

棒球帽之所以叫棒球帽,主要是从美国流行起来的。棒球在美国非常非常流行,而比赛中防守一队的球员多数都是要戴一个棒球帽的,所以很多fans也会戴自己喜欢球队的帽子。 流行起来之后就不止是棒球球队的帽子了。那么,你知道棒球帽的的英文单词是什么吗?



baseball cap


1. He's wearing a deeply unappealing baseball hat. 他戴着一顶很不起眼的棒球帽。

2. He wears his baseball cap back to front. 他把棒球帽反戴着。

3. baseball caps emblazoned with the team's logo 饰有球队标识的棒球帽

4. Rain dripped from the brim of his baseball cap. 雨水从他的棒球帽帽檐上滴落。

5. Acid wash baseball cap, 100 % Cotton twill, Unconstructed, Metal button back. close. 酸洗棒球帽, 100%棉, 无前衬,带三明志, 金属后闭扣.

6. I have a baseball cap with the Olympic logo. 我有一顶带有奥运会标志的棒球帽.

7. Men who are going bald often wear baseball caps. 快要秃顶的男人们总是戴着棒球帽.

8. I watched the water drip off the rim of Tom's baseball cap. 我注视着雨水沿着汤姆棒球帽的边缘滴落.

9. Protective Shell Insert for Baseball Cap , White. Not approved. 棒球帽内置防护帽壳, 白色.

10. The style includes baggy jeans, sweatshirts, hiking boots, and baseballcaps. 这种风格包括乞丐裤, 运动衫, 登山靴和棒球帽.

11. Older brother is proudly wearing his baseball hat andall around. 哥哥神气地戴着他的棒球帽到处张望.

12. Behavior Two : put on a baseball hat. 表现 二: 戴上棒球帽.


13. She brought me a Dodger baseball cap. 她还帮我买了一顶道奇队的棒球帽.

14. What kinds of baseball caps do you have? 你有哪一种棒球帽?

15. He hunched there in sunglasses, a baseball cap yanked tight over his head. Sometimes Mr. 他戴着太阳镜弓着腰坐在那里, 一顶棒球帽紧紧地扣在头上.

16. The Chinese have no objection to baseball caps, but the color was aproblem - a big problem. 中国人非常喜欢棒球帽, 但是棒球帽的颜色却成为一个巨大的问题.

17. Wearing a jeans jacket and a baseball cap, he could have passed for a fratboy. 穿一件牛仔甲克,戴个棒球帽, 他也可以被认为是个商界的弟兄.

18. MERIDIAN, Idaho - Banning baseball caps during tests was obvious -students were writing the answers under the brim. meridian爱达荷 - 禁止戴棒球帽进考场似乎很合理, 因为学生可以将考题答案藏在帽沿下面.

19. We have a policy against guests wearing baseball hats in our club, sir. 先生, 我们有规定,不允许客人戴棒球帽进入俱乐部.

20. This artwork, in Porto, Portugal, shows Mona in a baseball cap and relatedattire. 蒙娜丽莎头戴棒球帽, 以一身运动装站在葡萄牙的波尔图街头.

21. I went to the trunk and got out a big baseball hat and glasses. 我往行李箱和拿出一个棒球帽、眼镜.

22. Lane touched the brim of his black baseball cap and answered " Afternoon,Ms. " 莱恩推了一下他那黑色的棒球帽说, “ 下午好, 温斯洛小姐. ”

23. The affiliated factory has 300 workers, and its major products knitted dressand baseball caps. 直属工厂有工人300人, 主要生产针织服饰,棒球帽等.

24. A little boy DaiQiu hat in hand, head of bat, armed to go to their backyard. 有个小男孩头戴球帽,手拿球棒与棒球, 全副武装地走到自家后院.

