



1. give back归还;送回

2. go ahead进展;说吧;干吧

3. Go ahead, please ! 说吧!干吧!开始吧!

4. take away拿走

5. take off 脱下;起飞

6. take out 取出

7. work on从事某项工作

8. hand in 交上来;上交

9. hand out 发下去;分发

10. as well 也 as well as 还有;同;和

11. from„to„ 从„„到„„.

12. from beginning to end 从头到尾

13. avoid doing sth 避免做某事

14. learn about 了解; 获悉

15. put on/off 穿; 戴上


1. set off 动身; 出发

2. set out 出发; 开始

3. set up 建立; 创立;成立

4. add„ to„ 加进去

5. be to do 将要; 打算

6. sooner or later 迟早

7. wear out 用坏; 穿破

8. a great deal of ( 修饰不可数名词 )

9. make use of 利用

10. make good / full use of 充分利用

11. refer to 提到; 涉及

12. from time to time/now and then/at times

13. fall off 从„„.跌落下来

14. fall asleep 入睡 fall ill 生病

15. happen to do 碰巧做某事


1. Take it easy ! 别紧张; 慢慢来 !

2. by oneself 单独地 ; 独自地

3. day and night 夜以继日 不时;有时

4. hold up 阻挡

5. pay attention to 注意

6. be fit for / be suitable for 适合于

7. be fit / suitable to do sth 适合于做某事

8. turn…into…= change….. into „„使 „„.变成

9. be busy doing sth /with sth 忙于做某事

10. depend on/upon 依靠

11. insist on doing 主张做某事

12. be anxious for sth 焦虑; 担心

13. be anxious to do sth 渴望做某事

14. take the place of 代替; 替代

15. take place 发生 happen 发生 ( go on 有时也有“发生”之意 )

16. be likely to do 很可能发生

17. have on 穿上

18. be dressed in 穿着; 戴着

19. call in 请来; 找来

20. the other day 前几天 ( 前几天前的某一天; 用于过去时 )

