外研版高二英语必修5Module 6测试试题及答案


处在高二的你,到了期末的时候,还不知道怎样复习英语的吗?是这样的话,不妨和小编一起来做份外研版高二英语必修5Module 6测试试题,希望对各位有帮助!

外研版高二英语必修5Module 6测试试题



第一节 单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. Universities in China select students according to their grades in basic sciences. ______, Western schools put more emphasis on students’ research ability.

A. Indeed B. Meanwhile C. Anyway D. However

22. When the young mother found that the baby still had a high temperature after twelve hours, she decided to ______ a doctor.

A. go over B. go at C. go for D. go after

23. — What did his answer “NW”______ when I asked him to lend me some money?

— No Way.

A. make up B. build up C. stand for D. bring about

24. When you learn English, don’t try to learn too many words ______. It’s best to review frequently.

A. at times B. at the same time C. at one time D. at a time

25. Police departments uncovered nearly 30 cases ____ more than 30 suspects caught _____ hidden telecommunication equipment to cheat on the exams.

A. involved; to use B. to involve; using

C. involving; using D. involved; used

26. — Why are you wearing such a skirt? It has ______ fashion.

— Maybe you’re right, but I really like it.

A. go out of B. came into C. gave up D. followed up

27.The ____ at home has been depressing since they had that fight.

A. condition B. air C. surrounding D. atmosphere

28. — Is that the small town you often refer to?

— Right, just the one ______ you know I used to work for years.

A. that B. which C. what D. where

29. This is such a difficult problem ____ nobody around can answer.

A. that B. which C. when D. as

30. — What do you think of the suggestion he put forward at yesterday’s meeting.

— It is ______ being considered, I think.

A. worth B. worthy

C. worth of D. worthy of

31. — What do you think of the painting? Is it worth the money?

— Why not ask Mr. Smith for advice? He _____ art.

A. has an eye for B. has eyes for C. keeps an eye on D. keeps eyes on

32. The house, _____ roof was destroyed in the terrible fire, has been repaired.

A. which B. that C. whose D. of which

33. A plane crashed near the South Pacific, _____ 24 passengers on board.

A. having killed B. killed C. to kill D. killing

34. — Has the new medicine ______?

— Yes, it has showed a good effect ______ the patient so far.

A. worked; on B. helped; to C. worked; for D. helped; with

35. Kids are ____ their parents’ approval, but some parents never seem satisfied with their kids’ behavior.

A. concerned about B. worried about

C. eager for D. surprised at

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


The last time I saw my mother, she didn’t know who I was. Although having 36 from dementia(老年痴呆症) for many years, mother was never 37 . All our family came to the hospital to spend time with her. She didn’t 38 them either, but we wanted to be there with her.

I have just flown back from Texas. Mother 39 looked at me, or past me, and said “Yeah”. That’s 40 she responded to 41 around her. In spite of this, I held her hand and talked to her.

I told her about the big old house in Highland where I 42 . When we first 43 there from Mascoutah when I was 5 years old, I was 44 of that house. The yard was full of 45 and the house was falling apart. But my father and mother were intelligent and 46 and we eight kids helped to turn it into a home. All of a sudden, I wasn’t frightened any more.

I told her she must have been very 47 when I decided to go to college to study journalism 48 being a priest(牧师), which she thought was the highest 49 for a family. But she didn’t show it. She just saw me 50 with my favorite chocolate chip coo kies.

When I told her all about Texas, 51 she and father had been to visit me, mother seemed 52 by that Texas beach on which they had taken a 53 . She 54 the trip and kept the picture in the living room all the time.

We had too many stories to tell. It was time for me to say 55 to mother and I told her I’d see her again. “Yeah,” she answered. But I wasn’t able to.

36. A. recovered B. suffered C. damaged D. lived

37. A. healthy B. awake C. unconscious D. alone

38. A. see B. understand C. recognize D. like

39. A. never B. just C. excitedly D. seldom

40. A. because B. when C. how D. what

41. A. somewhere B. everywhere C. something D. everything

42. A. experienced B. grew up C. brought up D. worked

43. A. moved B. visited C. left D. withdrew

44. A. fond B. afraid C. curious D. tired

45. A. weeds B. flowers C. trees D. waste

46. A. fo rtunate B. easy-going C. hospitable D. hard-working

47. A. disappointed B. excited C. surprised D. anxious

48. A. as well as B. instead of C. except for D. in spite of

49. A. praise B. prize C. honor D. encouragement

50. A. away B. out C. about D. off

51. A. which B. that C. where D. when

5 2. A. delight B. interested C. happy D. impressed

53. A. note B. boat C. picture D. bath

54. A. enjoyed B. hated C. remembered D. accounted

55. A. thanks B. goodbye C. sorry D. hello




Two out of every five species on the planet that have been estimated by scientists face extinction. This figure comes from the latest World Conservation Union Red List of Endangered Species, published this week.

In all, 16,119 animal and plant species are in danger of extinction. “From the poles(地球的两个极点) to the desert, species loss is increasing, not slowing down”, says IUCN director-general Achim Steiner. The main cause, as ever, is people, both directly and indirectly. While hunting and habitat(栖息地) loss continue to have a serious effect on species numbers, global warming is another threat.

In the polar regions (极地),the summer sea ice that polar bears depend on is rapidly disappearing, and the latest estimates suggest that the ice will be reduced at least by fifty percent in area over the next century. Although polar bears are strong swimmers, yet large numbers of them will starve or drown as global warming melts the Arctic’s ice sheets. The world’s deserts may be expanding, but the animals that live in and around them are not faring well. It’s particularly difficult for the endangered species of the extreme habitat to recover their numbers. Meanwhile, our increasing demand for fish and water is placing the species in rivers and oceans in great danger. As shallow-water fish stocks get reduced, fishermen’s dropping nets and lines into deeper waters are taking their toll on species there.

“This trend can’t be stopped. Environmentalists alone can not save the world’s species in danger”, says Steiner, “but conservation (保护) can work. It must become the responsibility of everyone to act”.

56. All the following statements are the causes of animal extinction except ______.

A. hunting and habitat loss

B. increasing demand for fish and water

C. the expanding of world’s deserts

D. global warming

57. According to the passage, which of following statements is TRUE?

A. Only the species of the poles and deserts are facing extinction.

B. As a result of the globe warming, polar bears will get more food.

C. Fishermen’s fishing in deep oceans increases the toll of species.

D. It will not take a long time for species of extreme habitat to recover their number.

58. What’s the best title of the passage?

A. S erious Effects of Global Warming on Species

B. More and More Animal Species Face Extinction

C. The Endangered Species

D. Save the World’s Species in Danger


To support the recent Earth Day, a small group of HELP University College students from the

Greens Club, a nature society, did their bit for the hard situation of an unlikely mistreated group: sharks (鲨鱼).

Nearly 100 million sharks are killed every year for their fins (鳍),which are made into shark fin soup that is referred to as the delicacy.

Some members of the club spent one month gathering research materials for a show. “I thought I already knew how sharks were treated—I never thought it could be so cruel,” admitted Hui zhi, who helped set up the “shark murder” TV corner for the club and was one of the first to watch the video materials. “It’s very beneficial to anyone who watches it”, said Clarence meanwhile. “And watching it probably does a lot to get people to stop eating shark fin soup and stop the demand for it.” He is right. Watching the poor sharks killed at the hands of human is not different from watching one’s beloved household pet killed unmercifully(无情地) just for something God gives them, like fins, or fur.

“Young people can influence their parents’ thinking. We wanted to screen Shark Tale to show the human side of sharks, the human side that every animal has.” added Ee Ling, who founded the Greens Club three years ago.

Fortunately, there is the good sense of young hearts and minds like Ee Ling and friends who are able to see and value the soul in natural things before they become exploited (不正当地利用) for our own pleasure.

59. Why are so many sharks killed every year?

A. People hunted them for their fins.

B. Because they are dangerous to fishermen.

C. Because people want to screen “Shark Tale”.

D. Because they are not like our beloved pets.

60. Form the passage we can infer that______.

A. shark fin soup is the best delicacy in the world

B. people who watched the video materials about sharks would stop eating shark soup at once

C. people don’t like sharks

D. many people aren’t able to see and value the soul in natural things

61. How does the writer feel about the present situation?

A. depressed B. angry C. sad but hopeful D. disappointed


In the eastern state of Pennsylvania, there lives a minority called Amish people. Amish people came to the United States from Germany and Switzerland in the seventeen and eighteen hundreds. They were expelled from their home countries or chose to leave because of religious oppression.

Amish families live as their ancestors did many years ago. They live in farmhouses heated with wood stoves. They get their water from wells. They do not drive cars. Instead, they travel in buggies pulled by horses. They do not have electricity or telephones. They do not want connections to the outside world. Most Amish people are easy to recognize. The women wear long, dark-colored dresses. They cover their hair with white cloth hats. The men wear black clothing and dark hats. They grow long beards.

Most Amish families have seven or eight children who leave home only when they marry. Everyone in an Amish family works in the fields. The Amish are good farmers. They also keep farm animals. Each family takes care of its own farm of about twenty hectares. They plant and harvest crops without modern technology.

The Amish do not depend on people outside their own community. Every Amish man can build a house, make furniture and raise crops and animals. Every Amish woman can preserve food, make clothing and bed covers called quilts. Quilt-makers all over the world recognize the beauty of Amish quilts.

The Amish community works together to do big jobs like build houses for their people. They also gather for religious services. They continue to live separate from the people in the world around them.

62. Why did Amish people leave their homeland to the United States?

A. Because they wanted a new life in a new continent.

B. Because they suffered religious oppression in their home country.

C. Because they couldn’t keep their own life style in their home country.

D. Because they wanted to keep pace with the modern life in the world.

63. The Amish people live in a life which .

A. follows the rules of their religious belief

B. is very modern and fashionable

C. is unique and the same as their ancestors’

D. is uncivilized and isolated with outside world

64. According to the passage, which statement is NOT true?

A. Amish people’s life is unique and different to the outside world.

B. It’s easy to recognize Amish people from their clothing and life style.

C. Quilts made by Amish women are well-known in the world.

D. Amish people are so poor that they can’t afford cars and electricity.

65. Which of the following is most like to be Amish people?

A. B.

C. D.


第一节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


66. You should f_____ your attention on what the teacher is talking in class.

67. Many slaves were killed during their s_____ against slave owners.

68. You needn’t have bought that book because it is not w_____ reading at all.

69. As we know, wind is also a kind of e_____ just like oil and gas.

70. In fact whales are not fish but m______ like dogs and wolves.

71. Many species are already in peril of _____ (绝 种)because of our destruction of their natural habitat.

72. The customs officer ____(没收) the smuggled good.

73. A nature ____(保护区) is a piece of land where creatures are kept safe.

74. The details of today’s flights are displayed on the _____(显示屏).

75. The ____ (最初的) talks were the base of the later development.

第二节 书面表达(共15分)

假设你是李华,上个星期天在动物园游览时看到有人伤害动物园里的动物。请你根据下 面提供的信息,写信给English Learners’ Lighthouse 的编辑,反映事实并发表看法。


1. 当时的情景:有人向猴子投掷小石头,有人将燃着的烟头给猴子烫它们,以此取乐。

2. 看法:①最近看到或听到动物园里的动物甚至是珍稀动物都遭到人的故意伤害,深表震惊; ②动物是人类的朋友,有自己的生存权利,保护动物是我们每个人的职责,应采取措施保护它们。


附加题: 阅读表达(共10分)


Once I mentioned the story of a friend getting something made for me to give my daughter a present, and then not letting me pay back. Writing about that made me think about problem of communicating feelings, particularly in cross-cultural situations. Let me explain.

If I say to a fellow English-speaker, “I know how you feel,” what I am actually saying is that I can imagine myself in the same position, and therefore can imagine how I would feel. But my friend could perfectly correctly reply, “No you don’t! you can’t.” In truth we can communicate how strongly we feel, but we can not communicate exactly what we feel.

But if we come from the same linguistic and cultural background, the match can be close enough.

Culture and language can’t be separated, and I think that we have the feelings that are recognized in our culture and therefore represented in our language. One might say that we feel the things that our language allows us to express. So when it comes to trying to explain feelings to someone of a different mother tongue, the difficulties are huge.

I could not explain to my friend how I felt about her not letting me repay her, because Chinese culture, it seems, does not recognize the same feelings on such occasions.

She could understand the words that I was using, but ________________________________


Some time ago, I was going up in the lift, and a colleague with whom I merely have a nodding acquaintance was offering round some sweetmeat. I knew that I really could not eat it , so I refused politely, only to be told that I was making her lose face.

I have no idea how serious the colleague was being. I sincerely hope that her comment was more of the nature of a standard response in that kind of situation.

Causing someone to lose face is a serious social mistake. We have to do all we can to learn the types of situations in which it happens, and to try to avoid them. But we can only know about losing face, we can’t feel losing face, as the term is merely a literal translation of Chinese, not one that is native to English.

1. What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)


2. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

If we are of the same culture and language, we can share similar opinions and thoughts


3. Please fill in the blank in the sixth paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words.)


4. What should you learn from this passage? (Please answer within 30 words.)


5. Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.

_____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________

外研版高二英语必修5Module 6测试试题参考答案

21-25 BCCDC 26-30 ADDDA 31-35 ACDAC 36-40 BDCBC 41-45 DBABA 46-50 DABCD 51-55 CDCAB 56-60 CCBAD 61-65 CBCDC 66. focus 67. struggle 68. worth 69. energy 70. mammals 71. extinction 72. confiscated 73. reserve 74. monitor 75. initial

One possible version:

Dear editor,

I’m writing to tell you about an incident of animals being hurt by some people that happened in the zoo last Sunday.

I was watching the lovely monkeys playing in the zoo that day when I noticed someone threw small stones to the monkeys. Others gave burning cigarette ends to the monkeys and got them burnt. They did this just for their own pleasure.

I hear that many animals, even some rare ones, are being hurt by some people on purpose. I was shocked. Animals are our friends. They have their own right to live. It is our duty to protect them. Something must be done to prevent them from being hurt.

Li Hua


1. Cultural Differences

2. But if we come from the same linguistic and cultural background, the match can be close enough.

3. couldn’t understand what I was trying to say

4. It is difficult to explain feelings to someone of a different language. When we are in foreign countries or learning a foreign language, we should pay attention to cultural differences.

5. 但是我们只知道“丢面子”的字面意思,却感觉不到“丢面子”,因为这个术语只是汉语的文字上的转译,英语中本来没有这种说法。


21. B。meanwhile除了表示“其间”以外,还可表示“(比较两方面)对比之下”。这句话的意思是“中国的大学根据学生基础学科的得分来录取学生 ,而西方的学校更注重学生的研究能力”。

22. C。 本题考查短语辨析。go over “复习”;go at “扑向;着手干”;go for “去找;向……进攻”;go after“追逐;追求”。根据前文“the baby still had a high temperature”可判断选择C,表示“去找医生”。

23. C。本题考查短语辨析。make up “弥补;组成;化妆”;build up “树立;加强”;stand for “代表;象征”; bring about “使发生;致使”。问句的意思应该是“我向他借钱的时候,他说‘NW’是什么意思?”

24. D。本题考查短语辨析。at times “有时”;at the same time “同时”; at all times “一直”;at a time “一次,每次”。句意为“当你学英语时,不要试图一次学太多单词。比较好的办法是常复习”。

25. C。本题考查现在分词的用法。句意为“警方破获了将近30起案件,30多名涉案人员使用隐蔽的通讯设备在考场上作弊时被抓”。

26. A。根据前文“Why are you wearing such a skirt?”和后文“Maybe you’re right ”可推断应该选择A,go out of f ashion 表示“过时”。

27. D。本题考查单词辨析。句意为“自从他们打了一架后,家里的气氛变得很压抑”。

28. D。 where 引导定语从句, 修饰 the one。“我曾经在那儿工作过好多年的小镇”。

63. C。文意理解题。由文章的描述可知,Amish人仍然保持着他们独特的生活方式,不用汽车,不用电等,与他们先辈的生活毫无二致。

