



Shortly after King Zhao of the State of Yan came to the throne, he went to visit Guo Kui, an able and virtuous scholar, and asked for his advice on how to govern the state and make it strong, and how to avenge his father and wipe off the shame of the state. Guo Kui told him the story of "Buying Bones with 1,000 Pieces of Gold".

In ancient times, there was a king very fond of horses that could cover 1,000 1i a day. He sent many people, sought many means and spent lots of money to buy such horses. Yet three years had passed, and no such horses were available.

One day, a guard volunteered to help and said to the king: "I am willing to buy a thousand-li steed for Your Majesty."

The king was pleasantly surprised. He asked: "You? Can you make it?"

"Your Majesty, you can rest assured," replied the guard.

The king complied with his request and let him go on his mission.

The guard sought for the horse wholeheartedly. He spent three months, and after much effort found out the whereabouts of such a horse. But when he hastened there, the horse had already died. Without the least hesitation, he bought the bones of the horse with 500 pieces of gold, and returned to report to the king.

On seeing the horse bones the guard had actually bought, the king flew into a rage. "You! What I want is a live horse, but you have bought the bones of a dead horse. What is the use? You have wasted 500 pieces of gold. What punishment do you think you deserve?"

The guard replied calmly: "Your Majesty, this is to let the general public know that Your Majesty is willing to pay a high price for even a dead thousand-li horse, let alone a live one. All the people in the world will know that Your Majesty wishes to buy a thousand-li horse sincerely. Your Majesty, don't be angry. Just wait and the horse you want will come very soon."

As the guard had expected, the king bought three thousand-li horses within one year.












Meng Chang Jun was a famous counsellor of the State of Qi.

One day, he wanted to leave his native country to be an official in the State of Qin. Hissubordinates all advised him not to go, but Meng Chang Jun wouldn't listen to them. At this time, a man told him such a story.

Once when I was passing the Zi River, I heard in my dream a man made of mud talking with a wooden puppet by the river bank.

The wooden puppet said to the mud man: "You were formerly a lump of earth, now made into a man of mud. But if it rains and the water in the river rises, you will surely be damaged by the water."

The man made of mud replied: "If I were damaged by the water, I would not be afraid, but would only return to my original state and dissolve into earth. But you? You were carved from the peach tree in the garden. If it rains heavily and the water in the river rises, you will be in no position to decide for yourself and can only float away with the river current. Since you cannot decide for yourself, then you will never be able to return to your original place."

After Meng Chang Jun heard this story of the conversation between the mud man and the wooden puppet, he changed his mind and decided not to go to the State of Qin.








Someone mocked at Hui Zi before the King of Liang. "This Hui Zi likes to use metaphors when he speaks. If he is not allowed to use metaphors, he surely won't be able to explain anything at all."

The following day the King of Liang met Hui Zi and said to him: "From now on, when you speak, come straight to the point and do not use metaphors and beat about the bush."

Hui Zi said: "Now someone does not know what a slingshot is. You tell him, ''A slingshot' is 'a slingshot'. 'Can he understand?"

"How can he understand?" said the King of Liang.

Hui Zi went on: "If I tell him a slingshot is like a bow, its bowstring is made of bamboo, and it is a device for shooting, can he understand?"

The King of Liang said: "Yes, he can."

Hui Zi said: "The purpose of drawing an analogy between the thing people have already known and the thing they don't know yet is to make them understood. You want me to speak without using metaphors. How can that be done?"

The King of Liang said: "What you said is right."









