


初一英语知识点大总结:This is my sister

1. parent: father or mother 父亲或母亲 parents: father and mother父母(双)亲

2. 介绍他人

1) This / That is...这/那位是......2)These / Those are...这/那些是......

This is my friend Jane.这(位)是我的朋友简

That is my grandfather. 那(位)是我的祖父。

These are my brothers. 这些是我的兄弟。

Those are my parents. 那些是我的父母。

3. 指示代词

this / these这/这些。一般用来指时间或空间上较近的事物。

that / those那/那些。一般用来指时间或空间上较远的事物。

4. This is my friend. 复数 These are my friends.

That is my brother. 复数 Those are my brothers.

5. Who’s she? 她是谁? She’s my sister. 她是我妹妹。

Who’s he? 他是谁? He ’s my brother. 她是我哥哥。

Who’re they? 他们是谁? They’re my grandparents. 他们是我的祖父母。

Who’s = Who is Who’re = Who are She’s = She is He’s = He is They’re =They are

6. Oh, I see. 哦,我明白了。

初一英语知识点大总结:food and lifestyle

1. 吃一个汉堡 have a hamburger

2. 一日一苹果,医生远离我 An apple a day keeps the doctor away

3. 许多土豆和西红柿 many potatoes and tomatoes

4. 许多糖果 many sweets

5. 对我们的身体有益 be good for our health

6. 每天跳舞半小时 dance for half an hour a day

7. 吃健康的食物 eat healthy food

8. 吃得健康 eat healthily

9. 对某人是重要的 be important for sb.

10. 需要保健 need to keep fit/healthy

11. 早餐喝牛奶吃面包 have milk and bread for breakfast

12. 晚饭吃鱼和蔬菜 have fish and vegetables for dinner

13. 感到饿 feel hungry

初一英语知识点大总结:like shopping

一、---Do you like shopping, Eddie?你喜欢购物吗,埃迪?

---No,I hate it. 不喜欢。我讨厌购物。

hate用作动词,意为“讨厌;恨”,其反义词是动词love.常用搭配有hate sb./sth., “讨厌、憎恨某人或某物”;hate doing sth.指习惯上“讨厌做某事”;hate to do sth.,指“讨厌”某一次具体的行为。如:

Some girls hate swimming in spring.一些女孩讨厌在春天游泳。

He hates to swim om such a rainy day. 雨如此大他不想去游泳。

二、Well, I’d like to go shopping, but I don’t have any money.哎呀,我喜欢购物,但是我没有钱。

1.well 是英语交际中一个十分常用的语气辅助词,表示同意、犹豫、惊讶、疑虑、接受等,其主要用法大致有:


Well, you’ve grown. 哎呀,你长高了。


Well, it can’t be helped. 唉,这是没办法的事。


Well, what happened next?嗯,后来怎么样了?


Well,all right, I agree. 好吧,我同意。


---What do you think of the film? 你认为这部电影怎么样?

---Well, I don’t think it’s very interesting.嗯,我认为不是很有趣。


She is very well. 她身体很好。

He speaks English well. 他的英语说得好。

2.go shopping意为“去购物”,相当于do some shopping

初一英语知识点大总结:Do you like bananas

1, like+ sth/sb like to do sth like doing sth

2, 请吃蔬菜和水果 Please eat vegetables and fruit 蔬菜总是以复数形式出现

3, like ···for lunch中餐喜欢··· eat···for breakfast 早餐吃····

4,可数名词 不可数名词 可数名词and 不可数名词

hamburgers tomatoes French fries oranges

bananas strawberries eggs apples carrots pears broccoli ice cream salad chicken

5, good 形容词 ---修饰名词 a good girl a good doctor a good teacher

well 副词---修饰动词 play the piano well draw well eat well

6, a lot of =lots of + 可数/不可数 many +可数 much+不可数

7, furniture 家具 不可数名词 furniture

a piece of furniture 一件家具 a lot of furniture 许多家具


like doing sth/like to do sth 喜欢做某事

I like swimming. She likes to eat hamburgers.

