



举重场没了兴奋剂 观众还买账吗?

RIO DE JANEIRO — The brothers Dan and AnthonyRigney of Australia attended the Olympic weight lifting competition on Sunday and were notexactly mortified that the sport is more polluted than Guanabara Bay.

里约热内卢——澳大利亚的丹和安东尼•里格尼(Dan and Anthony Rigney)兄弟去看了周日的奥运举重比赛。对于这个项目的受污染情况比瓜纳巴拉湾更甚这一点,他们并不觉得难堪。

Sure, they want athletes to be drug free, but they also want to be entertained by raw humanpower. So yes, they would have preferred to see the Russian and Bulgarian teams, which werebarred for doping. Likewise with Ilya Ilyin, a suspended two-time Olympic champion fromKazakhstan, who is the Barry Bonds of the clean and jerk.

当然,他们希望运动员远离药物,但他们也希望从赤裸裸的人类力量中得到娱乐。因此,没错,他们是乐于看到因兴奋剂问题被禁赛的俄罗斯和保加利亚队参加比赛的。哈萨克斯坦被禁赛的两届奥运冠军得主伊利亚•伊雷因(Ilya Ilyin)也是这样。他是挺举项目中的巴里•邦兹(Barry Bonds)。

“You like to see world records,” said Dan Rigney, 28, a physio therapist and competitive lifterfrom Sydney. “It’s like baseball. People just want to see home runs.”

“人们喜欢看到世界纪录,”来自悉尼的28岁理疗师、举重运动员丹•里格尼(Dan Rigney)说。“就像棒球一样。人们只想看本垒打。”

There has long been a wink-and-nod pragmatism about weight lifting. Drugs have been ahushed but vital part of doing business. If there is an argument to be made that any sportshould permit doping, or even make it mandatory, that sport is weight lifting.


“Maybe it already is,” Dan Rigney said with a laugh, adding that, in his view, doping “is what’skeeping the Olympics going.”


Let’s be honest. We don’t want to see anybody lift a keg. We want to see someone hoist aBuick.


We are nostalgic for champions like Vasily Alekseyev, the great Soviet superheavyweight whowon gold medals in 1972 and 1976. He set 80 world records and was the first person to lift 500pounds in the clean and jerk. He was so massive that his uniform fit like a chin strap on abowling ball. And those sideburns — great thickets wide and deep enough to plant potatoes.

我们怀念像瓦西里•阿列克谢耶夫(Vasily Alekseyev)那样的冠军。伟大的苏联超重量级举重运动员阿列克谢耶夫曾分别在1972年和1976年获得金牌。他创造了80项世界记录,也是在挺举项目中举起500磅(约合230公斤)的第一人。他的身型非常魁梧,以至于比赛服穿在他身上就像一根颏带绷在保龄球上。还有那鬓角——一片茂盛的灌木丛,宽度和厚度足以种土豆。

Oh, sure, we say we are against doping in sports. But we don’t care enough to stop buyingtickets or watching on television. And let’s ask ourselves this: Would anyone stay tuned if theOlympic champion ran the 100 meters in 15 seconds instead of nine? Who would watch theN.F.L. if linemen were built more like Gilligan than the Skipper?


Most fans seem to view doping in the same way they view special effects in “Star Wars” movies,said Charles Yesalis, a retired Penn State professor and an expert on performance-enhancingdrugs.

宾西法尼亚州立大学(Penn State)退休教授、研究提高成绩的药物的专家查尔斯•耶萨利斯(Charles Yesalis)表示,大部分体育迷对兴奋剂的态度,和对《星球大战》(Star Wars)系列电影里的特效是一样的。

“It enhances the enjoyment of viewing because you see bigger-than-life people doing bigger-than-life things,” Yesalis said in a recent interview. “If everybody looked like normal people,chances are the N.C.A.A., the N.F.L. and the Olympics would not be multibillion-dollar entities.”


Before the Games, international sports officials tossed out assorted male and female liftersfrom Azerbaijan, Armenia, Cyprus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, North Korea, Romania, Turkey,Ukraine and Uzbekistan, a Fodor’s guide through the world of banned substances.


Olympic weight lifting without Russia and Bulgaria is like Harry Potter without Lord Voldemortand Bellatrix Lestrange (if those villains wore spandex and had necks the size of Easter hams).The competition will go on, but it won’t be the same.

奥运举重项目没了俄罗斯和保加利亚,就如同《哈里•波特》(Harry Potter)没了伏地魔和贝拉特里克斯•莱斯特兰奇(如果这两个坏蛋穿上斯潘德克斯弹性纤维做成的队服,并且脖子粗得和复活节吃的火腿一样的话)。比赛会继续,但不会是原来的样子。

Until recently, weight lifting officials had mostly turned the other way, keenly understandingthat the final word of the Olympic motto, “Faster, Higher, Stronger,” is not easily achieved overthe counter.


Of course, with the Rio Games upon us, the International Weightlifting Federation is suddenlyaffronted. It has called revelations of widespread doping in Russia “shocking anddisappointing” and has said that the “integrity of the weight lifting sport has been seriouslydamaged.”

当然了,在我们迎来里约奥运会之际,国际举重联合会(International Weightlifting Federation)突然被触怒了。它表示,已经被揭露出来的俄罗斯运动员普遍使用兴奋剂的情况“令人震惊和失望”;它还说,“举重运动的尊严受损”。

Integrity? Now they worry about integrity?


There were 24 positive tests at the world weight lifting championships last year, and retestingof urine samples from the 2008 Beijing Games and the 2012 London Games revealed at least20 additional positives, including four from Olympic champions, according to the news agencyAgence France-Presse.

去年,针对世界举重冠军所做的尿检,结果呈阳性的共有24例。据法新社(Agence France-Presse)报道,重新检测来自2008年北京奥运会和2012年伦敦奥运会的尿样,让阳性结果至少又多出了20个,其中4份阳性尿样来自奥运冠军。

Essentially, comedy has become reality.


Remember that “Saturday Night Live” sketch, with Phil Hartman playing a Soviet weight lifternamed Sergei Akmudov at the All Drug Olympics?

还记得《周六夜现场》(Saturday Night Live)的一个小品吗?菲尔•哈特曼(Philip Hartmann)在《药林匹克运动会》(All Drug Olympics)里扮演名叫谢尔盖•阿克穆多夫(Sergei Akmudov)的苏联举重运动员。

“His trainer has told me that he’s taken anabolic steroids, Novocain, NyQuil, Darvon and somesort of fish paralyzer,” the announcer, played by Kevin Nealon, says earnestly.


“Also, I believe he’s had several cocktails within the last hour or so,” the announcer says. “Allthis, of course, is perfectly legal at the All Drug Olympics. In fact, it’s encouraged.”


Akmudov tries to lift more than 1,500 pounds, triple the world record in the clean and jerk,except for one small problem.


“Oh, he’s pulled his arms off!” the witless announcer yells. “He’s pulled his arms off! That’s gotto be disappointing to the big Russian.”


With the fall of the Berlin Wall and the dismantling of the Soviet Union, the Olympics lost agripping appeal for many Americans — the rivalry between East and West. With Russia nowabsent from Rio in weight lifting and track and field, that enthralling tension erodes furtherstill.


“There was no one to root against,” Matt Futterman wrote last month in The Wall StreetJournal, lamenting the parting of the Iron Curtain for international sport. “It was like watching aBond film in which everyone was working for MI6.”

“没人可供喝倒彩了,”上个月,马特•福特曼(Matt Futterman)在《华尔街日报》上感叹说,国际体育界的“铁幕”正在消失。“这就好比观看一部所有人都为军情六处(MI6)工作的邦德片。”

One wonders whether medals won in Rio will be devalued in particular sports, as they werewhen the United States boycotted the 1980 Moscow Olympics and the Soviet Unionreciprocated at the 1984 Los Angeles Games.


“Weight lifting is so riddled with doping problems, it’s hard to call any medal devalued,” said BillMallon, an Olympic historian.

“举重项目被兴奋剂问题搞得千疮百孔,奖牌贬值几乎无从谈起,”奥运历史学家比尔•马龙(Bill Mallon)说。

And to be sure, many people in weight lifting have applauded the mass suspensions. “Rules arerules,” said Mika Tiainen, Finland’s Olympic coach. “Lifting makes the competition, not thecountry.”


Still, it would surprise no one if the retesting of urine samples from Rio led to the stripping ofmedals in coming years. Anthony Rigney, 33, a teacher, said he had seen a meme online: “Ican’t wait until 2024 to see who won the gold in Rio.”

不过,如果在未来几年里,重新检测来自里约奥运会的尿样导致一些人的奖牌被剥夺,那也没什么好奇怪的。现年33岁的教师安东尼里格尼(Anthony Rigney)说他在网上看过一个米姆(meme):“到2024年就知道谁在里约夺冠了,好期待。”



Mis-selling drugs.


The settlers.


American prosecutors wring $3 billion from GlaxoSmithKline.


PATRIOTIC pundits might make something of the timing, just before America's IndependenceDay. As Americans prepared to celebrate the settlers who stuck it to the British in 1776, theirgovernment stuck it to a British drug firm. On July 2nd the Justice Department announceddetails of a $3 billion payment from GlaxoSmithKline, the old country's biggest pharmaceutical-maker. The deal, which resolves a pile of criminal and civil charges, is the largest health-fraudsettlement in American history.


The size of the deal is not new-it was announced in November-but the details are. Glaxoagreed to plead guilty to three criminal counts: the misbranding of two antidepressants andthe failure to tell regulators about safety data for a diabetes drug. Those plea deals included$1 billion in payments. Glaxo also agreed to an additional $2 billion to settle civil charges underthe False Claims Act.


Glaxo allegedly used spa treatments, trips to Hawaii and hunting excursions to coax doctors towrite prescriptions for unapproved uses of certain drugs. In the case of Paxil, anantidepressant, Glaxo was said to have promoted a journal article that overstated the drug'sbenefits for children.


In recent years, American prosecutors have accused nearly every big drug firm of nefarioussales tactics. Several have settled (see table), including Abbott Laboratories in May ($1.5 billion)and Pfizer in 2009 ($2.3 billion). To pursue these cases, the department has used an old buthandy statute. The False Claims Act was passed during the civil war, to stop contractors fromswindling the Union army. Congress gave it new life in 1986, promising big payouts for citizenswho blew the whistle on firms that defrauded the government.


At first defence contractors were the main targets. More recently, drug firms have been a goldmine. Firms have been particularly vulnerable to charges of "off-label marketing". America barsdrug firms from promoting their pills for uses not approved by regulators. But doctors are freeto prescribe drugs for such uses, which is why drug reps schmooze them.


Are huge fines enough to curb dodgy drug peddling? Glaxo insists that it has reformed. Thefirm says it has fired some of those involved in transgressions, though it has not disclosednumbers or names. It has also changed internal incentives for drug salespeople, todiscourage mis-selling. As part of its "corporate integrity agreement" with the JusticeDepartment, it now may revoke an executive's bonus if he or a subordinate engages in shadydeeds.


Patrick Burns of Taxpayers Against Fraud, an advocacy group, is not impressed. Individualexecutives pocket the benefits of malpractice, whereas stockholders pay the fines that result.So the way to deter future wrongdoing would be to punish individual executives, he says. Thefear of jail might make them think twice before overpromoting a pill.



Can a vaccine stop drug abuse?


It may be possible to vaccinate people against addictive drugs


THE idea of vaccinating drug addicts against their affliction is an intriguing one.


In principle, it should not be too hard.


The immune system works, in part, by making antibodies that are specific to particular sorts of hostile molecule.


Such antibodies recognise and attach themselves to these molecules, rendering them harmless.


Vaccines work by presenting the immune system with novel targets, so that it can learn to react to them if it comes across them again.


The problem is that the molecules antibodies recognise and react to are the big ones, such as proteins, that are characteristic of bacteria, viruses and other infectious agents.


Small molecules, such as drugs, go unnoticed.


But not for much longer, if Kim Janda of the Scripps Research Institute in San Diego has his way.


In a paper just published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, Dr Janda and his colleagues suggest how a vaccine against methamphetamine, a popular street drug, might be made.


If their method works, it would open the possibility of vaccinating people against other drugs, too.


The idea of a methamphetamine vaccine is not new.


The problem is getting the immune system to pay attention to a molecule that is such a small target.


The way that has been tried in the past is to build the vaccine from several components.


First, there is a large carrier protein that forms a platform for the target.


Then there is the target itself, a set of smaller molecules called haptens that are attached to the carrier.


These may either be the drug in question or some analogue of it that, for one reason or another, is reckoned to have a better chance of training the immune system.


Finally, there is a chemical cocktail called an adjuvant that helps get the immune system to pay attention to the carrier protein and the haptens.


Dr Janda noticed that past experiments on methamphetamine vaccines had all revolved around tweaking either the carrier protein or the adjuvant, rather than tinkering with the haptens.


He thought he might be able to change that, on the basis of work he had carried out previously, trying to design a vaccine against nicotine.


In particular, nicotine is a highly flexible molecule.


That makes it hard for the immune system to recognise.


To overcome this, his team on the nicotine project had to work out how to fix their haptens to the carrier protein in a way that rendered them less capable of twisting and turning, and thus made them easier for the immune system to identify.


In the new study, Dr Janda and his colleagues report that they have performed a similar trick with methamphetamine haptens.


They used computer models to visualise the haptens in three dimensions and thus work out how the molecules could be rearranged such that they could not spring, twist or turn when being examined by the immune system.


In light of this information they designed six new methamphetamine-like


Once built, they attached the new hapten molecules to carrier proteins, mixed them with adjuvant, injected the results into mice and waited.


After several weeks they tested the mice to see if the animals' blood contained antibodies to methamphetamine.


Of the six new haptens, three successfully provoked the mice to make such antibodies.


As a bonus, one of those three also stimulated the production of antibodies against another widely used drug, amphetamine.


That is still a long way from providing a working vaccine, but it is an important step forward.


And if human immune systems react in the same way to the new vaccines as murine ones do, the day when a drug addict might be offered vaccination rather than opprobrium will have come a little closer.


