



(时间:100分钟 满分:120分)



1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


6.A.Yes,they did.

B.I have a cold.

C.No,there won’t.

7.A.Of course.

B.Once a month.

C.After two days.

8.A.No,I don’t.

B.There will be less free time.

C.Yes,I was.

9.A.Because my alarm didn’t go off.

B.I don’t like it.

C.I’ll be a scientist.

10.A.Yes,I did.

B.Yes,here you are.

C.At ten.


11.What is Ted doing now?

A.Cleaning the living room.

B.Washing clothes.

C.Sweeping the floor.

12.What should Alice do after the fight?

A.Say sorry.

B.Say thanks.

C.Say nothing.

13.What did Jane see on her way home?

A.A lion.

B.A snake.

C.A dog.

14.What was John doing when the rainstorm came?

A.He was reading.

B.He was shopping.

C.He was at the bus stop.

15.What chore does Tom like doing?

A.Doing the dishes.

B.Taking out the trash.

C.Sweeping the floor.


A terrible experience of seeing a serious 16

The weather It was 17 .

The time At about 18 o’clock last Saturday.

What was Linda doing? She was 19 with her friends.

What happened then? Two men began to fight with each other.The 20 called the police.


21.It’s good habit to exercise for everyone.

A.the B.an C.a D./

22.—Nick is not at school. ?

—He has a cold.

A.Who’s that

B.What’s the matter

C.How old is he

D.How much is it

23.—David, you please sweep the floor and take out the trash?


A.could B.may

C.should D.must

24.Next month we’re going somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday .

A.will begin B.has begun

C.begins D.is beginning

25.Sometimes it often rains in my hometown in summer.

A.heavy B.hardly

C.strongly D.heavily

26.—Would you please provide us some information about the school sports meeting?

—Sure.It’s said that it will start the morning of September 20th.

A.for,on B.with,on

C.for,in D.with,in

27.My father was drinking tea in the living room my mother was doing the dishes in the kitchen.

A.if B.unless

C.until D.while

28.—Why did the car hit the boy?

—Because the driver on the phone at that time.

A.talk B.is talking

C.was talking D.have talked

29. the No.48 bus driver,all the passengers were saved.The driver managed to stop the bus before he died.

A.Thanks to B.Thanks for

C.As for D.Because

30.—Dick, I use your e-dictionary?

—Yes,sure. you give it to David after you use it?

—No problem.

A.will,Would B.may,Might

C.can,Could D.shall,Should

31.—It’s too noisy outside.I can’t fall asleep.

—Neither can I.We have to new ways to solve the problem.

A.come up with B.end up with

C.make up with D.catch up with

32.—John,I called you yesterday morning,but nobody answered the phone.

—Oh,I basketball at that time.

A.play B.playing

C.was playing D.played

33. ! It’s not the end of the world.Let’s try again.

A.Put up B.Set up

C.Pick up D.Cheer up

34. stop more accidents,we should slow down the driving speed.

A.In order that B.In order to

C.Thanks for D.Thanks to

35.Maria watch TV,but now she listening to music.

A.used to,is used to

B.is used to,used to

C.used to,used to

D.is used to,is used to


The food in Britain is very different 36 our Chinese food.For example,they eat a lot of potatoes.They like to eat 37 every day.They eat bread 38 breakfast and usually for one other meal.They eat their bread with butter, 39 cheese or jam(果酱).Cheese and butter are made from 40 .They drink a lot of milk,too.They drink the milk cold or 41 ,and they put it in their tea.They put sugar in their 42 ,too.They are the world’s biggest tea 43 .They don’t eat much rice.And they like meat or fish with 44 and other vegetables.They serve all these together.After the main meal they always have 45 sweet.They call this dessert.They don’t have dumplings.

36.A.in B.on

C.out D.from

37.A.one B.it

C.them D.they

38.A.on B.for

C.to D.with

39.A.be B.may

C.may be D.maybe

40.A.cow B.milk

C.bread D.meat

41.A.hot B.bread

C.many D.much

42.A.milk B.meal

C.tea D.coffee

43.A.drinkers B.makers

C.sellers D.buyers

44.A.pears B.eggs

C.potatoes D.bananas

45.A.everything B.something

C.nothing D.anything



According to a recent report,kids in primary school spend about six hours every week doing their homework.So kids hate homework.However,their parents hate homework,too.

Is it good for kids to do homework? Of course,a great number of researches do show that kids can remember what they have learnt in class better by finishing their homework on time and homework itself plays an important role in developing their learning skills,such as independent thinking and creativity.

But for parents,the result is not the same.After a day of hard work,most of them feel like they’re going through school a second time when they sit down with their children each night to help with their homework.And a recent survey found that 46 percent of parents feel like they don’t spend enough time with their children,because they spend too much time doing the housework or helping with homework.And another 29 percent of parents have arguments with their kids often when they have different answers to the same question.

Now several education scientists strongly advise parents to stop helping.They say it will give their kids more independence and give parents back their free time.At the same time,the number of homework-connected arguments will be less at home.Kate Smith,an education scientist,says,“You don’t have to know everything.Children need to put their hands up for help and so do parents.Use your resource-online teachers,or even your neighbourhood-just ask.”

46.How long do the kids spend doing homework?

A.About six hours a day.

B.About six hours a week.

C.About six hours a month.

D.About six hours a year.

47.What do we know from the researches mentioned in Paragraph 2?

A.Homework improves learning skills.

B.Both parents and kids hate homework.

C.Kids love doing homework by themselves.

D.Parents enjoy sitting down helping their kids.

48.When they are helping their kids,most parents feel .

A.they are at work again

B.they are school students again

C.they are teachers of their kids

D.they are not as good as their kids

49.Why do some parents argue with their kids?

A.Their kids don’t finish homework on time.

B.Their kids don’t like to do their homework.

C.Their kids don’t work out the correct answer.

D.Their kids don’t agree with them on the answer.

50.What’s Kate Smith’s advice for parents?

A.Ask kids to finish everything at school.

B.Review everything they learn at school.

C.Look for professional help for their kids.

D.Leave the kids alone with their homework.


One day,a boy had a fight with one of his classmates.He didn’t wait until school was over,and hurried home to his grandfather.He told him his story angrily.“He is really bad,” the boy said,“and I hate him.”

The grandfather said,“Let me tell you a story.When I was a boy,I sometimes hated others for what they did…”.

As the boy listened carefully,the grandfather went on,“There are always two tigers inside my heart.One is good and kind.He gets on well with everything around him.But the other is bad and unfriendly.Even the smallest thing will make him angry.He fights with everyone all the time,and for no reason.He can’t think carefully because he always hates others.It is difficult to live with these two tigers inside my heart.They both try to control(控制)me.”

The boy looked into his grandfather’s eyes and asked,“Which tiger always controls you,Grandfather?”

The old man said slowly and seriously,“The one that I feed.I always feed the good and kind tiger,so I never hate others and seldom get angry now.”

51.The boy went to his grandfather .

A.before he went to school

B.when he went to school

C.after school was over

D.after he had a fight

52.The good tiger everything around him.

A.doesn’t like

B.gets along well with

C.isn’t interested in

D.wants to eat

53.The bad tiger fights with everyone all the time .

A.because others want to kill him

B.because he wants to eat others

C.for no reason

D.because others aren’t friendly to him

54.The good tiger can control the grandfather because .

A.the good tiger is much stronger

B.the good tiger can get along well with others

C.the grandfather treats(对待)the tiger very well

D.the grandfather hates the bad tiger

55.The writer wants to tell us in the passage.

A.how to feed tigers well

B.how to control our feelings

C.how to get along with others

D.how to fight with others


Teenagers believe anything is possible if they study hard.But they often forget to think about healthy diets,enough sleep time and exercise.In fact,these things are really important for them to keep fit.

It is important for teenagers to get enough energy.Teenage girls need about 2,200 calories a day while boys need a bit more—doctors suggest 2,800 for teenage boys.50% of their calories should come from healthy food—rice,vegetables and fruit.People often say an apple a day keeps the doctor away.Teenagers also need to drink a lot of water,6 to 8 glasses a day.Drinking enough water will improve their skin.

Teenagers usually need eight to ten hours’ sleep at night,but many Chinese teenagers do not get enough sleep.A report shows that without a good night’s sleep,teenagers seem to be weaker than they should be.Too much homework is not the only reason why teenagers stay up late.Some watch TV or play computer games late into the night.Teenagers should develop good study habits.So some clever students never study late,but they are able to work well in class.

Exercise is something that can help them.Experts suggest that teenagers should spend at least 30 minutes exercising a day,five times a week.They will feel relaxed when they exercise.It can even help them sleep better at night.

56.How many things are important for teenagers to keep fit?

A.2. B.3. C.4. D.5.

57.Half of their calories should come from .

A.rice,vegetables and fruit

B.rice,vegetables and meat

C.rice,vegetables and water

D.milk and meat

58.The last paragraph(段) mainly talks about .

A.sleeping better

B.basic energy

C.necessary exercise

D.more exercise

59.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Boys need much more calories than girls.

B.Teenagers need to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.

C.Some clever students never study late.

D.They will feel relaxed when they exercise.

60.The passage tells teenagers how to .

A.eat and drink well

B.study hard

C.keep fit

D.drink well


Honesty of American students

When I first arrived in America,I was surprised by the honesty of my classmates.Over my first month at school,I didn’t see or hear anyone cheating (作弊).I found two reasons for this.

First,if any student cheats,he or she will get punished.My school has a rule called the Honor Code.It asks students not to steal,lie or cheat.If someone goes against the code,he or she will have to leave the school.During my first year in the school,seven students left the school because of cheating.

Second,American students don’t care about scores(考试成绩) as much as Chinese students do.They know that colleges will look at their all-round abilities instead of only scores.So they have fewer reasons to cheat.

61.Did the writer see or hear anyone cheating for the first month in the USA?

62.What is the Honor Code about?


63.What will happen if students go against the code?


64.Who does the writer think care more about scores,American students or Chinese students?


65.Do American colleges think all-round abilities are important for students?




B:Hello,Bob.You don’t look well. 66

A:I’ve got a terrible cough,and I cough day and night.

B:I’m sorry to hear that. 67

A:About 2 weeks.The doctor said the cough was caused mainly by air pollution.I think we should do something to protect the environment.

B: 68 What should we do?

A:First,we’d better drive cars less and walk to work more often.

B:All right! But my home is far from my workplace.

A:How far is it?

B: 69

A:Why don’t you take a subway to work?

B:You’re right! From now on,I’ll do as you said.

A: 70

B:We can plant more trees.

A:OK! Let’s do it!

A.Yes,it’s very far.

B.What else can we do?

C.What’s the matter?

D.I think so.

E.You’re welcome.

F.It’s about 10 kilometers away.

G.How long have you been like this?


71.The good news that our football team won the game c up everybody.

72.Please make a d to choose which one is the best.

73.If you know English well,the (交流)with foreigners will be easy.

74.Do you realize the (重要性)of this question?

75.Do you have any (困难)with English?



He got up earlier get to school on time.


They sat there and read every question carefully.


He is with his friends.


If you do that,you might her .


What you have told me may to my own opinion.



要点提示:1.学会照顾好自己,保持良好的精神状态(stay in a good mood);


3.不要担心钱,因为我们会帮你筹集钱(raise money);


5.希望你能笑对人生(smile at…)、早日健康。


Dear Hao Qiang,

I am sorry to hear that you are ill in hospital. _____________________________


Yours sincerely,

Lin Fan


Ⅰ.1.E 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D

Ⅱ.6.B 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.B

Ⅲ.11.B 12.A 13.B 14.A 15.C

Ⅳ.16.fight 17.rainy 18.10 19.eating 20.waiter

Ⅴ.21.C 22.B 23.A 24.C 25.D 26.B 27.D 28.C 29.A 30.C 31.A 32.C 33.D 34.B 35.A

Ⅵ.36.D 37.C 38.B 39.D 40.B 41.A 42.C 43.A 44.C 45.B

Ⅶ.46.B 47.A 48.B 49.D 50.D 51.D 52.B 53.C 54.C 55.B 56.B 57.A 58.C 59.A 60.C

Ⅷ.61.No,he didn’t. 62.It asks students not to steal,lie or cheat. 63.They will have to leave the school. 64.Chinese students. 65.Yes,they do.

Ⅸ.66.C 67.G 68.D 69.F 70.B

Ⅹ.71.cheered 72.decision 73.communication 74.importance 75.difficulty

Ⅺ.76.in order to 77.in silence 78.getting on well 79.get,into trouble 80.make a difference

Ⅻ.Dear Hao Qiang,

I am sorry to hear that you are ill in hospital.I understand your feelings very well.But you know nobody can be happy all the time.You should learn to take good care of yourself and stay in a good mood.You can talk to the doctors or your friends when you are upset.Try to get help from them.You must follow the doctor’s advice and take the medicine on time.Don’t worry about money because we can raise money for you.My friend and I will visit you when we are free.We can help you with your lesson.I hope you can smile at life and get well soon.

Yours sincerely,

Lin Fan


Ⅰ.1.We need to clean up the city park every day.

2.The girl was waiting for a taxi on the street when the rainstorm came.

3.I love animals and want to be an animal doctor like Miss Brown.

4.Why don’t you call up your parents and ask them to come?

5.Tom’s bike doesn’t work.The volunteer is fixing it up.

Ⅱ.6.What’s the matter with you?

7.Could I invite my friend to the party on Sunday?

8.Were you shopping when the rainstorm came?

9.Why were you late for class?

10.Could you please pass me the bottle of water?

Ⅲ.11.W:Ted,could you please clean the living room?

M:Sorry,mom.I am washing clothes.

12.M:Alice,you look sad. What’s wrong?

W:I had a fight with my friend.What should I do?

M:I think you could say sorry to her.

13.W:While Jane was walking home last night,she saw a snake.

M:Really? That’s too bad.

14.W:John,what were you doing when the rainstorm came?

M:I was reading in the library.

15.W:Tim,do you often help your parents do some housework at home?

M:Yes.I like sweeping the floor.I don’t like staying in a dirty house.

Ⅳ.I am Linda.Last Saturday,I saw a serious fight.It was a terrible experience.It was rainy that day.The fight happened at about ten o’clock.At that time,I was eating with my friends in a restaurant.Then two men began to fight with each other.I thought it was a little scary.The waiter called the police.They arrived after thirty minutes and took the two men to the police station.

