



I.听力部分:(共20分, 1—10 每小题1分,11—15 每小题2分。)

1-5 CABAB 6-10 BACCC

11. pollution 12. rules 13. recycle 14. glass 15. energy


16-20 DAADC 21-25 CDDBD 26-30 ABDAC

III. 补全对话(共10分)

31-35 EGBDA

36. Why not go to a beach / How about going to a beach / Let’s go to the beach, shall we

37. Have you ever been there

38. Yes / Of course / Sure.

39. What do you think of it / How do you like it

40. Have a good time / Have a good trip / Enjoy yourself


(A) 根据所给中文完成句子翻译。(共12分,每小题2分)

41. No shouting / Don’t shout, please 42. who won the photo competition

43. throw away, be used again 44. take some steps / do something, reduce pollution

45. Although / Even though / if it is hard work / a hard job 46. If you don’t eat / have breakfast, you’ll be / get hungry at school.


47. 如果你总独自呆在家里,很难交到朋友。

48. 与人交谈时要正视他们。

49. 你会有更多的人可选择,有更多交友的机会。

IV.完形填空(共25分, 每小题1分)

(A) 50-54 BCADC 55-59 BBCDA 60-64 DCDAC

(B) 65. left 66. hated 67. animals 68. crying 69. heavily

70. rainbow 71. help 72. to make 73. giving 74. except


75-79 BCAAD 80-84 BADCB

85. They like fast food / Fast food.

86. Because it is with plenty of calcium and calcium is essential for the development of healthy, strong bones.

87. Because lifestyle habits can be developed during our teenage years.

88. Yes.

89. Yes, they do.

90. seven 91. 24 92. heated 93. swim 94. speakers

95-99 DBACE

VII. 书面表达(10分)

