



1.A:Jill,what's your favorite sport?

B:Football,I like playing football best.

2.A:Did you go hiking last Sunday?

B:Yes,what about you?

A:I went fishing.That's my hobby,you know?

3.A:Linda,hou are you going to the cinema tonight?

B:Oh,I'm going there by bike.

4.A:Can you come to my party,Bob?

B:I'd love to.But I'm afraid I will be a little late.I must have a guitar lesson first.

5.A:Excuse me,may I borrow a story book of <Harry Porter>?

B:Sure,here you are.

6.A:Hi,Julie.Where would you like to go on vacation?

B:I'd like to visit Beijing.I think it will be exciting.

7.A:Look,raining again.

B:Yes,The radio says will have another rain tonight.

8.A:Which subject do you like best,Lily?

B:Science.I want to be a scientist when I grow up.

9.A:Hi,Ann.What are you doing here?

B:I'm looking for a gift for my parent.

A:Is for your father?

B:Yes,you know,the day after tomorrow is Fathers' Day.

10.A:My hometown is beautiful.You can go there to relax yourself.

B:Really?How often do you go to your hometown?

A:Not very often.I go there only summer holiday and winter holiday.


I'm sorry to trouble you.My name is Mary.I usually do the shopping at your store.Three days ago,I bought some clothes from your store.But I was not carefully enough.When I went home,I found some problems.The pants are too short for my husband,the shirt is too big for my son,and my daughter doesn't like the red skirt.

She likes yellow one,I will be glad if you can change them some new one.



1.A:Look,it's raining heavily,isn't it? B:That's great.It's hot these days.

2.A:Next Tuesday is Mothers' Day,but I don't know what I should buy for her.

B:It's hot now,why not buy her a hat?

3.A:I want to be a dancer when I grow up.What about you?

B:My parents say a lawyer is a good job,but I want to be a teacher.

4.My friend is quite funny.She has short , curly hair.She is not tall and she is very heavy.

5.On my last school trip,I went to Paris.I should say it is romantic.I visited the famous EiffelTower,it is wonderful.

6.I'm going to beijing to watch the two thousand and eighth Olympic Games.

7.Would you mind turn down the music?I am working now.

8.You are late again,don't be late next time.

9.How often do you go to movies?

10.Would you like offee,or tea?

11.A:I'm not feeling well today.

B:You'd better go to see a doctor,I think.

12.A:What can I do for you,sir?

B:Well,I am looking for a sweater for my son.

13.A:Do you like collecting stamps,Jack?

B:No,I don't.But wy brother does.

14.A:You have made so much programs in English,LiLei.

B:Thanks,Mrs.Gao.I will work harder.

15.A:Do you like to travel by train,David?

B:Yes,It's cheap and safe.

16.One day,a doctor was started his morning work.Suddenly,a man ran in.His face is red,and hecould only say"Quick!Quick!"The doctor thought there must be something wrong with histeeth.The nurse helped make the poor man sit in a chair.The doctor gave man some madicine tomake him sleep.Then he looked into the man's mouth,and put out all the bad teeth.As soon asthe man wake up,ha said in a low voice,"Quick!Doctor,quick.""It's all right now."the doctor toldhim'"It's over.""You don't understand "said the man,"I came to tell you your house is on fire."


1.The girl is drawing a picture in the people's park.

2.Look,how cool Huan Huan is!

3.On June first,parents often take their children to play.

4.Is Yao Ming your favorite sport star?

5.I spend five thousand yuan in this digital camera.

6.A:They came here the day before yeaterday,didn't they?

B:No,they got here four days ago and left yesterday.

QUESTION:How long have they been in city?

7.A:Don't you think this radio is too loud?

B:Yes,I do.Ask him to turn it down,please.

QUESTION:What do they think about the radio?

8.A:The growth population is growing faster and faster.

B:I agree with you.Something must be done with it.

QUESTION:Is the population a big problem?

9.A:What are you going to do,Susan?

B:I'm going get my dictionary back from Greens.

QUESTION:Who borrow the dictionary?

10.A:Where did you see your teacher just now?In the office?Or at home?

B:He was in neither of the places.I found him in the reading room.

QUESTION:Where was the teacher?

11.Now in some of big cities of China,it is quite usual for students to take jobs during theirsummer holidays.However,the students who want to take jobs must be at least sixteen yearsold.They can usually find job in business centres or public places like supermarkets,fast foodrestaurant,and so on.Some students work four or three hours a day,and some work six hoursa day.The students help with their work in many of these places.Because at this time,manypeople come here to travel.If the students take jobs,during their summer holidays,they canmake some money for their own.

12.A:Hi,Betty.Did you watch the football match last wednesday?

B:No,I did't.

A:What a pity!There was so exciting!

B:Which team is for in the match?

A:YouCai Middle School and ZhongHua Middle School.

B:I think YouCai Middle School must win.It's a strong team.

A:Oh,no!You're wrong.YouCai Middle School really has some good players,but ZhongHua MiddleSchool did better in team work.They won four to three(4:3) at the last moment.

B:Really?Where did they have the match?

A:On the school playground.

B:Next time ,I won't miss it.

