什么是放射性元素 主要放射性元素一览








原子核放出α粒子或β粒子,由于核电荷数变了,它在周期表中[1] 的位置就变了,变成另一种原子核。我们把这种变化称之为原子核的衰变。铀-238放出一个α粒子后,核的质量数减少4,电荷数减少2,称为新核。这个新核就是钍-234核。这种衰变叫做α衰变。这个过程可以用下面的衰变方程表示:23892U→23490Th+42He。在这个衰变过程中,衰变前的质量数等于衰变后的质量数之和;衰变前的电荷数等于衰变后的电荷数之和。






1.Cs (铯,cesium)

A soft, silvery-white ductile metal, liquid at room temperature, the most electropositive and alkaline of the elements, used in photoelectric cells and to catalyze hydrogenation of some organic compounds. Atomic number 55; atomic weight 132.905; melting point 28.5=C; boiling point 690=C; specific gravity 1.87; valence 1. 铯一种质地柔软的银白色韧性金属,室温时为液体,为最具正电性与碱性的元素,用作光电池和某些有机化合物氢化作用的催化剂。原子序数55;原子量132.905;熔点28.5=C;沸点=C;比重1.87;化合价1

2. Sr (锶,strontium)

A soft, silvery, easily oxidized metallic element that ignites spontaneously in air when finely divided. Strontium is used in pyrotechnic compounds and various alloys. Atomic number 38; atomic weight 87.62; melting point 769=C; boiling point 1,384=C; specific gravity 2.54; valence 2.


3. Ru(钌,ruthenium)

A hard white acid-resistant metallic element that is found in platinum ores and is used to harden platinum and palladium for jewelry and in alloys for nonmagnetic wear-resistant instrument pivots and electrical contacts. Atomic number 44; atomic weight 101.07; melting point 2,310=C; boiling point 3,900=C; specific gravity 12.41; valence 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.


4. I (碘, iodine)

A lustrous, grayish-black, corrosive, poisonous halogen element having radioactive isotopes, especially I 131, used as a medical tracer and in thyroid disease diagnosis and therapy. Iodine compounds are used as germicides, antiseptics, and dyes. Atomic number 53; atomic weight 126.9044; melting point 113.5=C; boiling point 184.35=C; specific gravity (solid, at 20=C) 4.93; valence 1, 3, 5, 7.

碘一种有光泽的,灰黑色,具有腐蚀性的,有毒的卤元素,有放射性同位素,特别是碘131,被用作医疗上的显迹物和诊断、医治甲状腺疾病。碘化合物被用作杀菌剂、抗感染剂和染料。原子序数53;原子重量126.9044;熔点113.5=C;沸点184.35=C;比重(固体,在20=C时)4.93;化合价1,3,5,7 See: element

A liquid containing iodine dissolved in ethyl alcohol, used as an antiseptic for wounds.


5. Co(钴,cobalt)

A hard, brittle metallic element, found associated with nickel, silver, lead, copper,and iron ores and resembling nickel and iron in appearance. It is used chiefly for magnetic alloys, high-temperature alloys, and in the form of its salts for blue glass and ceramic pigments. Atomic number 27; atomic weight 58.9332; melting point 1,495=C; boiling point 2,900=C; specific gravity 8.9; valence 2, 3.


6. Ba(钡,barium)

A soft, silvery-white alkaline-earth metal, used to deoxidize copper and in various alloys. Atomic number 56; atomic weight 137.34; melting point 725=C; boiling point 1,140=C; specific gravity 3.50; valence 2.


7. Ce(铈,cerium)

A lustrous, iron-gray, malleable metallic rare-earth element that occurs chiefly in the minerals monazite and bastnaesite, exists in four allotropic states, is a constituent of lighter flint alloys, and is used in various metallurgical and nuclear applications. Atomic number 58; atomic weight 140.12; melting point 795=C; boiling point 3,468=C; specific gravity 6.67 to 8.23; valence 3, 4.


See: element

8. U(铀,uranium)

A heavy silvery-white metallic element, radioactive and toxic, easily oxidized, and having 14 known isotopes of which U 238 is the most abundant in nature. The element occurs in several minerals, including uraninite and carnotite, from which it is extracted and processed for use in research, nuclear fuels, and nuclear weapons. Atomic number 92; atomic weight 238.03; melting point 1,132=C; boiling point 3,818=C; specific gravity 18.95; valence 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.


9. Pu(钚,plutonium)

A naturally radioactive, silvery, metallic transuranic element, occurring in uranium ores and produced artificially by neutron bombardment of uranium. Its longest-lived isotope is Pu 244 with a half-life of 76 million years. It is a radiological poison, specifically absorbed by bone marrow, and is used, especially the highly fissionable isotope Pu 239, as a reactor fuel and in nuclear weapons. Atomic number 94; melting point 640=C; boiling point 3,235=C; specific gravity 19.84; valence 3, 4, 5, 6.

钚一种天然地放射性银色超铀金属元素,存在于铀矿中,对铀元素进行中子轰击而人工制成。其存在周期最长的同位素是半衰期为七千六百万年的钸244,它是一种核辐射毒素,特别是能被骨髓吸收。尤其是其极具可裂变性的同位素钸239,被用作一种核反应燃料并用在核武器中。原子序数94;熔点640=C;沸点3,235=C;比重19.84;化合价3, 4, 5, 6

10. Am(镅,americium)

A white metallic transuranic element of the actinide series, having isotopes with mass numbers from 237 to 246 and half-lives from 25 minutes to 7,950 years. Its longest-lived isotopes, Am 241 and Am 243, are alpha-ray emitters used as radiation sources in research. Atomic number 95; specific gravity 11.7; valence 3, 4, 5, 6.


