



1. any day will do 哪一天都行

2. be it so就这样吧

3. better luck next time.一次会更好

4. you are pulling my leg 你在开我玩笑吧

5. you set me up 你出卖我

6. that's the idea 正是这个意思

7. that's all i need 我只需要这些

8. surprised to see you 看到你真是惊喜

9. speaking of the devil 说曹操,曹操到

10. don'nt push me 别逼我!

11. enouh is enough 够了够了!

12. don't push me 别逼我!

13. you piss me off 你气死我了!

14. don't push me 别逼我!

15. you piss me off 你气死我了!

16. 1.Could you give me your phone number? 能给我你的电话号码吗?

17. You've been very helpful. 你帮了我大忙了。

18. Thanks for coming all the way over here. 谢谢你不远万里专程跑一趟。

19. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. 抱歉,让您久等了。

20. Let's call in sick. 我们打电话请个病假吧!


1. wine in ,truth out 酒后吐真言

2. some thing is learned every time a book is opend 开卷有意

3. you are only yong once 青春只有一次

4. you can not have your cake and eat it 有得就有失

5. the worse luck now ,the better another time 风水轮流转

6. I'll check for you? 我为你查一下

7. I'm afraid I won't be free then. 恐怕我那会儿没空

8. You're going the wrong way. 你走错方面了

9. I often work out. 我经常参加体育锻炼

10. Please bring your own bottle. 请自带酒水

11. How time flies! 时间过得真快!

12. It's a piece of cake. 小事一桩。

13. Never give up! 永不放弃!

14. Let me alone! 不要烦我。

15. do me a favor 给我个面子

16. I can't image a fate worse than talking with the gun. he is such a bore.我不能想象比和这人聊天更悲惨的命运了,他是这样的无趣。

17. That's a strong oppinion 太偏激了


19. what's on your mind?你在想什么?

20. first come first served 先到先得


1. That’s what counts. 那才是重要的。

2. That makes me feel a little better. 那使我感觉稍微好些。

3. Look at the bright side. 看看光明的一面。

4. That’s understandable. 那可以理解。

5. Don’t let it get you down. 别为此气馁。

6. Things will get better. 事情会好转的。

7. Don’t give up. 别放弃。

8. We all have bad days sometimes. 我们都会有不顺利的时候。

9. I know how you feel. 我知道你的感受。

10. I’m here for you. 有什么要帮忙的,我就在你身边。

11. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.包你满意

12. You should take advantage of it.你应该好好利用这个机会。

13. My mind is made up.我心意已决。

14. I have been an admirer of yours for many years.我多年来都是你的爱慕者。

15. If you need any help, just call.需要任何协助,尽管打电话来。

16. .Let's get together sometime.有时间我们聚一下吧。

17. Let's call it a day.我们今天就到这儿吧。

18. It will do you good.这会对你有好处。

19. I'm working on it.我正在努力。

20. Are you doing anything this afternoon?你今天下午有安排吗?

