

欢迎光临网,今天给大家带来的是三国演义故事双语版: 单骑救主,希望通过阅读这篇文章,您能够有所收获。

Though Liu Bei was outnumbered by Cao Cao'stroops in the Xinye battle, Liu defeated Cao thanksto the smart tactic he had resorted to. Cao sooncommanded an army of 500,000 to take hisrevenge. When Liu Bei and his force of 3,000 gotto Dangyang County, they were stopped by Cao'stroops. A bitter fight lasted until dawn and the Liuarmy narrowly managed to eLüde the chasing enemy.

As day broke, General Zhao Yun discoveredthat Liu Bei's wife and son were missing. Zhao gathered 30 troops and fought his way backonto the battlefield to look for Liu's wife, Madam Mi, and son, A Dou. With the help of amiddle-aged woman, Zhao Yun found Madam Mi and A Dou by the side of a dry well behind acollapsed wall. Madam Mi said: “A Dou is safe now with you, General. I'd rather die thanencumber you.” When Zhao Yun was not looking her way, Madam Mi threw herself into thewell. Suddenly, Cao troops came charging toward Zhao Yun. With tears in his eyes, Zhao Yunpushed down what remained of the collapsed wall to cover the dry well. He then held A Douagainst his chest and rode his horse onward as he fought off attackers. It took Zhao Yun threerounds of combat to fight off the chasing enemy. At one point Zhao was engaged by GeneralZhang He and a unit of Cao's troops. Zhao and Zhang fought a dozen rounds and Zhao triedto break the siege. But Zhao Yun and his horse unexpectedly fell into a trap. Just as ZhangHe charged to pierce Zhao Yun with his spear, Zhao's horse leapt out of the trap. Zhang Hewas taken aback by the sudden move and his horse backed off several gaits. Zhao Yun foughtCao's generals and troops single-handedly. No one could get close to him. Cao Cao, who waswatching the battle from a nearby hilltop, ordered that Zhao Yun be captured alive. Zhao Yunmade the most of Cao's no-kill order and broke through the siege in the end. When hereturned to his camp, Zhao Yun handed the young master to Liu Bei.



