杰克和露丝经典对白 经典台词
1. You let go? and I'm gonna have to jump inthere after you.
(On deck. Rose is crying? and runs past Jack? who is lying on a bench? smoking. Sheclimbs over the ship's railings? and hangs on with her back to the ship? about to jump intothe sea.)
JACK: Don't do it!
ROSE: Stay back! Don't come any closer!
JACK: Come on! Just give me your hand and I'll pull you back over.
ROSE: No, stay where you are! I mean it! I'll let go!
JACK: No, you won't!
ROSE: What do you mean, No I won't? Don't presume to tell me what I will and will not do.You don't know me.
JACK: Well, you would have done it already.
ROSE: You're distracting me. Go away!
JACK: I can't. I'm involved now. You let go, and I'm gonna have to jump in there after you.
(Jack starts taking off his shoes.)
ROSE: Don't be absurd. You'd be killed.
JACK: I'm a good swimmer.
ROSE: the fall alone would kill you.
JACK: It would hurt; I'm not saying it wouldn't. To tell you the truth, I'm a lot moreconcerned about that water being so cold.
ROSE: How cold?
JACK:Freezing. Maybe a couple of deGREes over. Have you ever, uh, ever been toWisconsin?
ROSE: What?
JACK:Well, they have some of the coldest winters around. I GREw up there, near ChippewaFalls. I remember when I was a kid, me and my father, we went ice-fishing out on Lake Wisota.Ice-fishing is, you know, when you...
ROSE: I know what ice-fishing is!
JACK: Sorry. You just seemed like, you know, kind of an indoor girl. Anyway, I uh, fellthrough some thin ice, and I'm telling ya, water that cold, like right down there, it hits you like athousand knives stabbing you all over your body. You can't breathe, you can't think, at leastnot about anything but the pain. Which is why I'm not looking forward to jumping in there afteryou. Like I said, I don't have a choice. I guess I'm kind of hoping that you'll come back over therailing and get me off the hook here.
(He starts to take off his coat).
ROSE: You're crazy!
JACK: That's what everybody says, but with all due respect, miss, I'm not the one hangingoff the back of a ship here. Come on! Come on, give me your hand. You don't want to do this.
(She takes his hand? and turns around. they are facing each other? but Rose is on theother side of the railing.)
JACK: Whew. I'm Jack Dawson.
ROSE: I'm Rose Dewitt Buchater.
2. Only you can do that.
(Rose and Jack are alone in the room.)
ROSE: Jack, this is impossible. I can't see you.
JACK: I need to talk to you!
ROSE: No, Jack, no! Jack, I'm engaged. I'm marrying Cal. I love Cal.
JACK: Rose, you're no picnic. All right, you're a spoiled little brat even, but under thatyou're the most amazingly astoundingly wonderful girl—woman I've ever known and...
ROSE: Jack, I...
JACK: No, no. Let me try to get this out. You, you're amazing. I'm not an idiot. I know howthe world works. I've got ten bucks in my pocket. I have nothing to offer you, and I know that.I understand. But I'm too involved now. You jump, I jump, remember? I can't turn awaywithout knowin' that you'll be all right. That's all that I want.
ROSE: Well, I'm fine, I'll be fine. Really.
JACK: Really? I don't think so. they've got you trapped, Rose and you're goin' to die if youdon't break free. Maybe not right away, because you're strong. But sooner or later that firethat I love about you, Rose, that fire is going to burn out.
ROSE: It's not up to you to save me, Jack.
JACK: You're right. Only you can do that.
3. Oh? god. I couldn't go.
(Rose's lifeboat is lowered slowly into the sea. Rose looks up at Jack? tears pouring downher face. Suddenly? she climbs back onto the Titanic? scrambling onto the deck below Cal andJack.)
JACK: Rose! Noooo!
CAL: Stop her!
JACK: Rose! What are you doing?
CAL: Stop her!
(Jack runs down the stairs to meet her as she runs towards him? wearing Cal's coat?which has the diamond in its pocket. They embrace.)
JACK: Rose, you're so stupid! Why did you do that, huh? You're so stupid, Rose! Why didyou do that? Why?
ROSE: You jump, I jump, right?
JACK: Right.
ROSE: Oh, god. I couldn't go. I couldn't go, Jack.
JACK: It's all right. We'll think of something.
ROSE: At least I'm with you.
JACK: We'll think of something.
4. You must do me this honor. You must promise me that you will survive...
(Both Rose and Jack are in the icy-cold sea now.)
ROSE: I love you, Jack.
JACK: No... Don't you do that. Don't say your good-byes. Not yet. Do you understandme?
ROSE: I'm so cold.
JACK: Listen, Rose. You're going to get out of here. You're going to go on and you'regoing to make lots of babies and you're going to watch them grow and you're going to die anold, an old lady, warm in your bed. Not here. Not this night. Not like this. Do you understandme?
ROSE: I can't feel my body.
JACK: Winning that ticket was the best thing that ever happened to me. It brought me toyou. And I'm thankful for that, Rose, I'm thankful. You must do me this honor. You mustpromise me that you will survive... that you won't give up...no matter what happens...nomatter how hopeless. Promise me now, Rose, and never let go of that promise.
ROSE: I promise.
JACK: Never let go.
ROSE: I will never let go, Jack, I'll never let go.