人教版高一英语必修三Unit 2期末综合复习试题及答案


面对一场即将到来的英语考试,英语教师们应该如何准备好自己的课堂教学的复习工作呢?让我们来为学生们制订一份良好的考试卷吧!以下是由小编收集整理的人教版高一英语必修三Unit 2期末综合复习试题,欢迎阅读!

人教版高一英语必修三Unit 2期末综合复习试题

一、单项填空 (共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)

1. —

— I’ve got a terrible pain in my back.

A. What about going to see a doctor?

B. How long have you been like this?

C. How do you like that? D. What’s the matter with you?

2. — Would you like some cakes?

— No, thanks. I’m on diet. If I have any, I’ll put on weight.

A. a; 不填 B. a; the C. 不填; 不填 D. 不填; the

3. The mistake was caused by you. You apologize to Peter first and beg him to forgive you.

A. will B. can C. ought to D. used to

4. No matter when black people Nelson Mandela about their problems, he was always ready to help them.

A. reminded B. consulted C. persuaded D. discussed

5. — Are you going to David’s party?

— No, my mother won’t have me out late at night.

A. staying B. to staying C. to stay D. stayed

6. Mr. Lee in bed, wondering whether Helen to him this afternoon.

A. lay; lay B. lied; lied C. lay; lied D. lied; lay

7. Our school has very strict rules about cheating in exams, so no one can it.

A. run away with B. get away with

C. get along with D. come up with

8. Miss Yang was out of when she went downstairs. As a result, she had her foot injured.

A. balance B. order C. curiosity D. work

9. — Must I finish the job today?

— No, you .

A. can’t B. don’t have to C. shouldn’t D. mustn’t

10. — How did you like the film?

— It couldn’t be . I left the cinema before it ended.

A. so bad B. any worse C. very good D. much better

11. The books in the bookstore near our school are always sold a 60% discount.

A. at B. with C. on D. down

12. — You are always full of all day. Could you tell me the secret?

— Going to bed early at night.

A. energy B. strength C. power D. force

13. I won’t buy an iPhone 5 the price is brought down to under 3,000 yuan.

A. once B. since C. if D. unless

14. The village is from the outside world by heavy snow for over a month this winter.

A. cut down B. cut back C. cut off D. cut out

15. — We need someone to take charge of the hotel in Jinan.

— Robert have a try? He has been working there for five years.

A. Will B. May C. Must D. Shall

二、完形填空 (共20小题; 每小题1.5 分, 满分30分)

A little girl took out the bottle. She 16 the coins carefully. The total number had to be exactly perfect. No chance for 17 .

Carefully placing the 18 in the bottle, she walked to a drugstore and waited patiently for the pharmacist’s (药剂师) 19 , but he was too busy.

She 20 her throat. Nothing. 21 she put a coin on the counter heavily. That 22 !

“What do you want?” the pharmacist asked 23 . “I’m talking to my brother from Chicago whom I haven’t 24 for ages,” he shouted.

“My brother,” Tess answered, “is really 25 and I want to buy a miracle (奇迹).”

“Pardon?” said the pharmacist.

“Andrew has something bad growing inside his head. Dad says only a miracle can 26 him. So how much does a miracle cost?”

“We don’t sell miracles. I’m sorry,” the pharmacist said.

“I have money. 27 it isn’t enough, I will get the rest.”

The pharmacist’s brother asked the little girl, “What miracle does your brother need?”

“I don’t know,” Tess replied with tears. “Mum says he needs a(n) 28 . But Dad can’t 29 it, so I want to use my money.”

“How much do you have?” he asked.

“One dollar and eleven cents. And it’s all the money I have.”

“A dollar and eleven cents? That’s the 30 price of a miracle for your little brother,” smiled the man from Chicago.

He took her money in one hand and held her with 31 , “Take me to where you 32 . Let’s see if I have the right miracle.”

That man was doctor Carlton Armstrong.

The operation was done with no 33 and soon Andrew recovered. Mum and Dad were happily 34 the miracle.

“The operation,” Tess’s mom smiled, “was a real miracle. How much did it cost?”

“One dollar and eleven cents and the 35 of a little child.”

16. A. made B. watched C. counted D. collected

17. A. questions B. mistakes C. decisions D. regrets

18. A. coins B. toys C. sweets D. drugs

19. A. advice B. respect C. devotion D. attention

20. A. cleared B. changed C. managed D. hurt

21. A. Simply B. Generally C. Finally D. Slowly

22. A. moved B. failed C. continued D. worked

23. A. nervously B. angrily C. doubtfully D. patiently

24. A. seen B. played C. argued D. competed

25. A. sick B. upset C. tired D. afraid

26. A. ignore B. protect C. save D. remind

27. A. Unless B. If C. But D. And

28. A. friend B. connection C. suggestion D. operation

29. A. carry on B. work on C. pay for D. seek for

30. A. usual B. exact C. low D. least

31. A. others B. some C. another D. the other

32. A. live B. study C. visit D. teach

33. A. choice B. charge C. chance D. request

34. A. caring about B. worrying about

C. talking about D. thinking about

35. A. mind B. joy C. truth D. faith

三、阅读理解 (共两节, 满分40分)

第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)


A little boy was spending his Saturday morning playing in his sandbox (沙坑). He had a box of cars and trucks with him. When he created roads in the sand, he found a large rock in the middle of the sandbox.

The boy dug around the rock, trying to get it out of the sand. With much effort, he pushed the rock across the sandbox by using his feet. (He was a very small boy and the rock was very big.) When the boy moved the rock, however, he found that he couldn’t roll it up and over the little wall.

Determined, the little boy pushed it hard, but every time the rock tipped (倾斜), it fell back into the sandbox.

Finally, he burst into tears. At this time the boy’s father watched from his living room window. He quickly came over to the little boy.

Gently but firmly he said, “Son, why didn’t you use all the strength that you had?” The boy answered, “But I did, Daddy. I used all the strength that I had!” “No, son,” said the father kindly. “You didn’t use all the strength you had. You didn’t turn to me.” With these words, the father reached down, picked up the rock and removed it from the sandbox.

Do you have “rocks” in your life that need to be removed? Are you discovering that you don’t have what it takes to lift them? There is always one who is willing to give us the strength we need. Isn’t it funny that we try so hard to do things all by ourselves?

36. What did the boy want to do with the rock?

A. To break it into smaller pieces.

B. To remove it from the sandbox.

C. To bury it deep under the ground.

D. To carry it to a faraway place by hand.

37. In the father’s opinion, his son .

A. must be punished for not working hard

B. was strong enough to lift the rock by himself

C. should have asked him to help with the rock

D. should find out a better way to solve the problem

38. It is suggested in the last paragraph that we should .

A. try our best to solve a problem

B. watch out for possible dangers in life

C. ask other people for help if necessary

D. not lose heart when facing a difficult task


As I unpacked the boxes of new coats in the back room of Atkinson’s Department Store, I saw it. I tried it on. I picked up the price tag (价格标签), and then dropped it as if it had burned my hands. Wow! It was so expensive! Even with my employee discount, this coat would use up all the money I’d worked so hard to save.

The next morning, on the school bus, I met my friend, Letisha Robinson. She said she and her brother didn’t have a winter coat.

At dinner, I asked my parents about Letisha’s family.

“I heard that her mother was out of work,” Mom said.

“What does her father do?” I asked.

“He drank all day,” Dad said.

“I wonder if they’ll get any Christmas presents,” my brother, Gary, was much nicer than me.

I excused myself for doing my homework, but I really wanted to go out because I felt uncomfortable. An idea appeared in my mind. That night I dreamed about Letisha’s family sitting around a tree on Christmas morning. When I awoke, I was certain of what I had to do.

At breakfast, I announced my plan to my family. Gary went shopping for a football for Jerome and toys for the kids. I bought a warm outfit for each of the eight kids with my employee discount at Atkinson’s.

On Christmas Eve, at midnight all four of us piled into our car. Dad turned the lights off as we moved near their house. Gary took the box and deposited it on the stoop (门廊).

I learned the joy of giving that Christmas.

39. It can be learned from the first paragraph that .

A. the writer did a part-time job at Atkinson’s

B. the writer was choosing a coat at Atkinson’s

C. the writer always bought expensive coats

D. the writer was in charge of the store

40. What made the writer feel uncomfortable at dinner?

A. To make an excuse for not doing her homework.

B. The poor conditions of the Letisha family

C. To buy a coat for herself as a Christmas present.

D. To imagine a man drinking all the time.

41. The underlined word “deposited” in the last paragraph probably means “ ”.

A. put B. hid C. showed D. fixed

42. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. An unlucky family B. A Christmas holiday

C. A dream coat D. A box at midnight


Ceramic (陶瓷) West Club

The Ceramic West Club offers members an opportunity to learn and develop their skills and abilities in ceramics. In 2012, the cost for membership is $10 every year. The club is open on Tuesday evenings from 4:30 to 8:30.

19803 R. H. Johnson Blvd.

Sun City West, AZ 85375


Fitness Club

Located at the Sun City West Recreation Center, the Fitness Club provides an opportunity for members to improve their health and fitness level. While the cost for membership is $5 every year in 2012, additional fees may be charged for individual (单独的) classes. Those classes include jazzercise (爵士乐体操), deep water running and exercise, water fitness, and dance performance.

19803 R. H. Johnson Blvd.

Sun City West, AZ 85375


Garden Club

The Garden Club is held each year from September to May and teaches members about horticultural (园艺的) gardening in the desert. While lectures include speakers and demonstrations, field trips and activities are also provided to view plants in their natural habitat. The cost of the club is $6 in 2012, and a greenhouse facility (设备) is available to teach members about different types of plants.

19803 R. H. Johnson Blvd.

Sun City West, AZ 85375


Deer Valley Women’s Golf Club

The Deer Valley Women’s Golf Club started in 1994 and offers women in the Sun City West area a chance to play golf throughout the year. Members get together every Tuesday to play golf, and general meetings are held twice a year to update members on the latest events and happenings.

13975 Deer Valley Rd

Sun City West, AZ 85375


43. What can members do in the Fitness Club?

A. Create jazz music. B. Play golf.

C. Learn to dance. D. Take field trips.

44. We can learn from the passage that .

A. the Garden Club opens every two years

B. the Golf Club is in the same road as the others

C. the activity in the Ceramic West Club lasts 4 hours

D. one can take classes in the Fitness Club free of charge

45. The underlined word “update” in the passage is closest in meaning to “ ”.

A. permit B. tell C. warn D. admit

46. The main purpose of the passage is to .

A. advise B. persuade C. comment D. introduce


Dog lovers like to think it is their voices that make their pets so easy to please. In fact, it is not so simple—with eye contact (对视) playing an important role besides spoken commands.

Scientists have found the animals pick up not only the words we say, but our purpose to communicate. In fact, dogs are as advanced as a two-year-old child in following eye contact.

Dogs have similar skills to babies. Jszsef Topal, a researcher of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, said, “Increasing information supports the idea that humans and dogs share some social skills. The way dogs work is like that of a six-month to two-year-old child in a lot of ways. Dogs even watch how we make eye contact to work out what we mean. Dogs, as well as babies, are sensitive to something that signals our purpose.”

Topal’s team tested dogs with videos of a person saying, “Hi, dog!” in different tones of voice and using different levels of eye contact. The team found that the dogs can read the eye contact as well as children. Dogs know when they are being spoken to and can even make a guess at what you are thinking. However, whether or not dogs rely on similar ways to deal with those signals isn’t yet clear.

Researchers used the eye-tracking software to determine that dogs and babies respond (回应) in a similar manner to commands.

Topal added, “Our findings show that dogs are good at receiving human communication in a manner that was thought to only belong to babies before. By following the eye movements of dogs, we are also able to figure out what they are actually thinking.”

47. The underlined part in Para. 2 can best be replaced by .

A. spoken commands B. eye contact

C. familiar voices D. social skills

48. How did Topal’s team do their research?

A. By talking to the dogs in different tones of voice.

B. By searching for different information from other studies.

C. By determining how babies responded to commands and eye contact.

D. By playing videos with people giving commands and making eye contact.

49. Which of the following is one of the team’s findings?

A. Dogs are not as sensitive to eye contact as babies are.

B. Dogs are cleverer than a six-month to two-year-old child.

C. People can learn what dogs are thinking through their eye movements.

D. Dogs rely on the same ways to deal with people’s eye contact as babies.

50. It can be inferred from the passage that .

A. dogs can learn some social skills through eye contact

B. the eye-tracking software is very helpful in Topal’s research

C. dogs show their different purposes by making different sounds

D. a new eye-tracking technology has been developed by Topal’s team

