out the best in the next generation


stand out from the contemporaries


2. 赞成竞争

promote mutual survival


compete in a cooperative manner


without violating other people


the driving force of adaptation


gain an internal sense of pride


bring children’s potentials into full play


nurture a strong sense of competition


work towards a common goal


play fair


3. 反对竞争

drain valuable resources and energy


be harmful for the participants


athletes-----push their body past its natural limits


company-----pursue unprofitable paths while engaging in competitive rivalries


consider suicide as a consequence of failing the exams


have a negative influence on the achievement levels of students


turn all of us into losers




读过美国作家 Joseph Heller小说Catch-22吗? 在当代英语中catch-22作为一个独立的单词,使用频率也是非常高的。Catch-22现在用来形容任何自相矛盾、不合逻辑的规定或条件所造成的无法脱身的困境。

Joseph Heller的小说Catch-22(《第二十二条军规》)中有这样一段对话:

Yossarian looked at him soberly and tried another approach. "Is Orr crazy?" "He sure is," Doc Daneeka said. "Can you ground him?" "I sure can. But first he has to ask me to. That's part of the rule." "Then why doesn't he ask you to?" "Because he's crazy," Doc Daneeka said. "He has to be crazy to keep flying combat missions after all the close calls he's had. Sure, I can ground Orr. But first he has to ask me to." "That's all he has to do to be grounded?" "That's all. Let him ask me." "And then you can ground him?" Yossarian asked. "No. Then I can't ground him." "You mean there's a catch?" "Sure there's a catch," Doc Daneeka replied. "Catch-22. Anyone who wants to get out of combat duty isn't really crazy."

此时摆在他们面前的就是一个自相矛盾的前提条件,具体地说,如果 Orr 真的神志不清,他完全可以不去执行这次飞行任务。此时他所要做的就是提出停飞申请;但一旦他真的提出申请,也就表明他并未神志不清,他必须去执行这次飞行任务;如果 Orr 真的神志不清,他就会去执行更多的飞行任务;而如果他是清醒的,他肯定不会这样做,但如果他是清醒的,他又必须去执行这次飞行任务;如果他愿意去执行飞行任务,就表明他神志不清,此时他根本无须去执行飞行任务;但如果他不愿意去执行飞行任务,就表明他的神志是清醒的,此时他就必须去执行这次飞行任务。简单而又荒唐的逻辑,他们不就是碰到了一个 Catch-22吗?


Close to the vest

Close to the vest 有很多异体形式, "playing/keeping it close to the/your vest/chest", 但最早它从一个更长地短语演变而来 "playing your cards close to the vest"。这些短语从字面上看就是"把自己手上的牌紧紧地拿在胸口,以防别人偷看"的意思。我们一起来探究一下它是如何发展为"(做事)小心、谨慎"的意思。

把牌紧紧地拿在胸口防止他人偷看,就是为了使别人不能从战术上占便宜,所以在游戏中,你会小心翼翼,不让你的对手和他可能的同伙站在你的身后。Sinclair Lewis 在他的作品Babbitt中使用了这个短语,背景是在一男子俱乐部:He was a large man with hair en brosse, and he knew the latest jokes, but he played poker close to the chest。这里作者不单单在做事实性描述,同时意在刻画这位男子的性格。

而这个短语的隐喻用法则是其本意的自然延伸。如果说某人 play it close to the vest/chest,也就说这个人非常小心,谨慎甚至诡秘的策划什么行动,而且最重要的是隐藏自己的意图及相关信息。牛津英文字典用它来描述神秘的行为,请看原文例句:I couldn't afford to give hints...You have to play these things close to your chest。

近些年来,这种比喻的用法不光用来描述人,还被用于描述拟人化的公司实体的行为。请看例句:Tivoli Systems, a subsidiary of computer giant IBM, which has responsibility for securing the Olympics computer systems--a network of around 7,300 personal computers--was also playing its cards close to its chest today (AP newsfeed, 2000).

又如:For an industry that wants to know an awful lot about each and every one of its 'customers'--with and without clothes on--hospitals tend to keep their own business dealings pretty darn close to the vest (The Columbus Dispatch, 2000).

其实,与扑克牌相关的比喻用法简直不胜枚举,如:keep a poker face, play your cards right, have a card up your sleeve, 或 have an ace in the hole。如果要表达keep your cards close to the vest的反意,也就是不谨慎,毫无戒备,你可以用tip your hand这个短语;如果想表达打开天窗说亮话的意思,可以使用短语lay your cards on the table。

Cold turkey


首先,我们来谈谈cold turky,你可别认为它是“凉火鸡”的意思。早在1930年的时候,cold turkey作为形容词、副词和名词都被人们使用过。当时作为形容词的用法较常见,意思是 “blunt, frank, plain”(生硬的、坦率的、毫无修饰的)。《每日新闻》(Daily News)上曾有这样的句子: "Stalin didn't like certain cold-turkey facts Kennan reported about Russia." 这里 “cold-turkey facts ”的意思是“生硬的事实”。

Cold turkey作副词用作状语时的意思是 “即兴、没有任何准备”或“率直地、坦然地”。Carl Sandburg在1922年这样写到: "I'm going to talk cold turkey with booksellers about the hot gravy in the stories."

关于talk (cold)turkey 的起源有一种说法是,一个白人和一印第安人商量如何分配捕获的猎物。白人说:"You take the turkey and I'll take the crow,or I'll take the turkey and you take the crow". 而印第安人觉察出白人并不是在“ talking turkey”(说心里话),白人其实正盘算着如何将猎物全部占为己有。

至于作为名词的用法,cold turkey的意思是“说话、做事直截了当”。 "Let's get down to cold turkey." 最能体现这种用法,它的意思就是"Let's get down to business." (谈正经事,切入正题)。

当然,cold turkey还有一个常见的用法,不过通常用在短语to go (or quit) cold turkey中,意思是突然而彻底的戒毒”。这里cold turkey可以指海洛因、吗啡、尼古丁和咖啡因,还可以指吸食上述毒品的行为或毒瘾,现在quit cold turkey的用法还扩大为戒烟、戒酒,突然戒掉一些上瘾的东西。有人说拔过毛的火鸡皮布满了鸡皮疙瘩(gooseflesh),样子看上去就象戒毒者的症状。所以有了cold turkey的这个用法。

Come-to-Jesus meeting

当你遇到困难,身处困境,而你的上司却召集你开会,讨论你目前的问题,最后并不忘说一句"好好干,年轻人!"的时候,这种"令人头痛的摊牌会"英语中用"Come-to-Jesus meeting" 来形容恐怕最合适不过。

这个短语的来源应该追溯到卫理公会教派刚刚传到美国的年代。卫理公会教义中把耶酥基督描述成一位就在人们身边的形象而不是遥不可及的角色,深得人心。一大批颇具魅力的布道士在全国游说演说,所到之处"拯救"人们。这些巡回传道者在营地集会中富有激情的号召大家"走近耶酥"("come to Jesus"), 告诫那些罪人如果他们不知悔改,将遭到诅咒。走近圣坛-走近基督-从人群中走出来承认自己的罪过,接受拯救。

第一次的"Come-to-Jesus meeting"实际上是在临时搭建的营地的集会,在那儿人们面对面的见到耶酥基督,在那儿没有牧师向你宣扬你的罪行将让基督继续受难,没有圣人替你说情。

那么,Come-to-Jesus meeting又如何发展为"令人头痛的摊牌会"的意思,却没有详细的记载,只是近年来,越来越多的人开始在不同场合用了这个短语,有时也有把 "meeting" 用作"moment"的,例如:

"The come-to-Jesus moment for me in my understanding of all this came back in 1990," says John Perry Barlow, the retired Wyoming cattle rancher and digital guru who is co-founder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. (Washington Post, November 2000)

The come-to-Jesus meeting took place on May 25 at a skybox at Nashville's football stadium, where Gore had gone for a publicity event. He told Coelho that he needed to "work on your relationships." (Newsweek, November 2000)

He'll be meeting with his advisers there, but already they have said this is not a "come to Jesus" meeting, Tony. No plan for any woodshed scoldings. (Carl Cameron, reporting on G.W. Bush's primary loss in New Hampshire, February 2000 on Fox news)



现在,互联网浏览器储存在电脑里面的文件夹就被称做cookies 。Cookies 是联网用户计算机硬盘中的一个记录用户个人资料、所用电脑系统的资料和该用户浏览过的网页等资料的资料卡。好多网站为了了解有多少人,什么样的人访问本站,要求第一次访问他们的用户输入自己的姓名、地址、电话号码、职业等个人资料,并将这些资料制作成一份访问者资料卡通过访问者的浏览器存储在访问者电脑的硬盘上,起名为cookies.txt。这就等于给初访者发了一张会员卡。当该用户下次重访该网站时,他的电脑浏览器就会自动出示这张会员卡,不必重重验关就可以进入该网站。

为何要将这种资料卡取名为cookies 没有人能说清楚。有人说cookies 可能源于海外中国餐馆在客人用完餐离开前向客人所赠"幸运小饼干"(fortune cookies)。这种说法不是没有道理,因为掰开每块"幸运小饼干",里面都有一张小字条,印有一句让客人看后开心一笑的警句之类的吉祥话。有的还描绘客人的个性特点,为客人卜算前程。想必这也是个人化的信息吧。

还有一种说法,认为cookies 成为电脑术语和《艾丽斯奇境历险记》中出现的magic cookie有关系。 Magic cookie可以神奇地使艾丽斯变大或变小,这和新用户登录网站时,电脑中的某一程序就会因cookie记录相关信息而增加容量有共通之处。不过这个类比似乎站不住脚。因为艾丽斯变大后要想再缩回去的话,必须饮用装在写着"DRINK ME"的瓶子里面装的东西或把"白兔扇"握在手里才行,而电脑术语中的cookie对此没有什么对应。可见,小说情节里的magic cookie和电脑术语里的 cookie还不能完全对不上号。


.Cream of the crop

奶油是从牛奶中提炼出来的,那么庄稼里怎么会提炼出奶油(cream of the crop)来呢?



按照《牛津英文词典》的解释,cream的比喻意用法早在1581年就有记录("The gentlemen, which be the creame of the common"), 迄今这个词还经常用来指杰出人物。注意浏览报纸的话,不难发现世界各地的报纸上面都会出现这样的用法,如"the cream of the law graduates," "the cream of British and Irish rugby," "the cream of Lone Star songwriters," 和 "the cream of the zydeco performing world."

Cream 被广泛用于指代事物的精华,cream of the crop解释成best of the crop应该是非常符合逻辑的,而且这个短语的起源确实和庄稼有关系。1891年10月出版的the Overland Monthly and Out West Magazine上的一段话可以作为证据: "The great and unfailing demand that the canneries have made for California fruit has been largely a moving cause of this change from wheat fields to orchards, for the canneries take the very cream of the crop." 现在,best of the crop已经不仅仅局限于best of the crop的意思了。实际上,用短语bet of the crop来形容毕业生、大学生、政治舞台上的候选人以及士兵这样的有不同届、级之分的群体中的优秀人物是最适合的,例如: "The cream of the college crop is always just around the corner" (摘自《2001年旧金山年鉴》), 值得注意的是,这个句子的动词用的是单数形式。


Cry wolf



譬如说:If you keep on crying wolf, nobody will trust you.如果你老是发假警报的话,没人会相信你了。

再譬如说: That politician cries wolf in every speech he makes. 那个政治家在他的每篇演说中都虚发警报。

Cup of Tea

一位美国人和一位来自捷克的妇女交谈。 在谈话中, 美国人用了 "not my cup of tea" 这个短语, 而他们谈话的内容并没有涉及"喝茶",捷克女士便很疑惑。后来美国人跟她解释道, "not my cup of tea"这个短语在美国,可以用来形容你不喜欢或不在意的东西。相反的, "one's cup of tea"自然可以用来表示"某人感兴趣或喜爱的东西"。

原先,cup of tea只是简单地用来比喻某个人或事。牛津字典里引用了19世纪中上期的几个例子-在当时,cup of tea指的是人,尤其是那些人物特征与茶味具有共性的,比如愁苦的人。最典型的例子出现在新西兰的神秘小说家Ngaio Marsh1939年的作品当中:"Miss Prentice…seems to be a very unpleasant cup of tea." (Miss Prentice…像是个讨人厌的人。)

这个词也被用来强调对比,包括任何显而易见的反差。比如: "London in wartime…is a very different cup of tea from Winchester."(Sarah Russell, To Bed With Grand Music, 1946)

Cup of tea还可以指任务,话题,人,或任何让人感到合适的东西。它可以是任何你喜欢的人或事。1980年的一期《华盛顿时报》这样写到:"If classics are your cup of tea, these unabridged recording of great books…are terrific."( 如果你爱好古典音乐,那么这些篇章完整的唱片将给你带来无比的享受。)

否定表达式not my cup of tea同样被普遍运用。典型例子,另一位神秘小说家Josephine Tey1948年在他的THE FRANCHISE AFFAIR 写道, "Probably she isn't your cup of tea…You have always preferred them a little stupid, and blond."

相对于英国悠长的饮茶文化而言, cup of tea 的喻义用法流行时间并不算长。不过即便是在19世纪以后的英美文学作品当中,出现更多的是a dish of tea的用法 而非a cup of tea。如以下例句: "People who love biography will love this book (whether or not Churchill is their dish of tea.)"(摘自《圣彼得堡时报》

From: //www.hxen.com/word/cydy/2008-04-21/34693.html

