



giving advice to visitors 向客人提出建议 字幕

Oh, Deborah,I've been racking my brains about what to do with James, but I'm stuck for ideas.

Can you think of something?

Where have you been so far, James?

Well, last night, Shirley took me to one of the floating restaurants in the harbour.

Oh, that's nice. The harbour is famous for its seafood.

If you have time, you ought to go to the seafood restaurants on the islands as well.

That's a good idea!

How about it, Shirley?

We'll see if we have enough time.

I was looking at a guide book today.

The night market sounds interesting.

Oh, yes, you must go to the night market.

Everyone goes there to wander around and buy cheap clothes.

Sounds good to me.

Is there any other nightlife here?

Well, there are discos and nightclubs, if that's what you mean.

And there are lots of pubs in those tourist areas.

There's even a little jam club in Central which I quite enjoyed.

Well, yes.. .but I can do all that in London.

Isn't there anything a bit more... ethnic?

You mean like folk dancing and music and that sort of thing?

Something like that, yes.

Well, the Arts Centre often has performances of traditional Asian arts.

You ought to ring them up and see what they have on this week.

Yes, let's do that.


What about museums?

Are you interested in them?

The Space Museum is quite well-known.

All the same, I'm only here for a week.

I think I'll give museums a miss this time.

I don't think museums are James's cup of tea, really.

No problem! Have you heard of Ocean Centre?

No. What's that? An underwater exhibition?

No, it's a modem shopping centre.

You could go there and have a look around.

That sounds fun.

I wouldn't mind going on a boat trip, too.

There are lots of harbour tours, in fact.

That would be a pleasant way to spend the afternoon.

But you ought to book tickets in advance.


How about temples?

Are you interested in looking round some old temples?

There are quite a few of them here.

Hmmm.. .that might be nice.

And of course you could always spend a day in the countryside.

There are lots of farms with rice paddies and little villages and even some nature trails where you can go hiking.

Hiking! That would do you some good, James!

How, hang on! I can't do all that in one week.

I think I'll have to make an itinerary.

Have you got some paper and pens, Shirley?


making arrangements 日程安排 字幕

Hello, is that Shirley?

Yes, who's this? Deborah?

That's right.

Well, you're up bright and early this morning!

The early bird catches the worm!

That's what they say! So, what are your plans for today?

Well, I thought perhaps we could all go shopping together.

And then I thought we might have lunch together.

Wonderful idea. I'll try and drag James and Michael along if they get up in time.

What? Are they still not up yet?

Awful, isn't it? But they were up late last night, playing cards.

I'll see if I can get them up in a few minutes.

Good luck! What are James' plans for today?

I think he's booked his boat trip for this afternoon.

I'll have to check with him, but I think it's around three.

Has he got enough time for lunch with us?

Oh, yes, I should think so.

Well, then, what time shall we meet?

How about eleven?

But don't you need to check with James and Michael first?

All right, I'll call you back to confirm the time and place.

OK, Shirley, and thank you for...

Deborah, I'm so sorry we're late!

I had a couple of things to sort out, and then I had to get James up,which was a bit of a nightmare...

Not at all! I was ready before you were!

You were not!

And then at the last minute, Michael decided he had to go to the office instead.

Never mind, I've only just this minute arrived myself.

In feet, to be honest, I was almost late, too.

I had to wait for ages for a taxi.

So did we! I thought we were going to have to give up and take a bus instead.

We probably would have got here fester if we had.

Anyway, sorry to have kept you waiting.

Don't worry about that,the traffic's always so unpredictable.

Michael's got a car, though, hasn't he?

Yes, but it's been in the shop ever since you arrived.

It seems most people here travel by public transport.

Yes, and for the most part, it is pretty reliable.

Certainly, compared to some countries.

I especially like the subway, isn't that what people here call it?

You mean the MTR--Mass Transit Railway?

Yes, I took it yesterday, by myself.

It's so modem, with those computerised tickets, and so easy to find your way around in.

I had no problems at all.

It's streets ahead of the London Underground.

Well, I'm glad you approve of our underground.

I hope you'll like our shops as well.

I'm sure I will. In feet, I can't wait to begin... got enough money, Shirley?

Oh James!


asking for help and permission 请求帮忙与征得他人同意 字幕

Can you give me a hand, James?


Can you open this bottle for me? The cork seems to be stuck.

I'll have a go ...

Here you are.

Thank you.

You're welcome!

James, would you do me a favour? Answer the door for me, would you?



Hello, ah, come in.

Oh, the music's stopped,could you change the tape for me please, James?

No problem.

Oh, James, I hate to ask, but I was wondering if I could possibly borrow a few dollars for a taxi?

It's just that I didn't get a chance to go to the bank today and...

Of course, of course. How much do you need?

Actually, about thirty will do.

Thank you.

James, would you mind doing the washing up for me?

No, not at all!

Michael, do you mind if I use the phone?

Of course not.

And don't bother to ask next time-phone calls are free here, so long as they're local!

Shirley, may I use the bathroom?

Of course. Make yourself at home.


By the way, Mike, your VCR's in a multi- system one, isn't it?

Yes, that's right.

Well, do you think it would be possible for me to use it sometime next week?

My company's going to send me a video about our new project in America,but it's not the same system as here.

It's the American one.

Yes, theirs is different from ours.


I don't see why not. Just give me a ring.

Do you mind if I smoke?

That's fine with me, but you'd better ask Shirley or Michael--it's their flat.

Shirley, is it ok if I smoke?

Well, I'd rather you didn't, actually.

Oh, well, never mind!


Shirley, do you think I could possibly have another drink?

Sure, go ahead. Help yourself.

There's plenty here.

