


I read this book after seven or eight years of living inTaiwan. I had known about it for a while, butTaiwanese bookstores, usually well-stocked withEnglish language books about China and Taiwan, didnot carry it. No wonder. I finally found someone witha copy and then took it to a printer to get my owncopy - the Taiwanese way. The Taiwanese believe,not in copyright, but copyleft. Get it? I underlinedso many passages in the thin volume it looked like ithad been in the custody of a chop-wielding Chinesebank teller. Nearly every assertion and anecdoteresonated. Bo Yang said what I had been thinking, but was too afraid to say it, except to otherWesterners.

If a Westerner had penned this book, they would have been branded a racist, or been accusedof not understanding "the real China," a common Sinophile charge. But because Bo Yang wasChinese - born in China and later a resident of Taiwan - and because he was a well-knownhistorian, writer, journalist, etc. (he headed the Taiwan chapter of Amnesty International andwas an advisor to the Taiwanese government after he did a spell in prison as a dissident)nobody can say boo about this book, not least of all because every sentence is lethallyaccurate.

在台湾居住了七八年以后我读了这本书。对这本书我只是听说过,台湾的书店里经常有大量的关于中国和台湾的英文书籍,并没有卖这本书。这不足为奇。我最终问别人拿了一本复印本去复印了一本----以台湾人特有的方式。台湾人没版权意识,他们反版权,懂吗? 我在这本薄薄的书中用线划下了很多段落,他在书中所讲述的内容每每引起我的共鸣。柏杨所说的正是我之前所想的,但是我没敢说出来,一般只对西方人说。


Because of the title, I had thought The Ugly Chinaman was a sort of angry tirade, but it is not.It is a well argued denunciation of the ills of Chinese culture. But a neophyte likely would notunderstand; it helps to live in Chinese society for a while before reading.


TUC begins with a dialogue between a doctor and TB patient. The patient accuses the doctor offabricating the diagnosis and says it is doctors like him who harm the motherland. The patientbarks, "It's people like you who are to blame for China's problems. You make foreigners lookdown on Chinese people because you give them the idea that we're all suffering from TB.Traitors like you suck the blood of the Chinese people and kiss the asses of the barbariandevils. God will strike you dead! Imperial court guards! (coughs) Take him away!"


It's a reference to the lack of introspection and the proclivity to deny and ignore seriousproblems. We see examples of this all the time in the news. Villagers say their water has beencontaminated by a nearby factory, and local officials accuse them of treason. Recrimination iscommonplace. Problems snowball. No one wants to see them; others are afraid to speakup.The book ends with a series of refutations, too. Bo Yang published a series of angryresponses written by other "academics" in opposition to his thesis that Chinese culture is, andI quote, primitive, and that Chinese people need to Westernize for the benefit of all. Thebook's format, then, is very clever: an angry denial, a series of propositions and examples thatoutline a damning thesis, and more angry denials. Bo Yang knew that no matter how well-reasoned or well-supported his argument, Chinese culture is, to many, beyond reproach. Bycriticizing Chinese culture, you are only shaming your ancestors, who created it.The UglyChinaman is a very bold and interesting book. It is a brave man who can look at his own culturein the eye and say, "You're sick. You need help." Apparently, when this book was published, itsold hundreds of thousands of copies in East Asia. Anyone who has spent time in Chinesesociety ought to read it.Troy Parfitt is the author of Why China Will Never Rule the World

书中的这个例子是为了表明中国人缺乏内省的精神以及否认和忽视严重问题的倾向。我们每每看到类似新闻在发生。村民说,他们的水已经被附近的工厂污染,当地官员指责村民们叛国。反责是司空见惯的现象。但问题就像滚雪球一样没能得到解决。没有人想面对这些问题;其他人则不敢说出来。本书也以一连串的反驳作结。他在书中末尾发表了一系列其他学者针对他的论点所作的反驳文章,而他的论点就是中国文化是原始的以及中国人需要进行西化才能让大众受益。所以这本书的结构就非常清晰了:先是人们对中国文化弊端的愤怒否认,然后是柏杨所列出的表明中国文化弊端的主张和例子,最后这种主张和例子受到了更多愤怒的否认。至此,柏杨明白了不论他的理论多正确,证据多有力,对于很多人来说,中国文化都是无可指责的,批判它相当于是在侮辱创造它的祖先。《丑陋的中国人》是一本大胆而有趣的书,这个勇敢的人用自己的视角观察自己的文化,然后说:你病了,你需要帮助” ,当它出版的时候这本书似乎在东亚卖出几十万本。在华人社会生活过的人都应该读读。

New York City Culture


New York City, in the state of New York,is the largestcity in the United States.


More than 8,000,000 people live there.


That is more than 2 times the number of people inLos Angeles, California, America's second largest city.


New York City is the cultural capital of America.


It is an important center for art,architecture,theater, music, dance and film.


New York is also known for its cultural diversity.


About 36 percent of the people were born in a foreign country.


If you asked those people where they are from,they would probably say: The DominicanRepublic,China, Jamaica, Guyana, Mexico, Ecuador, Haiti,Trinidad and Tobago, Colombia orRussia.


Most new immigrants come from those 10 countries.


However, about 170 languages are spoken in America's largest city.


Many Europeans moved to New York about 100 years ago.


They came mostly from Italy, Ireland,Germany, Russia and Poland.


Today, the New York City area has the largest number of Jews outside of Israel.


It is also home to more African-Americans than any other American city.


Except for Puerto Rico itself,more Puerto Ricans live in New York City than in any other place inthe world.


Immigrants often live in communities with other people from their countries.


These include communities of Italians, Russians,Chinese, Koreans, Dominicans and PuertoRicans.


About 44 percent of all New Yorkers are white.


A little over one-fourth are African-American.


About one-fourth are Hispanic or Latino.


Nearly 12 percent have Asian ancestors.


One thing that all New Yorkers have in common is the density of their city.


Millions of people live in a small place.


New York City has 5 boroughs.


They are the Bronx, Brooklyn, Staten Island,Queens, and Manhattan.


The island of Manhattan has almost 26,000 people per square kilometer of land.


The streets of Manhattan are very crowded because so many people live and work in there.


Most people travel in buses, taxi cabs,or underground in the subway instead of owning cars.


Most live in tall apartment buildings.


Manhattan is home to some of the wealthiest as well as the poorest people in the city.


