


1. Put them in a messy room

1. 将他们放在一个杂乱的房间里。

Sounds silly, right? A study conducted at the University of Minnesota, and published last year in the Journal of Psychological Science, found evidence that just being in a messy room can help people think more creatively.

听起来很蠢吧?明尼苏达大学(University of Minnesota)的一项研究发现,杂乱的房间可以帮助人们更有创造性地思考。该研究已在去年的《心理科学杂志》(Journal of Psychological Science)上发表。

Participants in several experiments had to fill in questionnaires while sitting in an office. Some were given a clean and tidy office; others, an office in disorder, strewn with papers and supplies everywhere.


Participants were then presented with various tasks to test their ability to think creatively. In a nutshell, those who had first spent time in the messy office trounced those who had been in the neat one. They were more likely to think up creative solutions to problems, and more likely to embrace new and innovative products over conventional ones.


“Disorderly environments seem to inspire breaking free of tradition, which can produce fresh insights,” wrote Minnesota’s Kathleen Vohls when reporting the findings. Just making the office untidy “made a whopping difference to people’s behavior,” she added.


2. Get them to play liar’s poker first

2. 玩“说谎者的扑克牌”游戏

“Liar’s Poker,” a game of bluff and double-bluff played with dollar bills, was made famous by the writer Michael Lewis 25 years ago. His book of the same name chronicled the dishonesty of Wall Street, where the game is popular.

“说谎者的扑克牌”(Liar’s Poker)是用美钞玩的一种充满欺诈的扑克牌游戏,25年前,作家迈克尔•刘易斯提高了这种游戏的知名度。他的同名图书记录了流行这种游戏的华尔街的各种欺诈行为。

The game puts a premium on lying. Basically, you have to lie to win.


If you can’t get enough fresh ideas out of your team, maybe you should play a few rounds. Or play any other game where participants have absolute carte blanche to lie, cheat, and steal as much as possible.


The reason? According to Francesca Gino at Harvard Business School and Scott Wiltermuth at the University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business, there is a clear link between dishonesty and creativity.

推荐此类游戏的原因何在?哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)的弗朗西斯卡•吉诺和南加州大学(University of Southern California)马歇尔商学院(Marshall School of Business)的斯科特•维尔特姆斯发现,欺诈与创造力之间有明确的联系。

It isn’t just that the dishonest also tend to be creative, they found. It’s that even the honest become more creative if you can first persuade them to do a little lying, cheating, and stealing.


The pair conducted a series of experiments in which they tested participants’ honesty and then their creativity. They also conducted experiments in which they induced the honest to behave more dishonestly.


Releasing people from their ethical boundaries seems to help free their minds from abiding other rules as well, the researchers concluded.


3. Send them out for a walk

3. 让他们去散散步。

Get out of the project room. Stop sitting around that table staring at the whiteboard. Stop thinking that the more hours you are all sitting in the same room eating doughnuts the more productive you’re being.


People are most likely to do their best creative thinking while in motion—whether outdoors, down a corridor, or even just on a treadmill, according to research conducted recently at Stanford University.

斯坦福大学(Stanford University)近期进行的一项研究发现,人们在运动中最有可能进行最有效的创意思考——不论是在户外,在走廊里还是在跑步机上。

In a series of experiments, participants were given a variety of tests to see how well they were able to come up with creative solutions to problems. Those who answered while walking, or just after walking, fared much better. Indeed, making participants walk while answering questions doubled the number of creative responses.


The research was conducted by MarilyOppezzo, now a psychologist at Santa Clara University, and was published earlier this year in the American Psychological Association’s Journal of Experimental Psychology.

该项研究由圣克拉拉大学(Santa Clara University)的心理学家玛丽莉•奥佩佐主持,并已于今年早些时候在美国心理学协会(American Psychological Association)的《实验心理学》杂志(Journal of Experimental Psychology)上发表。

4. Make them read the phone book first

4. 首先让他们阅读电话簿。

Yes, really.


If you want to get people to think creatively, first make them bored. Really bored. The more bored they are, the more they will daydream, and good things will follow.


It sounds like a spoof, but a couple of years ago British researchers found it was no joke.


Sandi Mann and Rebekah Cadman at the University of Central Lancashire conducted experiments in which participants had to come up with creative uses for a pair of styrofoam cups.

中央兰开夏大学(University of Central Lancashire)的桑蒂•曼恩和丽贝卡•卡德曼进行了多项实验,让参与者想出两个泡沫塑料杯子的创意用途。

Those who had to copy out the phone book first for 15 minutes performed better than those who didn’t. Those who just had to read the phone book first did even better. Researchers believed that reading the phone book was even more boring than copying it out.


“Boredom at work has always been seen as something to be eliminated,” Mann said when announcing the results early last year, “but perhaps we should be embracing it in order to enhance our creativity.”


