



上周六下午你和好朋友们一起去当地一家孤儿院做志愿者活动。请以“Volunteering is on”为题写一篇英语短文。



提示词:orphanage house 孤儿院

Volunteering is on

Last Saturday afternoon,I together with my good friends volunteered in a local orphanage house.The children there were very lovely and we soon became friends.Some of us helped them clean their rooms and the yard.Some of us sang and danced advice on how to get along with others.We helped them solve their problems in their daily life.They were thankful to all of us.How happily we spent the time together!Now we are looking forward to meeting them next time!

Through the experience,we all feel being a volunteer is great!


我们生活中总有许多开心的事,也会遇到很多困难和挫折。当你把快乐的事情与他人分享,你就会收获双份的快乐。当你把烦恼和痛苦的事与他人诉说,其他人会与你一起分担,你就会感到烦恼和痛苦减轻了许多,而且他人的支持和鼓励能让你变得更坚强。请以Share My Happiness with Others(与他人分享我的快乐)或者Share My Pains with Others(与他人分享我的痛苦)为题,写一件你经历过的事。

Share My Happiness with Others

It is said that when you share your happiness, it will be doubled, when you share your sorrow, it will be relieved. Recently, I have learned this lesson.

I enrolled in the English Speaking contest. I did it seceretly because I could be embrassed if I didn’t do it well. I made good prepareation for it , and practised a lot. I think that even if I failed, I could be relieved because at least I have tried and make my best. Fortunately, I was one of the top 10, which suprised me a lot . I told it to my parents , my mother huged me and said I’m so good, she is proud of me . My father looked at me and patted my shoulder .. Their reaction made me feel happy and I realized that I have grown up and I have responsibilty . They make my happiness larger than the moment that I knew I was one of the top 10.

From this story , I know that you can pass your happiness to others , share it with others, which can make you happier .


每个人都应该自信,每个人都应该了解自己,你心目中的自我是怎样的呢?请以“This Is Me”为题介绍一下你自己

This Is Me

I am an ordinary girl,shy and quiet.I think few people would notice me too much.My parents want me to be myself.So I don’t copy any models.

I like smiling because I like to be sunny.I never feel disappointed because I like to challenge myself.I’m suer I can be one of your friends.

I’m ready to help others.If you are in difficulties,you’ll find there is a girl giving you a hand.This is me.


我们不但要了解他人,更要了解自己。请以“I am what I am”为题,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈你自己。

I am what I am

Sometimes I feel lonely.Nobody in this world can understand me.But things are never like that. My friends and I always share happiness together.

I have to help others.I know that’s friendship.Once I helped one of classmates who disliked me.The classmate was absent from class for days.I helped him catch up with us.Some friends say I’m silly.But I think everyone needs support.That’s what I am.


汶川大地震牵动了我们每一个人的心,请你围绕“To Be Strong”这一主题,用英语给汶川初三的同学写一封信,鼓励他们要坚强,并告诉他们你在赈灾活动中所做的一切以及你的感想。

Dear friends,

I’m terribly sorry to learn that an earthquake hit your hometown.We felt sad when we learnt that some of you had lost your family memebers.Some even cried at the bad news.

I’m sure the earthquake will never beat us Chinese people.I hope you’ll be strong enough to face the difficulties.We decided to do our bit to help you.Some of us gave away our books and clothes.We also collected some pocket money from the students.We’ll send all these to you trough the Red Cross.

We’ll stand side by side with you and make your hometown more beautiful.

Best wishes!


Zhang Hua

