



【铜仁】—Where is Mr. Zhao?

—He ______ to Mount Fanjing. He’ll come back ______ a week.

A. has been; in B. has gone; after

C. has gone; in D. has been; after


【河北】I’m busy now. I ______ to you after school this afternoon.

A. talk B. talked C. will talk D. have talked


【黄冈】—I suppose you are at least 60 years old.

—Thank you. I’m glad you ______ that. My real age is 362.

A. say B. said C. are saying D. were saying


【连云港】Beijing and Zhangjiakou applying to host the 2022 Winter Olympic

Games in 2013.

A. begin B. began C. have begun D. had begun


【长沙】—Your brother is an excellent basketball player.

—So he is. He to play basketball three years ago.

A. has started B. starts C. started


【长沙】Little Tom computer games when his mother got home.

A. is playing B. plays C. was playing


【河北】44. I saw Ken in the meeting room, he ______ Joe for the school magazine.

A. interviews B. interviewed

C. has interviewed D. was interviewing


【河北】42. Monica, you ______ the exam! Congratulation!

A. pass B. have passed C. will pass D. are passing


【河北】Someone ______ at the door. Can you open it?

A. knocks B. knocked C. is knocking D. was knocking


【达州】—Have you ever _______ an amusement park?

—Yes, I have. I ______ Fun Times Amusement Park last year.

A. been to, have gone to B. gone to, have been t o

C. go to, went to D. been to, went to

【答案】DX kB1.cOM

【河南】24. —Are you going anywhere?

—I _______ about visiting my sister, but I have changed my mind.

A. think B. have thought C. will think D. thought


【解析】 考查时态的用法。本题句意为:你要去一些地方吗?我……看望我姐姐,但我改变了主意。根据答语后半句“I have changed my mind”及逻辑推理可知,我原本考虑 去看望我姐姐,但后来由改变了主意,所以答语前半句表示的是过去考虑好的事情,故应是一般过去时态。故选D项。

【河南】33. —Does the bus go to the beach?

—No. You _______ the wrong way. You want the Number 11.

A. go B. were going C. are going D. would go


【解析】 考查时态的用法。本题句意为:公交车去沙滩吗?不去。你……错路了。你想乘11路车。根据句意及答语后句中的“want the Number 11”可推知,问路人还没有乘坐公交车,所以此处应用一般将来时态表达。故选C项。

【陕西】On May 22, a Han taxi driver _______ an old lady to the hospital as soon as he

could in Xinjiang.

A. sent B. sends C. is sending D. has sent


【黔西南州】I _______ my hometown for a long time. I really miss it.

A. left B. went away from C. have left D. have been away from


【北京】—What do you often do at weekends?

—I often _______ my grandparents.

A. visit B. visited C. have visited D. will visit


【北京】—What were you doing when we were playing basketball yesterday afternoon?

I ______ the classroom.

A. was cleaning B. have cleaned C. will clean D. clean


【北京】He _____ in this factory for 20 years already.

A. will work B. works C. has worked D. is working


【南京】—Lily, why are you still here? School is over for half an hour.

—Because I ______ my task yet. I still need one more hour.

A. won’t finish B. didn’t finish C. haven’t finished D. hadn’t finished


【鄂州】— A new shop _______ for a week nearby. Let’s have a look there.

— Good idea. But it doesn’t ______ on Mondays.

A. opened; opened B. has been opened; open

C. has opened; opened D. has been open; open


【扬州】—Has your friend completed his design?

—Not yet. He _______ on it last night.

A. worked B. has worked C. is working D. was working


【扬州】—Where is Mr. Wang?

—He together with his students _______ Zhuyuwan Park.

A. has gone to B. have gone to C. has been to D. have been to


【扬州】—When will A Bite of China II begin tonight?

—It _______ for ten minutes.

A. will begin B. has begun C. will be on D. has been on


【湖北咸宁】—Do you know Diaoyu Island?

—Sure. It ______ China since ancient times.

A. belongs to B. belonged to

C. has belonged to D. is belonging to


【重庆市A】—Where is your father?

—He ______ the World Cup in the living room.

A. is watching B. watches C. watched D. will watch


【重庆市A】In Chongqing, you can often see many pe ople dance outside together if it

______ in the evening.

A. rains B. doesn’t rain C. will rain D. won’t rain


【安徽】Mr. Wang has left for Guangzhou. He ______ a speech there in two days.

A. gives B. gave C. will give D. has given


【安徽】As we all know, the Silk Ro ad ______ China to the west in ancient times.

A. connects B. connected C. will connect D. is connecting


【重庆市B】—Where is Linda? I can’t find her anywhere.

—She ______ the flowers in the garden.

A. waters B. is watering C. watered D. has watere d


【杭州】After Steven sent some e-mails, he ______ surfing the Internet.

A. starts B. has started C. will start D. started


【天津】Robots _____more heavy work for us in the future.

A. will do B. did C. have done D. were doing


【天津】—____ you ever_____ the new Minyuan Stadium?

—No, I haven’t.

A. Do; visit B. Have; visited C. Did; visit D. Are; visiting


【广州】Be quiet! The st udents ______ a physics test in the next room.

A. had B. have had C. were having D. are having


【宜宾】Look! The police ______ the food onto the bank of the river.

A. am carrying B. is carrying C. are carrying D. are carried


【呼和浩特】My husband always ______ me flowers every week before we got married, but

now he never _______.

A. sends; does B. sent; does C. was going to send; do D. sent; do


【南昌】—You’re in a hurry. Where are you going?

—To the cinema. Sue _______ for me outside.

A. waits B. waited C. is waiting D. was waiting


【南昌】—Mr. Li will che ck our homework this afternoon. ______ you ______ it?

—Not yet. I'm doing it right now.

A. Do; finish B. Had; finished C. Will; finish D. Have ; finished


【苏州】—Do you think grandpa and grandma _______ late?

—No, the train is usually on time.

A. were B. will be C. was D. have been

【答 案】B

【甘肃白银】I want to know if an English Singing Competition ______ next month.

A. will hold B. will be held C. holds D. is held


【甘肃白银】The zoo keeper is worried because the number of visitors _______ sm aller and smaller.

A. become B. are becoming C. is becoming D. have become


【甘肃白银】She ______ for ten years and now she has a lovely daughter.

A. married B. has been married C. got married D. has got married


【甘肃白银】It only _______ me half an hour _______ to school every day last term.

A. takes; riding B. spent; to ride C. cost; walk D. took; to walk


【宁波】—Are you surprised at the ending of the movie?

—No, because I _______ the story.

A. read B. will read C. have read D. was reading


【临沂】Turn off the water while you _______ your teeth or washing your hands.

A. were brushing B. brush C. are brushing D. brushed


【湖州】—The Amazing Spider Man 2 is on these days. It’s fantastic.

—Really? But I _______ it yet.

A. didn’t see B. won’t s ee C. haven’t see D. is not seeing


【温州】Alice likes doing housework. She _______ her room every afternoon.

A. cleans B. cleaned C. will clean D. has cleaned


【嘉兴】Tom _______ the piano every day when he was in primary school.

A. plays B. played C. was playing D. has played


【丽水】Hurry up! The sky is covered with black clouds. I’m afraid it _______.

A. rains B. is going to rain C. rained D. was raining


【绍兴】—So you have watched the action movie, haven’t you?

—Yes. I _______ it with my parents in Lu Xun Theater.

A. watch B. watched C. w ill watch D. am watching


【台州】—Have you ever been to the Great Wall?

—Not yet. I _______ it this year.

A. visited B. have visited C. was visiting D. will visit


【泰安】—Can you find our city _______ a lot in recent years?

—Yes. The road is wider and the buildings are taller.

A. has changed B. changes C. changed D. will change


【威海】—When will Diana arrive?

—Oh, she _______. She is in the meeting room now.

A. arrives B. is arriving C. arrived D. has arrived


【滨州】—Jim isn’t in the classroom. Where is he now?

—He _______ the library.

A. will go to B. has been to C. has gone to D. goes to


【菏泽】—Have you finished your homework yet?

—Yes. I _______ it twenty minutes ago.

A. have studied B. studied C. will study D. had studied


【菏泽】Look, so many people are running out of the station. I wonder what _______.

A. is happened B. was happening C. is happening D. had happened


【聊城】—May I speak to Ann?

—Sorry, she isn’t in. She _______ France.

A. has gone to B. has been to C. was going to D. goes to


【潍坊】—Are Betty and Lingling still living in B eijing?

—No, they _______ to Qingdao.

A. will move B. are moved C. have just moved D. move


