



Jack And A Bird

It was a sunny breezing morning. After breakfast, Jack was cosily sitting on his sofa, reading a newspaper and waiting for a lovely melody by his singer, a lark which should be a convivial stunner with a sweet voice but had been closing her mouth since living here.

"Ah, what a pity." Jack thought to himself.

"I can still remember the first time I met it. During a hike in the countryside, and it was her fair-sounding voice that attracted and fascinated me. And from a net I saved her. At that time, two voices from the bottom of my heart were debating whether to take it home or set it free. 'Why not keep a lark as a pet? It can be a good singer and serve me light music from nature.' I said to myself, taking for granted that it should be my own since I would save it. And this is why it stayed here, in a little cage ".

In low spirit, he continued his newspaper reading. Suddenly, a headline on the newspaper,"Let Birds Fly," pounded on his eyes. It was such a proper topic for him that he quickly finished it and then sighed a heavy sigh, looking at the depressed lark and chewing the word on the newspaper.

"You have no privilege to imprison any other creature, because you are just a soul equal to it." It said. Just at this specific moment, Jack decided to free the lark.

"I should not imprison you any more, I should have released you. You deserve the place you come from, I will send you back." He said to

the lark. Jack took the cage and his bicycle and immediately rode outside toward the countryside.

It was a distance from his home. On the way to the destination, he found that all the birds seemed somewhat happier than ever before. They were flying and singing freely in the warm sunlight. Along the way, he turned over his head as the birds danced in the sky here and there and finally focused on a beautiful bird.

"Is it a lark like you, it flies in front of us, maybe it wants to make friends with you, let's follow it." Jack sped up, following the bird and thinking of the nice liberty that soon belonged to his beloved lark.

When he stopped his bicycle before a river, the elegant bird kept flying so that he had to get off and open the cage in a hurry. The lark stayed in it and had no thought of flying away.

"Come on. Back to your home with your companies. You are free." In spite of a little unwillingness, he threw it into the sky, seeing its flight with a light smile, a smile which was full of kindness and pride and even some redemption.

On his way home, his turned back time and again for it seemed that something was chasing him but every time he found nothing. A long way without anyone to talk with, or just to talk to was quite depressed. The sunset was approaching, he quickly rode back home.

"Hi. . . " Jack swallowed his greeting to his lark when he suddenly found the empty cage in his hand. He had greeted his bird since its arrival but now there was no need for him to greet to anyone. No one

would be there to answer him, even the lark that would just turn its head. He put the cage on the hook, sat back in his sofa, clenched the newspaper and read it again.

"Investigations have it that some captive animals can't adapt to the wild after a long caged life, they may suffer more disease which can lead to death." It said.

"No!"Jack shuted out, "If it die, I would never be forgiven. No! But it should come back to forest because it lived an unhappy life here and that is what makes it a bird."

Just at this twist moment, he heard a clear and melodious sound. "Yeah? The lark!" He gazed at the cage. Things that he never saw happened. The lark came back and flew into the cage, sang a wonderful song. At the time, Jack was totally confused. He thought that it made no sense. He should be happy now but why did he feel so depressed? Was it because the bird in front of him was not the exact lark he had saved? Or was it because of the relationship between them. Were they friends?


If I were a bird, I would fly in the sky, because I always dream about flying in the sky. I would fly upon to view the city I live in, and it must be owesome. I would fly to the mountains and woods, to see the beautiful scenery. I would also want to fly above Sun Moon Lake to see if it really looks like a son, and moon. If I were a bird, I would like to fly through nature.

If I were a bird, I would live in the tree. When I was a kid, I usually wondered about what the birds do in the nest. Are they feeling bored? How do they feel about living on a branch? What do they do when a Typhoon is coming? I think I could figure out all these questions if I were a bird.

If I were a bird, I would like to fly to heaven to see my grand parents, because I miss them so much, although I know its impossible. When I was in kindergarden, we still live together, and they loved me so much. They alwas played with me, and gave me a lot of candy. When I couldn't sleep at night, my Grandma would tell me stories until I fell asleep. They went to heaven when I was in the first grade, and I remember I cried for a whole month, I was so sad. So if I were a bird, I would like to fly to my grand parents, to tell them I still love them very much.


Angry Birds is a puzzle video game.

In the game, players take control of a group of multi-colored birds that are attempting to retrieve eggs that have been stolen by a group of evil green pigs. On each level, the pigs are protected by structures made of different materials such as wood, ice and stone, and the purpose of the game is to remove all the pigs in the level.

Using a slingshot, players launch the birds with the intent of destroying all the pigs on the playfield. And as players advance

through the game, new birds appear, some with special abilities that can be activated by the player.

There are 6 types of birds used in Angry Birds Space. The first one is the basic one. Everyone’s favorite red bird is the sign bird of the series and the leader of all birds. Well, in space, Red Bird is more powerful than ever and trying to get his flock home. So in here, its Chinese name is “红侠鸟”.

The second one is Blue Bird, and its Chinese name is “超人鸟”. As the youngest of birds, its ability to separate into three birds and deliver with every fling will be sure to give those Angry Birds the upper hand in their fight.

A black bird can explodes when irritated. So in space this black bird’s name is Bomb Bird, and its Chinese name is “爆爆鸟”. Bomb Bird will use its heat shock wave to blast anything in its vicinity.

The fourth one is Lazer Bird. Its Chinese name is “穿梭鸟”. This bird has now turned into the purple bird. And when it was

launched to the buildings, you can click the screen lightly, and then it would be attack the place where you click in a straight line.

Well, the next one is Big Brother Bird. Its Chinese name is “肥肥鸟”. It is not a bird that you want to upset as it has no limits to its awesome strength.

The last one -- Ice Bird is an all new bird in Angry Birds Space. Its Chinese name is “蓝冰鸟”. Ice bird has the ability to freeze anything that gets in his way. So if you use it to hit the hard building materials, it will become as brittle as glass.


Cock and the crow 公鸡和乌鸦

Once upon a time, in a large forest there lived two brothers cock and the crow.They look very beautiful. Whenever the dawn, the rooster head, dressed in colorful feathers and singing loudly, and others to match the outside. The crows are in the forest and small animals along with labor, with its beautiful song off fatigue. Thus, the forest gradually small animals do not like the cock crow is agreed that the most beautiful.

Emotion and facial expression is beautiful. A poor without passion is defective expression of the face; any whitewash it, you blow I want to, only a fool would love.


The thirsty crow

A crow feels very thirsty,he flies toward a water pot,but the pot is almost empty.He tries his best to drink but in vain.Then he tries to push the pot over,so that the water can flow out.But he can’t move the pot.Just then,he thinks up a better method.One by one he puts stones into the pot.With each stone,the water level gradually increases.At last,the crow drinks the water and satisfies his thirsty.







A Raven saw a Swan and strongly desired the Swan's beautiful white feathers. Thinking the color was due to constant washing in the water the Swan was swimming in, the Raven left his perch and went to live in the lake. But washing in the lake's water had no effect on the Raven's color and as he could not fish for food, he perished.

Change of habit cannot alter nature.


Townsend version

A Raven saw a Swan and desired to secure for himself the same beautiful plumage. Supposing that the Swan's splendid white color arose from his washing in the water in which he swam, the Raven left the altars in the neighborhood where he picked up his living, and took up residence in the lakes and pools. But cleansing his feathers as often as he would, he could not change their color, while through want of food he perished.


Change of habit cannot alter Nature.


L'Estrange version

A raven had a great mind to be as white as a swan, and fancy'd to himself that the

swan's beauty proceeded in a high degree, from his often washing and dyet. The raven upon this quitted his former course of life and food, and betook himself to the lakes and the rivers: but as the water did him no good at all for his complexion, so the experiment cost him his life too for want of sustenance.


Natural inclinations may be moulded and wrought upon by good councell and discipline; but there are certain specifick properties and impressions, that are never to be alter'd or defac'd.


Long long ago,there are a fox and a crow in the forest.The crow once made a nest on a tree. But she ignored an important thing, that is, her neighbourhood---the fox, which is lived in a hole under the tree.One day, the crow found a piece of meat, carrying it with her mouth and standing on the branch, she felt very happy. while at that time the fox came out from his hole and noticed this scene, he was quite eager to eat the meat and cannot help to swallowing his mouth water.

He though t;" The piece of meat must be very delicious, but how could I get it?"

The fox thought a minute, then smiled to the crow and said,"Dear crow, your feathers is more beautiful than the peacock, and you should be the king of the birds just because of your look."

The crow listened, but have any reaction to it.

Then the fox continued:" Dear crow, your voice was more beautiful than the nightingale, but you never show yourself to us, to be honest,I have never seen the second singer like you!"

The crow gave a glimpse to the fox, and still kept silent.

So the fox continued. "Oh! dear , you are so beautiful , but without a touching song, I'm afraid you can not become the king of birds. If you can match your beauty with a sweet singing? Then you will really be suit for this glorious title. "

After hearing this ,the crow felt so happy that began to sing. "Ah -",upon opening her mouth,the meat fell down to fox's mouth.

