


销售英语 对话

A:I want to take a present for Cathy.Do you have some good idea? 我想要买个礼物给凯西,你有什么好建议吗?

B:The nearby have a Commodity shop, we can go and have a look. 这附近刚好有家小商品店,我们可以去看看


C: Good morning! May I help you?早上好,我可以帮到你吗?

B:We are looking first.我们先看看。

C:Ok,go ahead.好的,随便看。

A:What is this?This one looks nice.这是什么?看起来很漂亮。

B: This is clay figurine..This one?Ok,Do you haveSun Wukong clay figurine? 这是粘土雕像。是这个吗?好的,你们有孙悟空雕像吗?

C: Yes, we have. 是的,我们有。

A: Please show me this one! 请把这个拿给我看一下。

C: Ok, here you are. 好的,给您。

A: How much is it ? 这个多少钱? C: 2000. 要2000元

B: It's too expensive. Do you have discount? 这太贵了,你们有打折吗?

C: 20% off. 八折。

A: Can you come down a bit? 可以再便宜一点吗?

C: Sorry! We have only one price. 抱歉,我们是不讲价的。

B: Or how about this one? Do you like it?或者 这个怎么样?你喜欢吗?

A: Who is it carved ?它雕的是谁?

B: Ultraman.He is the hero all over the world.奥特曼,它是世界英雄。

A: How much is it?这个多少钱?

C:1500.And the same discount. 1500元,而且是一样的折扣。

B: Ok, We’ll take it. 好的,我们买了。

C: Cash or card? 现金还是刷卡?

A: International Credit Card. 国际信用卡。

C: Do you have passport? 你带护照了吗?

A: Yes. Where do I pay? 是的,我在哪儿付钱?

C: This way please. 请这边走。

B: By the way, do you have to provide packaging? 顺便问一下你们店有包装吗?

C: Yes. You can choose their own packaging, we will help you pack. 有的。您可以自己选择包装纸,我们将替你包装

A: I want which looks more lustrous. And how much is it? 我想要那一种色彩更鲜艳的。那要多少钱?

C: Well,It is free This is our free service .嗯,这是我们的免费服务。

A: Oh, I see. 哦,原来如此.Thank you.谢谢。

B: I belive Cathy will like it. 我相信凯西一定会喜欢的。

