


关于简单的儿童英语故事:The Magic Kettle

Right in the middle of Japan, high in the mountain, an old man lived in his little house. He found in one corner of the room an old iron kettle. He decided to use it to boil water. To his surprise, the kettle became a strange creature when it was on the fire. And then it changed back into a kettle again. The old man decided to sell it. So a merchant came and went away with the kettle.

At night, the merchant was awakened by a big noise. The kettle became a strange creature again and was running about(乱跑) in his room. But early next morning found the kettle still quietly lying in the corner. One of his neighbors, after hearing what he had seen in the night, advised him to travel in the country to display it.

Now the kettle could be asked to change and perform by the merchant. The performancesdrew(牵引,描绘) big audiences, and the merchant earned a lot of money. But he was an honest man. Though he was rich now, he thought that he owed some of his wealth to the man from whom he had bought the kettle.

One morning, he put a hundred gold pieces into the kettle and, hanging it on his arm, he returned to the old man who had sold it to him. The old man thanked the merchant,saying that few people would have been so honest.

The kettle brought them both luck. Everything went well with them till they died.

关于简单的儿童英语故事:My elephant friend

A child became lost in a forest. He started to cry.

At that moment, an elephant passed by and saw him crying.

"Child, why are you crying?" the elephant asked.

"I've lost my mother," the child said.

"Don't cry. I'll stay with you until you find your mother," the elephant told him.

"Oh! My body is going up in the air. Wow! This is fun," the child said as the elephant gently picked him up.

The elephant put the child on his back. "Elephant, I want to go down, now," said the child.

"Ha, ha! Wow! Your trunk is like a slide!" the child exclaimed.

"This time, it's like a swing. This is so much fun. Ha, ha, ha!" shouted the child.

"Elephant, your ears are like cymbals(铙) . Cling! Ha, ha! How fun it is!"

"Let's sing a song. Hickory dickory dock! The mouse ran up the clock! The clock struck one, the mouse ran down! Hickory dickory dock! Cling!" sang the child.

"Uh? There's my mother. Mother, here I am!" the child shouted.

"Thank you, elephant. I had a good time. If we meet, again, let's play together some more," the child said.

The elephant was happy because the child had a good time with him. Also, he was very happy that the child found his mother.


Rabbit has grown up.

"There are too many rabbits in this hole! It is time to leave the nest. I am going to find my own home," the oldest rabbit says.

Rabbit decides to look in a different hole.

"You cannot live here. This is my home!" shouts Mouse.

So, Rabbit hops into the forest. He looks into another hole.

"You cannot live here. This is my home!" shouts Squirrel.

Rabbit looks for a new hole, one he can call his own.

"You cannot live here. This is my home!" shouts Ground Hog.

Rabbit is sad. He cannot find a home. Rabbit does not see Eagle flying high in the sky.

At that time, the beautiful White Rabbit saw Eagle. "Quickly, come inside!" she shouts.

"Thank you so much. You have saved my life!" Rabbit says. "You're welcome," White Rabbit answers.

"What a roomy(宽敞的) hole you have! I wish I had a hole like this!" he says. Rabbit was surprised by how big the hole was.

"I am alone in this big hole. Why don't you stay here with me?" White Rabbit asks. "Thank you. I will stay here. Now, I have found a home!" says Rabbit.

关于简单的儿童英语故事:Fox and cock

One morning a fox sees a cock. He thinks, "This is my breakfast.''

He comes up to the cock and says, "I know you can sing very well. Can you sing for me?'' The cock is glad. He closes his eyes and begins to sing. The fox sees that and caches him in his mouth and carries him away.

The people in the field see the fox. They cry, "Look, look! The fox is carrying the cock away.'' The cock says to the fox, "Mr Fox, do you understand? The people say you are carrying their cock away. Tell them it is yours. Not theirs.''

The fox opens his mouth ang says, "The cock is mine, not yours.'' Just then the cock runs away from the fox and flies into the tree.

