




The pony well is not easy to cross the river, he happily go to mill to rush... He felt a special blue sky, the clouds like cotton candy, the wind is blowing also feel really cool. Pony so happily walk on my way to the mill.

Suddenly, he heard his best friend, little rabbit loudly shout: "pony, pony, stop it, stop it..."

Pony stopped oddly ask: "little rabbit, you hurriedly seek me, what can I do for you? Look, so cool weather, how do you run out of the full head big sweat?"

Little rabbit was out of breath said: "your rice bags leak! M spilled all the way."

Pony looking back, rice bags did leak, leak a lot.

The pony to think: how did that happen? May have just across the river is too nervous, grain cut was not aware of.

"It? I didn't have a needle and thread, to repair bag?" The pony to glare to himself.

Little rabbit wanted to mean to say: "I have an idea!"

The pony is pleased to ask: "what?"

Rabbit said: "the pony, you walk slowly, I help you caught hold on the horns of the rice bags, rice bags won't be missed."

Small deserting happy come again: "when I was just across the river has been in use for a lot of time and then slowly walk will be too late."

"Then what should I do?" Rabbit couldn't think out of the way.

Pony wanted to mean to say: "then you come over to my back! I carried you go with rice bags, you sit on my back grab bag leakage Angle, ok for you?"

"Yes!" Rabbit said and jumped to pony, put the leakage grasp in the hand, said to pony: "pony, I sit well, you go!"

"Good, want to take me and rice bags!" The pony said to the little rabbit.

Then, the pony carried little rabbit ran up happily and rice bags. Soon arrived at the mill, a pony down the pony and grain, and completed the tasks assigned by the mother.

On the way back, the pony is carrying the little rabbit, two people home talking and laughing. Pony also carried little rabbit had know knee creek, always put the rabbit back home, two friends said goodbye and also arranged together again when you have time to play!




















Once upon a time there were two kittens, called english-english of white, black and white called huanhuan, they are a pair of good sisters.

One day, they both go fishing together. Huanhuan caught a big fish, the full article 50, and the english-english is only 30 a few. On the way home, english-english to huanhuan said: "we take these fish and send some to my friends, let they also eat a little fish." Don't want to huan huan said, "so fresh fish, what a pity to give others ah, if send others, I am not a vain?" Say that finish huanhuan went home.

English-english didn't come home, but to send fish.

For someone? English-english thought, had, pig brother was sick, send some to him! English-english came to pigs, pig see english-english, particularly happy, favour say: "english-english, come and sit in the room." English-english said: "the pig, you okay?" Much better, "said the little pig, what can I do for you? Let me help you." English-english said: "of course, I want you to help me eat ten fish!" : "what is the fish?" Piggy eyes out almost slipped out, gratefully said: "well, this busy I help settle." In this way, english-english gave ten fish to the pigs.

There are more than 20 of the fish, by the way, send some to the elephant's uncle. Hence, english-english came to the elephant's home. Knocked, english-english knocking at the door, noting, the door opened. The elephant see english-english said: "yo, is english-english! Come, the house, what's the matter?" "It's okay, I'll give you fresh fish here." So, send out 15 again. And then there were five with oneself to eat!

English-english went home, huanhuan said: "ha, you have 5 fish left." English-english said: "so what, let friends share, you don't know how happy I am!"









This is a sunny, sunny Saturday.

A woodcutter came to the factory in the woods behind, take the tool to cut down the trees, happily and freely chop down trees.

"Kuang - kuang kuang -" voice became louder and more urgent... The voice "kuang" has stirred the birds in the trees. The birds in the mind think: what's the sound so harsh, really annoying! When the birds see a woodcutter was eagerly disorderly cut down trees, and after a woodpecker in the woodcutter's imperceptibly, have been quietly standing in the woodcutter's shoulders, lumberjack still don't know. "Kuang, kuang kuang -" lumberjack constantly cut down the trees. At this time, he has scored four big tree! "" 1, woodpeckers heavily peck on the woodcutter's head. "Ouch!" Lumberjack exclaimed, he looking back is a woodpecker, frighten hurriedly threw the tool cut down a tree in the side, ran away as quickly as they could (he was afraid to woodpeckers peck him).

Woodpeckers also didn't understand what is going on, it fell off the woodcutter's shoulder. Woodpecker back to his companions, and said to them: "the workers seemed to be scared by me, has fled." "Ha ha ha ha!" Companions laughed the woodcutter, say again: "be sure is that he later still dare to deforestation!"

Besides the woodcutter scared fled back to the factory after the show a case with the factory director, resigned returned home.

Since then, the forest behind the factory and no one has been to, where the woodpecker lived peacefully, enable people to ruin the world that they no longer.



“哐——哐——哐——”的声音越来越响,越来越急……那“哐”的声音已经惊动了树林中的鸟儿,鸟儿们心里想:是什么声音这么刺耳呀,真烦哪!当鸟儿们看见一个伐木工人正在起劲地乱砍伐树木的情景之后,一只啄木鸟在伐木工人的不知不觉中,已经悄悄地站在伐木工人的肩膀上了,伐木工人却还不知道。“哐——哐 ——哐——”,伐木工人不停地砍着树木。此时,他已经砍下四棵大树了!啄木鸟“嚓”地一声,重重地啄在了伐木工人的脑袋上。“哎呦!”伐木工人惊叫了一声,他回头一看是啄木鸟,吓得连忙把砍树工具扔在了一边,飞快地逃走了(他从小就怕啄木鸟来啄他)。




