




Wealth and honor, glory and fame, are predetermined by fate. (W.J.F. Jenner 译)


It‘s partly fate, and partly a case of "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."(杨宪益、戴乃迭 译)

3. 王婆为了撮合西门庆和潘金莲,故意问前者是不是妻子死后,没有别的女人他中意的。西门庆争辩说:”做甚么了便没?只恨我夫妻缘分上薄,自不撞着!“(《水浒》)

Who says there isn‘t? It‘s just that my marriage luck has been bad. I‘ve never met the right one. (S. Shapiro 译)

4. 她无缘,小生薄命。 (《西厢记》)

She lacks the karma; I‘m out of luck. (S. H. L. Idema 译)


My meagre lot, my partly destiny keep us from remaining together.( M. Robers 译)


But I have not been lucky enough to find a true friend, and that is why I so often give way to melancholy! (杨宪益、戴乃迭 译)


You are like a matching lute and zither set. You can appreciate each other‘s music. Fate has been too unkind to allow me such blessings. If we are linked by the ties of destiny, we will meet again in the next life. (D.C. & V. H Mair 译)

8.[方鸿渐看不中张小姐,心中暗说]“我你他”小姐,咱们没有“举碗[案]齐眉”的缘分,希望另有好运气的人来爱上您。 (《围城》)

Miss Wo-Ni-Ta, we just weren‘t meant to "raise the bowl to the eyebrows." I hope some other lucky guy falls in love with you. (J. Kelly、 N. K. Mao 译)

可以看出,以上句子里的中心词都含有“命运”的意识,英译亦然。《围城》一例所mean,据New World Dictionary 等词典的解释也有 to destine or seem to destine 的意思,颇为妥帖。

然而,“缘分”等词和命运的关联在有的用法里变得淡化了,甚至完全消失了。它只是泛指一种机遇或者机会。所以M. Roberts翻译《三国演义》的以下两句,用的词语和上边英译句子中的相应部分不同:


Your talents and your virtue have ever been the objects of my esteem. But I have not had the honour of being presented to you.

不仅如此,这种机遇还可以发生在人和事物之间。体育报道里说的“无缘(进入)决赛(be barred from entering the finals; be disqualified for the finals) 即其一例。《浮生六记》的作者沈复(字三白)因妻子陈芸喜欢李白和白居易的诗,就跟她说:


This is very strange. So Li Bai is your bosom friend, Bai Juyi is your first tutor and your husband's literary name is Sanbai. It seems that your life is always bound up with the Bai‘s.

