



1.be adj enough to do sth./adv enough(for sb.) to do sth

enough time/enough chairs

For example, They’ll be polit enough to wait till you move.

The classroom is bright enough for us to study in.

He works hard enough to catch up with others.

2. too adj/adv.(for sb.) to do sth. (肯定的形式表否定)

For example, You are never too old to learn.

The river is too dirty for us to swim in.

3. cut in on others the other people=the others(特指)

4.wait politely (polite adj. politely adv. 反义词impolite) behave politely in public

5. share sth. with sb.

6.leave the tap running leave the light on

7. drop litter everywhere (dropped, dropping)

8.queue for one’s turn (It’s one’s turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事, take turns to do sth.轮流做„,in turn 依次)

9.obey/break/make traffic rules

10.put sth. back (put on 上演, put up举起、张贴、搭建,put off推迟、拖延put in安装)

11.invite sb. to do sth. (sb. be invited to do sth.) invite sb. to sp. (invitation n.)

12. the proper(right or correct) way to greet people

13. shake hands with sb.=shake one’s hand ( shook-shaken)

14. for the first time

15. greet(=say hello to sb.)people with a kiss

16. close friends (be close to ,sit /stand/live close to, watch „closely, work closely,

keep „closed)

17.start a conversation(=a small talk)

18.avoid talking about subjects like age and weight) avoid释义为try not to do sth.

19.push in before others插在别人前面,

bump (=hit someone or something by accident)into someone撞上某人 by accident(偶然)

20. in one’s way(挡道), on the way to„ 在去的途中,in this way 用这种方式in many ways在许多方面,用许多方法,in a way在某种意义上

21.as well=too(肯定句), either(否定句)

22.all the time=always, at times=sometimes, at a time(一次) , at any time

24.keep one’s voice down压低声音, keep doing sth.一直做某事

25. shout/laugh loudly (louder, more loudly)

26.be helpful to sb.

27. Just as the saying goes, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

28. learn about manners

29.say “excuse me”/ “sorry” to sb.

30. do homework till/until 11 midnight. wait till until you come back.

not to bed till/until„(注意:主句动词为终止性动词时,必须用not„ till/until意思是“直到„ 才„”)

I won’t leave till the work is finished.

Don’t get off the bus till it stops.

33.join the discussion under discussion(在讨论中), discuss sth. with sb.//

have a discussion with sb. about sth.(和某人讨论某事) discuss=talk about

34. express oneself clearly (more clearly) express thanks to sb. (expression n.)

35. write down all the main points

36. be busy with sth./ be busy doing sth. (business n. on business)

37.explain sth. to sb. (explanation n.)

38. keep us safe from danger(保证某人安全免遭不测)

keep/prevent/ stop sb. from doing sth.(阻止某人做某事) keep sb. doing sth. (让某人不停地做某事) protect sb. from „ (保护某人免遭„)

39.warn sb. not to do sth.

40.No littering/parking/smoking.

41.risk losing everything (risk doing sth.)

42. in order to be successful为了取得成功 (succeed vi. success n. successful adj. successfully adv.

a great success). be successful in (doing) sth. 在做某事方面很成功,do sth. successfully成功地做某事

43.sometime in one’s life 一生中的某个时候, sometime某时, sometimes有时, some time 一段时间

44. after years of hard work 数年的艰辛工作之后 work hard ( at sth.), hardly 几乎不

45.make the job easier to complete

46.practise/avoid/risk/finish doing sth.

47.in fact 事实上, make sure确保,soon after不久以后

48. hold a talk on sth. the purpose of the talk(is to do„) 讲座的目的是做„

49.a lot of advice on table manners

eat with one’s mouth open/closed, talk with food in one’s mouth

reach over someone’s plate for sth while eating or drinking

50. above all首要的是 in all 总计 at all 根本,简直

51. blow out candles 吹灭蜡烛

52. You are never too old to learn.


1.a volunteer for the Olympic Games, volunteer to do sth.志愿做某事, voluntary(adj) work 义工

2.need an operation need to eat more food need sb. to do sth. don’t need to do sth. needn’t do sth.

need doing/to be done(„需要被做) need operating on, need to be operated on

people in need有困难的人, in need of help

3.at work/play 在工作/ 玩

4.provide special places for homeless people=provide homeless people with special places

5.write to the local government

6.give/show sth. to sb. give/show it to me give sb. a chance (to do sth.)

show their skills to the world

7.be blind in both eyes blindness n.

8.an elderly person上了年纪的人

9.a disabled(adj.) person 残疾人 ( disability n.障碍,缺陷) people with disabilities有缺陷的人

10.a deaf person deafness n.

11.expect sth.预料、期待、指望 expect to do sth. expect sb. to do sth. expect that 从句 „than I expected.比我预料的„(注意:expect可用进行时)

hope to do sth. hope that „will do sth.(跟从句)(注意: 没有hope sb. to do sth 结构)

12.the most amazing experience of his life (经历)

have much experience in doing sth.(经验,不可数名词) many forgetful experiences (经历、体验,可数名词

13.work as a volunteer 当义工, work for„为„ 工作

work to protect the environment为„ 效力

14.include(vt) many events including(prep) be included in„被包含在„中

This book includes eight units.

She bought many things in Hong Kong, including two bags.

15.be similar to与„相似/相同, be the same as与„一样, be different from不同于 many events similar to those in the Olympics

16. give up one’s spare time give it up, give up doing sth. give out 分发 give away捐赠 give in让步

17.train as a doctor train hard 刻苦训练 receive special training in doing sth.

18.do a task

19. support sb. (to do sth.) with one’s support 在某人的支持下

20. make the event a great success使赛事大获成功 make me happy make sb. do sth.使某人做某事(注意:make后可用名词短语、形容词和动词原形作宾补。) be made to do sth.被迫做某事 make it 成功

21.a swimming coach, coaches

22.be born with intellectual disabilities

23. join the competition, join the club, join in the discussion

take part in the sports meeting

24.not to win a gold, but to take part a gold /silver medal

25. finish fourth以第四名结束, come first在„获第一

26.feel confident confidence(n) give me confidence

27.because of the rain/the bad weather because it rained

28.bring…together, bring sth. here bring sth. to me(带来)

take sth. away take sth. there take sth. with sb. 随身带去„

29.people from different backgrounds

30. feel like (doing) sth. 想要做某事 would like to do sth.

31.part of one big family大家庭的一部分 part of China中国的一部分(注意此处不用冠词)

32.achieve one’s dream=realize one’s dream=make one’s dream come true

achieve success获得成功

33.a one-to-one game

34. have some trouble doing sth. have some problems doing sth. have problems with sth.在做某事方面有困难 have a great time doing sth. have fun doing sth. 开心地做某事

35.raise money for „ donate money to„ donation(n)

37.keep in touch by talking on the phone

38.work in a mountain area

39.teach them (宾格)English teach sb.to do sth. teach oneself

40.in our daily lives

41.give our seats on the bus to the elderly

42.help us relax make us relaxed

43.not as blue as before

44. change a lot, change often, change for the worse great changes

45.be ill in hospital生病住院

46. have a serious blood disease disease-illness

47.have enough money for such an operation, such a meaning experience,

so amazing, so expensive (such修饰名词短语, so修饰形容词,遇到little, few, much和many 要用so)

49.have the operation as soon as possible 尽快手术

50.write to ask for help 写信求助

51.do an operation on sb.=operate on sb. 给某人动手术

52. get well feel well (well“健康”)

53. survivor survive(vt) the accident

54 give a helping hand伸出援助之手

55. introduce oneself to sb. give an introduction(n) to

56.an organization for collecting clothes organize a charity show

57.Sb.spend(s)/spent some time/money doing sth. spend„on sth.

Sth. cost ( sb. )some money cost very little, cost much

Sb. pay(paid) some money for sth./ pay some money to do sth.

It takes sb. some time to do sth.

Doing sth. takes a lot of time.

58. 对某人来说做某事是„

It is +adj(important/necessary/interesting/meaningful/difficult/easy/hard/amazing for sb. to do sth. It is+adj(clever/polite/rude/generous/careless/careful/brave/helpful/patient/kind/nice/wise/right/ Wrong(表人的品质、性格以及wrong/good/right的形容词)


It’s +adj of/for sb. not to do sth.


1.have… left 有…剩余

2.for further study/information/education, further down the street, walk further

3.a UNICEF officer

4. build a better world for everyone, especially children

5. provide basic education for children in poor areas

6.work for the rights of girls and women work for ORBIS

7.prevent the spread of some diseases, like AIDS

prevent some diseases from spreading

spread the news quickly (spread-spread-spread) spread knowledge

8. tell us sth. about blindness

say sth. about blindness, talk about blindness

9. have eye problems=be blind work out problems, a serious problem, a social problem ask a question

10.mostly in poor areas, live mostly on rice, watch the World Cup mostly in the early morning most eye problems/students/money most of the students/cases

11.cure sb. of blindness cure=make an illness go away(治愈)

treat sb. for blindness treatment(n) receive medical treatment, under treatment在治疗中

12. take medicine 服药 with the development of medicine 随着医学的发展

medical (adj) medical care, a medical team, medical treatment医疗

13.use sth, to do sth. else (use the plane to train local doctors)

use sth, as …(be used as„) use the plane as a training centre

used to do sth.过去常做某事 He used to drive to work, but now he often takes a bus to work. He didn’t use to play cards at weekends. Or he usedn’t to play cards at weekends.

--Did he use to be late? -- Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.

be used to do sth. be used for doing sth.被用来做某事 A brush is used to clean the blackboard. be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事 He is used to living in the city.

14.do operations (on patients)=operate on sb.(给某人)做手术

afford to do sth. afford=have enough money to pay for sth.(常用否定句和疑问句) can’t afford to go to hospital

15.on board在飞机上 go abroad去国外

16.learn about eyes operations

17.be proud of„ 因„自豪 be proud to do sth. feel proud that从句

take pride(n) in„ 以„为骄傲

18.improve one’s life

19.carry on with our work carry on to do sth. 继续做某事

20.help people with eye problem

21.be patient with sb.对某人有耐心 patient(n)=a person who is ill , especially in hospital 病人

22.hand out leaflets散发传单 hand them out hand in上交 hand over交过来 by hand手工

23.sell toys to raise money sell sth. out把某物卖光 sell well 畅销 sell sth. to sb. sell-sold-sold sale(n) on sale出售 for sale待售

24.set up 创立,建立 set-set-set setting

25.part of the United Nations

26.in Europe a European country in the north-west of China

27.in the war the World War Two

28.help sb. by donating money

29. look pale feel well have got(=have) toothache

30. let sb. have a check check the answers

31. nothing serious something bad

32. in a few days (与将来时连用,用how soon提问)

33. a secretary of a company

34. be afraid of (doing)sth

35.travel to many places

36. make up one’s mind(s)=decide make up one’s mind(s) to do sth.

37. get be used to traveling by plane 习惯于乘飞机旅行

38. learn about the conditions of the local people

39. work on the farm

40. attend courses听课 enter (=go into a)a school

41. What’s the matter with you?

42. hold a charity show hold-held-held

43. interview sb. =have an interview with sb. interviewer

