


After months of public and media speculation, the troubled celebrity couple Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung finally announced their recent divorce on August 19, Sina.com.cn reported Monday.

The couple cited the reason for their divorce as incompatible personalities. The two said that, after a peaceful negotiation, they have agreed to share the custody of their two sons, Lucas, 4, and Quintus, 1. They said they would take their sons' happiness as their top priority.

据新浪网周一报道,在公众和媒体长达数月的猜测后,张柏芝和谢霆锋这对名人夫妇终于公开声明他们已于8月19日正式离婚。这对夫妇称离婚的原因是性格不合,并表示在和平协商之后,他们决定共同抚养两个儿子,4岁的Lucas 和1岁的Quintus,他们会将孩子的幸福放在第一位。

【讲解】文中announce divorce即指声明离婚,announce指声明、宣布,名词形式为announcement。文中incompatible指不能相容的、不能并存的,incompatible personalities即指性格不合。Custody这里指监护、抚养权的意思,此外custody还有拘留,监禁的意思。

