



1. wait for 等待,等候

2. wait / stand in queue = wait / stand in line 排队等侯

3. waiting room 等候(候车)室

4. wake up 醒来 wake sb up 把某人吵/叫醒

5. walk / run up to = go / come up to 上前去

6. want all day off 请假一整天

7. wash away 冲走

8. wash down 冲走,冲垮

9. washing machine 洗衣机

10. watch out (for…) 留神,提防,注意

11. watch over 看守,照看

12. watch TV 看电视

13. wear away 磨掉,消耗

14. wear out 穿破,把……穿旧,磨坏,使……疲劳

15. [比较:be worn out (衣服等)穿破/被损坏,(人)疲惫不堪/感到疲劳] what else 而且

16. what if… 倘使……将会怎样,如果……将会怎样

17. win … prize 获得……奖

18. win the first place (比赛)得了第一名

19. win sb 把某人争取过来(比较:beat / defeat sb 打败某人)

20. wipe out 去除,消灭

21. wish each other good luck 互相祝福

22. wish … every success 祝…… 成功

23. without a sound 悄无声息地

24. without limit 无限地

25. without luck 运气不好

26. with the help of=with sb’s help 在……的帮助下

27. with the purpose of 有……的目的

28. wonder at 对……感到惊讶

29. word for word 逐字地

30. work as an actress 做女演员

31. work at 从事,致力于 ,干……活动(研究)

32. work on … 继续工作,从事于……,忙于……,不断做……

33. work out 算出,解决,想出(办法),制定(计划),结局,至最后 work with … 对……起作用

34. work permit 工作许可证

35. worry about 为……担心,烦恼

36. would like 想要(婉转表达个人的想法、看法)

37. would rather 宁愿,宁可

38. wrap sth in 用……把某物包起来 wrap up 包好,伪装 write down 记下,写下 write to 写信给 Well done / said! 干得好/说得好!

39. What a pity! 多可惜!真遗憾! What a shame! 太不好意思了!太遗憾了!

40. What / How about…? ……怎么样?……好不好? What becomes of … ? ……变得怎样了?

41. What kind …? 何种……? What time …? 几点……?

42. What’s on? 发生了什么事?

43. What’s the population of …? ……有多少人口?

44. What’s up? 怎么啦?

45. What’s wrong / the matter? 怎么了?

46. Would you mind…? 你介意……吗?


1.wait at table伺候进餐

2.wait for等候/等待

3.wait on服侍(某人)

4.wake up醒/唤醒/醒来

5.walk off(突然)离开/带走

6.walk out走出/把(某人)带出

7.wander about漫游/闲逛

8.warm up变温暖/变热

9.wash up洗餐具/洗手洗脸

10.watch out for密切注意/戒备/提防

11.wear off逐渐消失/磨掉/耗损

12.wear out穿破/用坏/耗尽

13.weed out清除/除去

14.weep away在哭泣中度过

15.weep out边哭边说出

16.What about...?(对于)…怎么样?

17.What if...?倘使…将会怎么?

18.what is more而且/更重要的是


20.wind up结束/停止/卷紧

21.wipe out把…的里面擦洗干净

22.wish for盼望/希望/想要

23.with one voice一致地/异口同声地

24.with regard to关于/至于

25.with respect to关于/至于

26.with the help of在…的帮助下

27.with the view of以…为目的

28.with young怀胎

29.within limits在一定范围之内

30.without day不定期/无限制(休会)

31.without doubt无疑地/很可能

32.without fail必定/务必

33.without limits无限(制)地

34.without number多得数不清的

35.without question毫无疑问

36.without regard to不考虑/不顾到

37.without so much as甚至于不…

38.word for word逐字地/一字不变地

39.work at从事于/致力于

40.work off排除/清理/卖掉

41.work out算出/设计出/制定出

42. work up逐步引起/激起/整理

43. world without end永远/永久地

44.would rather do宁愿/宁可

45.would rather...than宁愿…而不愿…

46. wrap up穿厚/裹紧/包好

47. write down写下/把…描写成

48. write off注销/勾销/写信寄出

49. write up把…写成文/详细描写

