外研版高一上册英语必修一Module 2测试试题及答案


作为学生的你,在即将到来的英语考试之前,我们应该要去做好怎么样的复习工作呢?让我们来做一份试卷怎么样?下面是小编整理的外研版高一上册英语必修一Module 2测试试题,希望对你有用。

外研版高一上册英语必修一Module 2测试试题


1.You must have your luggage ________ (weigh) at the airport.

2.After __________ (measure) the room,I found it was twenty feet wide and thirty feet long.

3.It’s dangerous to carry a hot pan with ________ (burn) oil.

4.They said they ____________ (open) a western food restaurant on Beijing Road the next month.

5.His mother’s death ____________ (cause) by the heart disease.

6.The girl who ________________ (examine) by the doctor yesterday afternoon is my good friend.

7.______ the population of China ____________ (control) in the past five years?

8.Some people ____________ (escape) into the street before the firefighters were sent there.

9.I ______________ (not know) that you would come here until your father told me.

10.The man is walking to the gate __________ (sound) the bell for lunch.



Your task is ____________________.


Please ____________ and listen to me.


I ________________ that you are fired.


She is considering __________________.


It’s no use __________________.


1.I had great difficulty ________ the suitable food on the menu in that restaurant.

A.find B.found

C.to find D.finding

2.She reached the top of the hill and stopped________ on a big rock by the side of the path.

A.to have rested B.resting

C.to rest D.rest

3.—Can’t we go there on foot?

—________ to take a boat.

A.I feel like B.We’d better

C.I’d prefer D.Yes,I’d like

4.My watch needs ________,but I have no time to go to town to have it ________.

A.to repair;repaired

B.to be repaired;repairing


D.being repaired;repaired

5.—I have been knocking at the door,but no one answers.

—Why not________ at the back door?

A.try knocking B.try to knock

C.to try knocking D.to try to knock

6.________ loud music in public is against the law in the UK.

A.Play B.Having played

C.Playing D.Being played

7.Last weekend Peter had a great deal of fun with his family________ kites in a park.

A.fly B.flew

C.to fly D.flying

8.They use computers to keep the traffic ________ smoothly.

A.being run B.run

C.to run D.running

9.I still remember ________ to the Famen Temple and what I saw there.

A.to take B.to be taken

C.taking D.being taken

10.In some parts of London,missing a bus means______ for another hour.

A.waiting B.to wait

C.wait D.to be waiting

11.At the beginning of class,the noise of desks________could be heard outside the classroom.

A.opened and closed

B.to be opened and closed

C.being opened and closed

D.to open and close

12.One learns a language by making mistakes and________ them.

A.correct B.correcting

C.corrects D.to correct

13.Victor apologized for________ to inform me of the change in the plan.

A.his being not able B.him not to be able

C.his not being able D.him to be not able

14.“We can’t go out in this weather,”said Bob,________ out of the window.

A.looking B.to look

C.looked D.having looked

15.My parents have always made me________ about myself,even when I was twelve.

A.feeling well B.feeling good

C.feel well D.feel good


Too many people want others to be their friends,but they don’t give friendship back.That is why some friendships don’t last long.To have a friend,you must learn to be one.You must learn to treat your friend the way you want your friend to treat you.Learning to be a good friend means learning three rules:be honest;be generous;be understanding.

Honesty is where a good friendship starts.Friends must be able to trust one another.If you do not tell the truth,people usually find out.If a friend finds out that you haven’t been honest,you may lose the friend’s trust.Good friends always count_on one another to speak and act honestly.

Generosity means sharing and sharing makes a friendship grow.You do not have to give your lunch money or your clothes.Naturally you will want to share your ideas and feelings.These can be very valuable to a friend.They tell your friend what is important to you.By sharing them,you help your friend know you better.

Sooner or later everyone needs understanding and helping with a problem.Something may go wrong at school.Talking about the problem can make it easier to solve.Turning to a friend can be the first step in solving the problem.So to be a friend you must listen and understand.You must try to put yourself in your friend’s place so you can understand the problem better.

No two friendships are ever exactly alike.But all true friendships have three things in common.If you plan to keep your friends,you must practice honesty,generosity and understanding.

1.Some friendships don’t last very long because ______.

A.there are too many people who want to make friends

B.some people receive friendship but don’t give friendship back

C.those who give others friendship receive friendship from others

D.they don’t know friendship is something serious

2.According to the passage,honesty is________.

A.something countable

B.the base of friendship

C.as important as money

D.more important than anything else

3.Which of the following isn’t mentioned in the passage?

A.Always tell your friends the truth.

B.Sharing your mind with your friends is of great value.

C.Discussing your problems with your friends often helps to solve the problem.

D.A friend who gives you his lunch money is a true friend.

4.The best title of this passage is ________.

A.Honesty Is the Best Policy

B.A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed

C.How to Be Friends

D.Three Important Points in Life

5.What’s the meaning of “count on” in this passage?

A.数,点(数) B.认为,看作

C.重视 D.期待























我的自行车需要修理。1My bike needs repairing.2My bike needs to be repaired.3I need to have/get my bike repaired.

外研版高一上册英语必修一Module 2测试试题答案

Ⅰ.1.weighed 2.measuring 3.burning 4.would open 5.was caused 6.was examined 7.Has been controlled 8.(had) escaped 9.didn’t know 10.to sound

Ⅱ.1.cleaning the classroom 2.stop talking 3.regret to tell you 4.going abroad 5.writing to him

Ⅲ.1.D [have difficulty/trouble/problems (in) doing sth.做某事有困难,是固定搭配。]

2.C [stop to rest停下来休息一下;而B项stop resting意为“停止休息”。]

3.C [would prefer to do sth.宁愿/更愿干某事,符合句意。feel like+doing;had better+do;D项语意矛盾。]

4.C [...need doing=...need to be done……需要被做;have sth.done让别人做……,为习惯用法。]

5.A [Why not do sth?固定用法。try doing sth.试着做某事;try to do sth.尽力做某事。由句意知选A项。]

6.C [句意为:在英国,公共场合播放喧噪的音乐是违法的。动名词的一般式作句子主语不强调时间上的先后动作,且动词play与music构成逻辑上的动宾关系。动词短语不能充当主语;此处不强调动作上的先后关系,故C项正确。]

7.D [句意为:上周末皮特和家人在公园里放风筝,玩得很开心。have fun (in) doing sth.为习惯搭配,意为“做某事很开心”,故D项正确。]

8.D [句意为:他们用电脑使交通运转顺畅。keep+宾语+宾补, 此处traffic与run之间为主谓关系,故用现在分词作宾补。]

9.D [remember to do sth.记着去做某事;remember doing sth.记着做过某事。句意为:我依然记着别人领我去法门寺以及我在那儿看到的事物。]

10.A [mean doing sth.表示“意味着做某事”;mean to do sth.表示“打算、意欲做某事”。句意为:在伦敦的一些地区,错过公交车就意味着再等一个小时。]

11.C [考查非谓语动词作定语。过去分词作定语表完成、被动;不定式作定语表将来;现在分词作定语,表示正在进行。句意为:开始上课时,在教室外面就能听到开关课桌的声音。表示开关课桌的动作正在进行且桌子是被开关,因此用现在分词的被动形式作定语。]

12.B [and前后为并列关系,前有介词by,因而用correcting。]

13.C [根据apologize for (doing) sth.结构可知,此处应用动名词,排除B、D两项。非谓语动词的否定式是在非谓语动词之前加not,故选C项。]

14.A [本题考查v.ing短语在句中作伴随状语。]

15.D [make sb.do sth.为固定句型;feel为系动词后跟形容词,因此用feel good。]

Ⅳ.1.B [由第一段第一句话可知。]

2.B [由第二段的“Honesty is where a good friendship starts.”可知。]

3.D [通读全文A、B、C都提到了。]

4.C [由文章第一段最后一句和最后一段可知该文主要讲了交友必须做到的三件事。]

5.D [好朋友总是期待彼此说实话、办实事。]

Ⅴ. 参考范文

Dear Zhang Hua,

Long time no see!I miss you very much.Now I am so excited that I can not wait to share with you an unforgettable experience.I gave my first lesson today,which left me a deep impression.

Seeing a young teacher enter the classroom,my students began to make more noise.I stood on the platform,feeling embarrassed and not knowing what to do.Then I realized something must be done.I asked the kids whether they liked English songs.After taking a deep breath,I sang a song I had practiced many times.To my surprise,all the kids were concentrating on my class later on.

How delighted I am now!Actually,whatever happens,we must stay calm first and then find a wise solution.Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hong

