but always什么意思


but always的意思你们搞懂了吗?下面小编为大家带来but always什么意思,欢迎大家一起学习!

but always的意思


but always的双语例句

1. If you are never willing to chance your arm, but always play for safety, you will not get very far.

如果你不愿冒险一试, 而总是求其四平八稳, 你将不能获得成功.

2. There was good wits, incisive but always peripheral information.


3. But always, let our whole nation remember the character of the onslaught against us.


4. There were times when he did hear echoes, but always they were couched in tones.

有时候他倒是听见了回声, 但它们总是笼罩在某些音调之中.

5. He never thinks for himself, but always goes with the crowd.

他从不考虑自己, 总是与群众打成一片.

6. Sadness lies in your smile, but always shines a light , into light!

夹带悲伤, 但你的微笑依旧如此闪耀,发光.

7. They want to go Hainan travels, but always do not have money.

他们想去海南旅游, 但总没钱.

8. But always we talk about two key issues to address your problem.


9. He said he had tried to quIt'several times but always failed.


10. My nephew George has a saving box but always empty.


11. Although My life is freedom recent time, but always feel lack something.

最近的一段时间,虽然日子倒还自由自在, 但总觉得少了些什么.

12. Never bow to authority, but always tip your hat.

永不向权势低头, 但要摘帽为礼.

13. She is a patient person, but always need new excitement.

她是善于忍耐的, 但是永远需要新鲜刺激.

14. It could be exhilarating, intimidating, sometimes even discouraging, but always challenging.

哈佛的生活使人兴奋, 让人胆怯, 有时甚至会感到泄气, 但永远充满了挑战.

15. But always be can little in feminine chest a dress.


but always的英语例句

But always-on is new territory for the masses, and probably even you at home.

They repeatedly raised revolutions and were just as often put down, but always came back.

Hardware supply gluts last a few days or weeks but always get soaked up.

Vary your volume, but always make sure you are speaking loudly enough to be heard.

But always essential is the ability to do what is necessary when it is necessary.

The president listened to one, then the other, but always made his own decisions.

This book (available electronically but always printed by the executive team) was several inches thick.

There is some hilarious writing, but always with a tenderness for the frailty of the old.

Many may be good, but always there are a few dogs in the bag.

The city announced the closing of the landfill several times but always postponed it until now.

David Einhorn is a fine manager but always had a passive stake in Yahoo!

But please know that we hold you in our hearts -- not just today, but always.

But always such addresses are crafted for effect and consciously intended to sway and influence.

The day begins and ends with Mr Kim, who is seldom seen but always present.

It's wood that has often been replaced, but always from the same place in Sussex.

