连读阻抑 read-through suppression
元音连读 pointy ears
音的连读 linking of souds ; Sound Liaison
连读翻译 read-through translation
注意连读 I am an art student
辅音元音连读 to find a nightgown
1. Listen and practice. Pay attention to the reduction of do + you.
听一听,练一练. 注意do+you连读.
2. Tone sandhi as a common phonetic phenomena in Chinese dialect.
3. Pay more attention to the sentence stress, sense groups and liaison.
请注意句子的生意 、 意群、连读.
4. Rapid English is a combination of liaison, contraction and reduction.
快速美式英语是连读 、 缩读和弱读的联合体.
5. A preposition is usually read together with the word following it.
6. He is quite ignorant, he can't even read or write.
他很无知, 他甚至连读或写都不会.
7. Serial levels had been between 6.2 and 7.1 % in the previous 2 years.
8. Link this consonant with the vowel of the next word. This is what we call liaison.
把这个辅音和后面的一个词的元音连起来读, 这叫做连读.
9. In addition, the approach of phonetic experiment is applied to analyze developmental patterns of tome sandhi.
另外, 我们使用语音实验的方法分析连读变调习得过程中出现的变调形式.
10. When we read the text, we should pay attention to sentence stress, pause and liaison.
读课文的时候, 大家要注意句子的重音 、 停顿和连读现象.
11. The American intonation dictates liaisons and pronunciation, and it indicates mood and meaning.
美国英语语调支配着连读和发音, 同时它也表达了情绪和句子的含义.
12. In recent years, basically half of the graduates to carry out Dr. Shuoboliandu.
13. Later, assimilation, geminate word and tone sandhi are studied at the word tier.
此后, 我们研究了词层的同化错误 、 叠音词和连读变调.
14. In French if a word begins with a vowel then it's linked to the previous word.
15. This thesis presents an experimental and phonological analysis of Tone Sandhi sequence in Huangxian County Dialect.